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Thread: When should i take my hcg? and bloodwork updates

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    When should i take my hcg? and bloodwork updates

    ive been on trt for about 4.5 months now. Im on test cyp 50 mg a week and that keeps my levels around 700-800. i inject 25 mg test cyp twice a week. (monday night and friday morning). i am not on an ai

    ive been prescribed hcg and my doctor told me to take 250 iu subq twice a week on the same day as my injections. (my balls have REALLY started to shrink) But this is her first time doing trt and i thought it might be better to inject the day before i do the cyp? what is the norm around here? How long should i wait after starting the hcg to get my estradiol and test checked again?

    here is my latest bloodwork.


    Component Results
    Component Your Value Standard Range Units
    Testosterone, Total 736 250 - 1100 ng/dL
    Free Testosterone 106.9 35.0 - 155.0 pg/mL


    Component Results
    Component Your Value Standard Range Units
    Estradiol 23 0 - 56 pg/mL
    Estradiol Normal Ranges
    Males Adult ND - 56 pg/mL

    my test shot up to like 1300 on 100 mg a week thats why we dropped it to 50mg a week. i just turned 21, and before i started trt my total test was 350 and free test was well below the normal range.

    here is my old bloodwork from when i was on 100mg a week

    Estradiol 41 0 - 56 pg/mL
    Estradiol Normal Ranges
    Males Adult ND - 56 pg/mL

    Testosterone, Total 1365 250 - 1100 ng/dL
    Free Testosterone 283.6 35.0 - 155.0 pg/mL

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Those are great T levels for that amount of injected test. Very happy about that. I hope everyone reads this! I agree with you that the day before would be just fine. That is a sensitive E2 assay, correct? I'd suggest waiting about 4 weeks but you could go quicker than that.

    You've probably posted about it before but I'll ask anyway. What put you on TRT at such a young age? Primary, secondary, pathology?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    ya sometimes less is more, im glad i can take such a low dose...My doctor never found out why my test was so low, but i suspect it has been all my life. My new doctor is better and we are trying to figure out why. ive never used any anabolics or ph's or anything. just low t my whole life. my first doctor was an idiot and just put me on test right away without investigating the cause and now im feeling good and dont want to go off. I thinks its a sensitive assay, its the only one my doctor knows about. it had reference ranges for females on it too and the results. here are the full estradiol results.
    Estradiol 23 0 - 56 pg/mL
    Estradiol Normal Ranges
    Males Adult ND - 56 pg/mL
    Follicular ND - 160 pg/mL
    Preovulatory 34 - 400 pg/mL
    Luteal Phase 27 - 246 pg/mL

    so is taking the hcg the day before each test shot best or is it just personal preference really?
    Last edited by jacobk91; 11-14-2012 at 09:46 PM.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Well, Crislers protocol for people who inject once a week is HCG both 1 and 2 days before their test injection. The assumption there is that it's giving a boost when the T level is fading. You won't have that problem so essentially it doesn't matter. Just be consistent. A lot of us just simple go M-W-F with it. I looked at my labcorp sensitive assay and it appears somewhat similar, although labcorp spells out sensitive.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    ^ +1 for the M-W-F protocol for HCG.

  6. #6
    i inject 300 iu every 5th adn 6th day of an injection week (so i inject tuesday AM and then hcg on saturday and sunday respecitvely)

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