I posted my last labs on 10-19-12, the thread is posted below.
I met with new docotr this week. went rather well and i feel the proper road is being travled. Here are my updated labs, couple of items are high that have never been high before so I am curious what it may be from, my cholestrol is always in the same range, bad is too low and good is just over high.. Could the ones that are now high be from the test cyp? My follow up is on monday with the doctor so I am just trying to get a jump on posibblities before he and I talk again.
He has however asked me to stop my test injections for the next 14 days and has given me Clomid tablets to take for a small kickstart. He plans on giving me my new protocol of test, hcg, and an AI, just dont remember what he said it would be..
So any input would be welcome on these new results, I do my shot every thurdays morning at 530 am, 1/2 ml of test cyp= 100mg.Only thing I do notice is I feel great usuall friday middat through monday afternoon, by monday 2pm I am getting tired and motivation is noticably lower, tuesday, wedsnday and thursday all low then friday good to go... Is this normalas my free t is over range???
Thanks in advanced for your comments... You all have helped me in many ways with your input and suggestions, after 6 years of feeling like crap and 4 years of failed doctor attempts, I am getting back to where I feel good, just at the point of tweaking you could say..
11/28/2012. Day before next shot
Complete Blood Count
WBC: 10.3 Range 3.9-11.1 K/ul
RBC: 5.44 Range 4.2-6.0 M/ul
Hemoglobin: 16.9 Range 13.2-18 g/dl
Hematocrit: 49.3 Range 38.5-54
MCV: 91 Range 80-100 fl
MCH: 31.1 Range 26-34 pg
MCHC: 34.3 Range 31-37 g/dl
RDW: 14.5 Range 11-15.5 %
Platelet Count: 254 Range 140-400 k/ul
MPV: 9 Range 7.5-11.6 fl
General Chemistry
Glucose: 81 Range 65-100 mg/dl
BUN: 18 Range 6-20 mg/dl
Creatine, Serum: 1 Range 0.5-1.2 mg/dl
Sodium: 141 Range 133-145 mmol/L
Potassium: 4.2 Range 3.3-5.1 mmol/L
Chloride: 103 Range 96-108 mmol/L
CO2: 23 Range 22-32 mmol/L
Calcium: 9.5 Range 8.5-10.5 mg/dl
Total Protien: 7 Range 6.4-8.3 g/dl
Albumin: 4.8 Range 3.2-4.8 ??
Globulin: 2.2 Range 2.1-3.6 g/dl
Bilirubin, Total: 1.7 Range 0.0-1.0 mg/dl Last test was 1.1
Alkaline Phosphatase: 75 Range 35-129 U/L
ALT: 75 Range <42 U/L last test was at 37
AST: 38 Range <39 U/L ??? borderline
Albumin/Globulin Ration: 2.2 Range 0.8-2 Last test was at 2
BUN/CREAT RATIO: 18 Range 7.3-21.7
GFR, estimated: 91 ml/min
Diabetes Evaluation
Hemoglobin AlC: 5.2 Range <6.0%
Insulin, Fasting: 6.2 Range 2.6-24.9 uIU/ml
Coronary Risk
Triglycerides: 179 Range <150 mg/dl last test was at 147
Cholesterol, Total: 194 Range <200
HDL Chol: 36 Range >40 mg/dl This is normal for me has always been low last test was at 38
LDL Chol: 122 Range <100 mg/dl This also is a normal for me just over last test was at 110
Chol/HDL Ratio: 5.4 Range <5
CRP, Cardio: 0.9 mg/L+, Low risk of CVD
Homocysteine: 13.5 Range 4.5-15 umol/L
Thyroid Testing
T3, Free: 3.6 Range 1.8-4.6 pg/ml
T4, Free: 1.29 Range 0.9-1.7 ng/dl
TSH: 1.620 Range 0.27-4.2 uIU/ml
Tumor Markers
PSA Total: 1.030 Range 0.0-4.0
Endocrine Evaluation
LH: <0.100 Range 1.7-8.6 as expected last test was at 0.6
Progesterone: 0.69 Range 0.2-1.4 ng/ml
Estradiol: 26.5 Range 7.6-42.6 pg/ml last test was at 16.8
DHEA Sulfate: 317.5 Range 160-449 ug/dl ***this is up from last test at 194
Testosterone,Total: 566 Range 280-1100 ng/dl *** This up from last test 194 Highest I have been in over 6 years
Sex Hormone Bind Globulin: 14 Range 10-80 nmol/L
Testosterone, Free: 28.30 Range 1.9-27 ng/dl This up from last test at 7.9
IGF-1: 282.0 Range 101-267 ng/ml I have never had this tested before..
Cortisol: 7.5 Range 7-10am 6.2-19.4 4-8 pm 2.3-12.3 ug/dl