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Went tot he endo today and was 98% a waste of time. We talked about the symptoms and LH and FSH, she kinda didnt like it or know what to say when i said that low LH and FSH would lead me to believe that my natural production of test was shutdown and that HCG would stimulate and bring back the natural production. I dont even know if she knows what a HPTA axis is. As far as my estrogen being 75 ona scale of 0-29, she said that was normal, test is going to aromatise, and that its nothing to worry about. She felt small masses of breast tissue under my nipples and still would not prescribe an AI. Her reasoning behind that was that HCG and Anastrolzole was experimental for this kinda stuff and that she was not trained on how to administer it. I think it was just the second part. At one point she told me that i dont know what to tell you. The only good thing to come out of it was that she is prescribing 200MG of cyp so i can get rid of the gel because of transferring to my 5 month old. I can get HCG and liquidex easily, i have some now. Do i go ahead witht he cyp and just procure the HCG and AI myself? or call it quits? I have no idea at this point.