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Thread: Estradiol at 7, supplement with test cyp?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    san d

    Estradiol at 7, supplement with test cyp?

    I just got results today and my estradiol is 7 with 3-70 being normal range at my age and my free test is 13.8(8.7-25.1 being norm range). I had used letro for 8weeks to combat gyno for a cycle that ended 5months ago. The last few months have sucked emotionally, mentally, and sexually. I was thinking about running 100mg a week of test cyp, any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    then what? if you're planning to come off you still need to run PCT, and if you do you'll go back to where you were. i'd say give it more time and let your body adjust, you simply crashed your e2 with letro.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Agree with Bass. You need to let your body find homeostasis. Have some nolva on hand in case of nip sensitivity but other than that. Ride it out back to normal. Re-test in a month for E2 sensitive. No fasting required.

  4. #4
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    I also agree with the two wise ones above...more time but sucks having to ride it out.

    Start taking Flax Seed Oil and Soy as both are estrogen mimics and will help you naturally get your E2 serum level up and you can triple the dosage amounts as it won't hurt you.

  5. #5
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    san d
    Quote Originally Posted by bass
    then what? if you're planning to come off you still need to run PCT, and if you do you'll go back to where you were. i'd say give it more time and let your body adjust, you simply crashed your e2 with letro.
    Do you think it would be ok to run 100mgs weekly for the next 4months, then do pct? My e2 crashed due to extensive letro use during a heavier and stacked run. My free test is in normal range, but far from optimal for my age. I was planning on staying on that dose longer but I might have to go away for a bit.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    To me your just compounding the problem if you do that. You really need to let your body level out a while. Why would you want to go on a TRT dose for 4 months when you don't need TRT, right? If you want to cycle in the future that's your perogative but right now the timing is bad, IMO. If you want to elevate your free T then supplement with vit D3.

    Get yourself straightened out for a while before you throw another wrench at your body.


  7. #7
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    san d
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    To me your just compounding the problem if you do that. You really need to let your body level out a while. Why would you want to go on a TRT dose for 4 months when you don't need TRT, right? If you want to cycle in the future that's your perogative but right now the timing is bad, IMO. If you want to elevate your free T then supplement with vit D3.

    Get yourself straightened out for a while before you throw another wrench at your body.

    First I want to say thank you for taking the time to work through my inquiry by way of my series of questions. I read a lot of threads where guys are hellbent on running AAS despite sound advice from knowledgeable members. I assure you, that's not what I'm doing. I have been reading a plethora of threads recently and in doing so have ascertained, through the experience of a few others, that trt dosing can help bring up estro since it follows test. I also read a long article about how some guys are turned down for trt because they fall in normal range despite being significantly below optimal, so they get shorted on a higher quality of life until their levels drop to shit. In all honesty, I'm facing up to a dime come June and was looking into making the best of it till then. If this isn't the move per the advice of those more knowledgeable than me, then I'm gonna take that advice with ease.

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeezer View Post
    First I want to say thank you for taking the time to work through my inquiry by way of my series of questions. I read a lot of threads where guys are hellbent on running AAS despite sound advice from knowledgeable members. I assure you, that's not what I'm doing. I have been reading a plethora of threads recently and in doing so have ascertained, through the experience of a few others, that trt dosing can help bring up estro since it follows test. I also read a long article about how some guys are turned down for trt because they fall in normal range despite being significantly below optimal, so they get shorted on a higher quality of life until their levels drop to shit. In all honesty, I'm facing up to a dime come June and was looking into making the best of it till then. If this isn't the move per the advice of those more knowledgeable than me, then I'm gonna take that advice with ease.
    Yes, E follows T. But when you stop T you then have to follow with pct to restart your HPTA and your levels can once again range and be unstable. At 100mg per week you very well may end up needing an AI in time as well. My point is that I don't think it's worth it in your case just to elevate E.

    I agree, some docs treat patients as if a number. That is when you change docs, IMO. There are good ones out there. I went through 3 to find a great one.

    Regarding what I underlined. I think I understand but I'd rather hear from you for sure prior to my imput.


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Just to clarify since your posting this in the TRT section. You are on TRT right now right? Are you saying you are going back on your TRT dose?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    san d
    Quote Originally Posted by LT75
    Just to clarify since your posting this in the TRT section. You are on TRT right now right? Are you saying you are going back on your TRT dose?
    Negative. I've never been on trt. I posted here because of my blood work irregularities and interest in trt approach rather than an AAS cycle.

  11. #11
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    What is your current total test serum score, and free/bio test? If it's normal, above normal, then your body will take the normal route of achieving homeostasis, and you could expect to possibly see a normal E2 assay within 1 to 2 months. As you already know, test will convert to E2, whether it's endogenous or exogenous, so no need to introduce a compound like cypionate if your body is already producing a fair amount.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vettester
    What is your current total test serum score, and free/bio test? If it's normal, above normal, then your body will take the normal route of achieving homeostasis, and you could expect to possibly see a normal E2 assay within 1 to 2 months. As you already know, test will convert to E2, whether it's endogenous or exogenous, so no need to introduce a compound like cypionate if your body is already producing a fair amount.
    Total test is 625, free is 13.8.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeezer View Post
    Total test is 625, free is 13.8.
    Yeah, I wouldn't compromise that score with introducing exogenous test. Maybe take some extra vitamin D, add some soy products, etc., let your E2 rebound naturally. I would though keep some Nolva on hand as Kelkel mentioned, as there's a good chance your receptors will get real active during the rebound process.

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