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  1. #1
    brazilian86's Avatar
    brazilian86 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Adding HGH to my therapy

    Today I am going to the doctor to get scripts for HGH. Don't know if he will give to me or not... I am currently on 180mgs of Testosterone Cypionate a week. Been on this for 1 year and a half, and I feel good on this. Everything seems to be in check according to blood work.
    I have been trying to lose belly fat tho. I have around 11% bodyfat and play soccer 3 to 4 times a week and thats my cardio, plus 6 times a week of heavy lifting. I went from 145lbs to 170lbs since starting TRT and also have Chrons Disease which got so much bettter after starting testosterone therapy , I wish all with the disease would do the same.
    With HGH I want to lose bodyfat, and gain some more mass, I heard it works very well with testosterone and also helps my Chrons disease.
    At 2 iu perday 5on 2off should I see some improvements, what were some of YOUR experiences?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    HGH is a great compound especially when buckled to a TRT protocol.

    It's expensive so know that.

    What was your IGF-1 assay on last BW...that will tell you if you're a candidate or not.

  3. #3
    brazilian86's Avatar
    brazilian86 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Hey Gdevine! It was around 220, doc just prescribed it to me. Very expensive but will try it for at least 4 months. 2 iu a day.
    He wants my igf levels not to go over 350 because of sides... Hopefully my Chrons gets better then it already is with TRT.
    Keep everyone posted. Im at around 11-12% bodyfat.

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