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  1. #1
    ctenosaura's Avatar
    ctenosaura is offline Associate Member
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    HCG + pregnenolone+DHEA alone

    My buddy who is a personal trainer wanted me to ask this because I told him about the knowledgeable and sincere advise I have been getting from this forum.
    The question:
    Would it be a good idea to take HCG , pregnenolone, and DHEA without some type of testosterone . Would this combination be a good support for my natural testosterone production?


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    It may...but the odds are few.

    Preg and DHEA, while critical precursors, don't really impact Testosterone serum levels when taking orally.

    HCG , as a mono therapy, to increase Testosterone serum levels has worked but overall it's largely ineffective in doing what Testosterone Replacement can do to increase androgen levels.

    So, if I were a betting man, I would put my money against it doing very little for you at the end of the day...with the exception of increasing E2 levels.

  3. #3
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Here's the thing w/ endogenous testosterone ...If your levels are around the mid to high range than more than likely test boosters, such as preg, DHEA, HCG , or clomid will more than likely be of little help. Now if your test levels are toward the bottom of the range these can help bring it up to a respectable level but without bloodwork showing exactly where you're deficient I wouldn't just start throwing preg, DHEA, or HCG into the mix. For example if you're LH is within the normal range then injecting HCG will be of little help and furthermore could lead to HPTA negative feedback. I am a big advocate of a small dose of clomid (12.5mg ed or 25mg eod pharmacy grade, not research chem) to bring low test levels up to the mid to upper range. So OP, your personal trainer buddy should really get some bloodwork to see what his levels are at before throwing in all these compounds.

  4. #4
    jseek is offline Junior Member
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    Ur protocol listed here was the same thing prescribed by my trt guy initially.
    My symptoms were prior... Felt shitty, no energy, literally could drive to a gym and fall asleep in the car before workouts, no motivation at all.

    Bw... Dhea was below normal range and charts he showed me said I should feel exhausted (yep).
    Low test was diagnosed as well (below 200)
    His initial req was 300units /3cc hcg 3x/week subq, and oral dhea/preg supplements.

    Reasoning was, on hcg anyway, that he likes to start slow...and minimal, and that he personally uses this ob himself and on his clients, likes to see if he can kick start natural production of their own test using hcg only (to mimic ur pituitary gland using LH to stim testes gland production of natural test)...if ur testes can't produce enough test after a month or two (I think gd here in forum stated expect hcg to kickin after 5-6 weeks, my guy maybe optimistically said I should feel benefits in 1.5-2 weeks) .then he would start test cyp as well.

    So I guess ur trainer has experience on this minimal but in some people effective trt.

    Again trt is for life and hcg is enough for some people I guess to feel better. And I assume their bw can show this improvement as well.

  5. #5
    ctenosaura's Avatar
    ctenosaura is offline Associate Member
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    Cool. Good answers. I forwarded this thread to him. Thanks

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