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Thread: Week 2 on TRT and blood pressure med and some new questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Northern California

    Week 2 on TRT and blood pressure med and some new questions

    Hi all, I'm on week 2 or third injection of .75 ml test cyp. At the time of my t-cyp prescription, doc also put me on 25 mg of Losartan daily because my Blood pressure was 140-145/90 fairly constant.

    I workout 4 times a week, (Monday and Friday weights and jump rope) and (Wednesday and Saturday Brazilian jiu-jitsu) and I have noticed that my strength has gone up a little (or is returning to normal from where I dropped to) but my wind is getting or gotten worse especially noticeable when jumping rope and grappling.

    So my question is:
    1) is the TRT or the Losartan causing my wind to worsen?
    2) my resting pulse has gone from 55-60 to 70. TRT or Losartan?
    3) arthritis pain in my fingers almost gone. TRT or Losartan
    4)shoulder and elbow pain cut in half. TRT or Losartan?

    Sex seems to be the same as it always has which is good if that is also an indicator of anything


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by ctenosaura View Post
    Hi all, I'm on week 2 or third injection of .75 ml test cyp. At the time of my t-cyp prescription, doc also put me on 25 mg of Losartan daily because my Blood pressure was 140-145/90 fairly constant.

    I workout 4 times a week, (Monday and Friday weights and jump rope) and (Wednesday and Saturday Brazilian jiu-jitsu) and I have noticed that my strength has gone up a little (or is returning to normal from where I dropped to) but my wind is getting or gotten worse especially noticeable when jumping rope and grappling.

    So my question is:
    1) is the TRT or the Losartan causing my wind to worsen? not TRT for sure.
    2) my resting pulse has gone from 55-60 to 70. TRT or Losartan? probably both.
    3) arthritis pain in my fingers almost gone. TRT or Losartan?, probably TRT
    4)shoulder and elbow pain cut in half. TRT or Losartan? probably TRT

    Sex seems to be the same as it always has which is good if that is also an indicator of anything

    in bold. what is you complete TRT protocol, any hCG, AIs?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Northern California
    The doc originally prescribed me on 1 ml of cyp every two weeks. After joining here and reading what the knowledgable members have to say, I decided to go .50ml every week. Then I changed it to .75 every week. I also learned that I should be taking HCG, so not risking asking my doc for that, and him saying no, and then I completely go against his orders, I ordered two vials of HCG and bacteriostatic water online, and will be taking that when it arrives. I am also taking 50 mg of DHEA and Pregnenolone first thing in the morning. I don't know what the abbreviated term AI is.

    Last edited by ctenosaura; 12-15-2012 at 01:00 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    My 2 cents... It was either Losartin or Lisinopril (bp meds) that caused me to have some chest congestion. You might want to ask your doc about it.

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