Thanks but yeah it did sound bad when I went back to look. With the app on the phone I also only saw the one post above mine for some reason. I have a real keyboard now so you will just have to bear with the poor spelling and grammar. lol
OK what I meant to get at was it's a little ironic the difference between one doctor and another. Here you are with an obvious problem and expecting some type of help and the obvious solution should be just to put you on HCG now but yes also order the bloodwork.
I have been on TRT for about 5 years also.
I had a vasectomy about 10 years ago and am considering a reversal. He said lets first see if we can get things working before the reversal because it works better that way or you have a better chance of the reversal not causing as secondary blocage. He wants me to start the HCG and come back in 3 months to talk more about options and see how Im feeling but if I start to feel bad at any time to come in right away.
He said he wants me to stop TRT also of course but he says it's because 90%+ people become sterile and yes he realizes a lot of people think the opposite but claims it's proven even recently that it's above 90% especially after 3+ years???
He thinks after 6 months on HCG it would be a good time to do an extraction to see if there are any live kicking swimmers and if there are to go ahead with the reversal. He said it could take up to a year even and we may have to do HCG and Clomid combined but likes HCG better due to no worries about estrogen as there are with clomid. That's what he said...
He said that if I start feeling bad and the HCG and Clomid don't help he will consider a TRT/HCG/Clomid combination along with some other options.
I was asked to do blood-work today but he said I could wait if we wanted to talk about things first. He still sent me on my way with a 3mo prescription of HCG and Clomid and said he would put down for insurance purposed it's for TRT for now.
So far I like this guy and he seems to be willing to work with me/us on what we decide.
I was also going to wait for the blood-work since I just had some done by private labs last week mid cycle to see where I was at and would rather do it when I know things are a little more normal. Good thing to. I just got my results back and it was just a tad high.
Good luck with your doc and I just meant to share similar experience and maybe offer something to think about when you go see yours again and vise versa.
Not trying to hijack your thread and i will start my own. Just hoping to share some information since it's similar in some ways.
How old are you? Your doc didnt look for why you were low T when you started TRT?