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Thread: Splitting my injections to twice weekly but have questions regarding filling syringe

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Splitting my injections to twice weekly but have questions regarding filling syringe

    I'm currently on 200mg weekly of Test C for my TRT Protocol. I will most likely lower this dosage after my 6 week bloodwork. I just started this protocol last week so this is only my 2nd week on. My Test is dosed at 200mg/ML so my first pin was 1ml. Piece of cake. Today I did my 2nd pin with .5ml and the syringes my Dr. supplied are very thick. Because of this the lower dosage seemed off. Will I be better off buying thinner syringes to get a more accurate reading? I ask because if I ever cut this dose in 1/2 as many recommend I will never be able to regulate it correctly. The syringes I have, have a large concave plunger making it more difficult to regulate. I'm guessing I go by the part of the plunger closer to the draw than the tip of the concave? This would give me less test as opposed to more?

    Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Nevermind, I used the wrong syringe. Stupid Noob....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    LOL I was reading your OP and was thinking..."what the hell?"...but now it makes sense.

    Keep us posted on your results in this tread as you continue.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    Always use the ring of the plunger for measurement not the tip.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Just a question ? If you do that will you not run out of the presious Cyp early . I went to a 1 mL syringe every 3.5 days, I inject .25 mL ? When injecting that small of an amout I see oil left in the tip of the syringe ? I see no way to avoid this and if I pull to .25 mL I am not getting all of the .25 .

    My Doctor is just a General Practicner and he recommended 1 mL every other week . I only changed his proticall after much reading on this forum . I made the low dose more frequent injections decission on my own and it was due to the ester life of Testosterone after injected into the human body ? I also do 5/8 in SubQ injections and supplement as recommended to other older men on this forum(I'm 53) .

    This forum by the way, offers more unified information from more knowledgable people than any where else I have found anywhere on the Internet !

    Some or many doctors could learn a lot from this forum if they were open minded which I have found to be far and few between

    I go back for BW Thurs and I will be requesting Dr. Crisler's 16 or 17 point panel . His initial BW panel for beginning TRT.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Bump ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    From what I've read, some guys will draw a very small bubble of air into the syringe after drawing the oil. This small bubble will allow you to inject all of the oil.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Calgary Alberta
    Quote Originally Posted by OdinsOtherSon View Post
    From what I've read, some guys will draw a very small bubble of air into the syringe after drawing the oil. This small bubble will allow you to inject all of the oil.
    Not worth the risks if you ask me. If they are that desperate for that extra drop of gear they need to seek help lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Soar View Post
    Not worth the risks if you ask me. If they are that desperate for that extra drop of gear they need to seek help lol
    Yeah, its totally a personal doubt.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper
    Just a question ? If you do that will you not run out of the presious Cyp early . I went to a 1 mL syringe every 3.5 days, I inject .25 mL ? When injecting that small of an amout I see oil left in the tip of the syringe ? I see no way to avoid this and if I pull to .25 mL I am not getting all of the .25 .

    My Doctor is just a General Practicner and he recommended 1 mL every other week . I only changed his proticall after much reading on this forum . I made the low dose more frequent injections decission on my own and it was due to the ester life of Testosterone after injected into the human body ? I also do 5/8 in SubQ injections and supplement as recommended to other older men on this forum(I'm 53) .

    This forum by the way, offers more unified information from more knowledgable people than any where else I have found anywhere on the Internet !

    Some or many doctors could learn a lot from this forum if they were open minded which I have found to be far and few between

    I go back for BW Thurs and I will be requesting Dr. Crisler's 16 or 17 point panel . His initial BW panel for beginning TRT.
    But syringes that have an attached needle and are labeled as low or no dead space. Most syringes with an attached needle will have no dead space, thus, no wasted oil.


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