Sorry if this has been covered. I have searched but not found anything. I have finally convinced the wife to go to a clinic (and great news is there are several locally which accept my insurance) for a consultation and blood workup. I read 2 hormone books over the holidays which were fantastic - could not put them down. Natural Hormone Balance for Women by Uzzi Reis and Testosterone - A Man's Guide Second Edition by Nelson Vergel.
One thing that was not really covered in Reis' book to my recollection was Female HPTA shutdown. This topic is extremely well-covered regarding testosterone in men, but I cannot seem to find any information about it with women. Anyone have any information regarding this? Does it seem silly to be concerned about it if we are talking about a lifetime commitment to therapy anyway? It just "feels" a little scary to think that once on therapy, can't really go "off" therapy without major consequences that would be, maybe, worse than if no therapy was ever done. What if, heaven forbid, we are ever without insurance or the means? I don't know - I guess I'm just nervous because it's getting very "real" now that she has agreed to get things checked out. Considering how much she has changed in the last few years, I am fairly certain she will be a good candidate for therapy.