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Thread: Will a "restart" work for someone who never took AAS?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Will a "restart" work for someone who never took AAS?

    I have been on clomid 25mg EOD for about a month and just stopped taking due to the sides. At the end of the month my total test was raised to 560. What are the chances that I remain at this level after I stop taking clomid. I have always heard that restarts are more for those that took AAS or other performance stuff. Since I haven't ever taken any AAS and am "naturally" secondary hypo, do you think I can be "restarted"? I want to figure this out before I move on to HCG mono or T shots +HCG.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    It doesn't really matter that much. If your shutdown your shutdown....but people on AAS cycles usually have good hormones pre-cycle to come back to. If your levels suck pre clomid, it might restart you but honestly it's unlikely. You could also stay on low dosage clomid now as a treatment 24/7...but I don't like that option. I think your best bet is HCG mono, but even that doesn't work most of the time....not trying to discourage you, just telling you the facts that T shots might be what solves your low T.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    ^^^ I agree with Allaaro, hCG mono therapy is definitely worth a try, I'd take it for at least 3 months at 250 iu eod, then move on from there.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Allaaro View Post
    It doesn't really matter that much. If your shutdown your shutdown....but people on AAS cycles usually have good hormones pre-cycle to come back to. If your levels suck pre clomid, it might restart you but honestly it's unlikely. You could also stay on low dosage clomid now as a treatment 24/7...but I don't like that option. I think your best bet is HCG mono, but even that doesn't work most of the time....not trying to discourage you, just telling you the facts that T shots might be what solves your low T.
    Yeah long term clomid is definitely not an option for me, I felt way too depressed on it. I have been off it for about 4 days now and already feel relieved of the depressed sides I was getting. I am thinking about not doing anything for 30 days and see how I feel at the end of 30 days before I do anything else, we'll see though. I also might get retested.

    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    ^^^ I agree with Allaaro, hCG mono therapy is definitely worth a try, I'd take it for at least 3 months at 250 iu eod, then move on from there.
    How long after I stop clomid would you guys think my T levels will start to drop and go back to pre-clomid levels. Within a few days, weeks?
    My Dr prescribed me to a pretty high dose of HCG @ 1500iu three times a week for 4 weeks and then test levels and adjust. I have seen others prescribed this same dose to start out, but it does seem high. What do you think?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    hCG has been subscribed at those doses for fertility reasons but not sure for restart! as for clomid, it varies from person to person, for me it took about 8 weeks to drop to my base line.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Yeah it does seem like a high does, but am probably going to go with it for a while. He's a urologist that seems to know his stuff. I haven't started it yet though. I'm going to see how long the positive effects of the clomid last for now that I have stopped taking it. I know it has a half life of 5-7 days and it normally takes 4-5 half lives to totally rid the body of a medication once steady state is achieved. At this point I just have to wait it out I guess.

    For the first 4 days after stopping the clomid I felt pretty darn good, but this morning I woke up feeling like crap (similar to pre-clomid status), but I am hoping it is a fluke. I have also thought about getting a fertility sperm test to see where I stand in that arena. I kind of wish I would have gotten one before starting clomid to provide my "natural" fertility level without the influence of clomid. I'm still thinking about getting one in a week or so before I start HCG or T shots +HCG if I do.

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