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Thread: Clomid restart?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Clomid restart?

    My doc is putting me on 50 mg of clomid eod for 2 weeks then retest my testosterone levels in 6 weeks to see how I am responding. I asked her after I stop the clomid won't my testosterone levels start to go where they were, she responded, that if it raises my testosterone levels then it should start producing naturally at normal levels. Anyone here try a clomid restart first and after they came off did they start producing testosterone naturally or did your testosterone levels just drop back to where they were?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Calgary Alberta
    If you had normal levels before you came off I don see why not. It is after all in almost every PCT to gain natural test levels back.

  3. #3
    I am on week 6 of clomid 25 mg eod and I will get retested next week. I am not looking at it as a restart but as a alternative to trt.

    This might help

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    Plenty of people have had success using clomid as a restart so listen to your doc. As long as the HPTA responds (LH & FSH) to clomid treatment then you should have success w/ either a restart or using a low dose of clomid for an alternative to trt.

  5. #5
    I am currently on 25 MG Clomid, 5x/week. My levels went from 348-799 in 30 days. I had the same concern as you, but Doc said its possible if you taper off the clomid to keep some or most of the increase. Each person varies.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart37 View Post
    I am currently on 25 MG Clomid, 5x/week. My levels went from 348-799 in 30 days. I had the same concern as you, but Doc said its possible if you taper off the clomid to keep some or most of the increase. Each person varies.
    How long do you have to stay on it for? I have been reading that it makes some people feel like are you feeling on it?

    She only has me running it for 2 weeks total and I am hoping that is long enough to get me rebooted if that is the case and then run blood work right before my next visit in 6 weeks.

  7. #7
    I have been on it since 12/20/13. First week I felt great, increased sex drive, 2nd week I felt like crap, major ED, depressed, ect. 3rd week a little better but I felt pretty emotional for about a month, loss of sex drive, ect, but in the last week Im starting to feel much better.

    Our situations are slightly different though in that Im going to be on it for several months and then taper off. I know alot of guys on here take higher doses than I do, but honestly I dont know why. Given the response I have had at 25mg, I dont think I could expect much more from increasing the dose. So I guess Im saying if you feel terrible on 50MG, see about cutting it down....although if its only 2 weeks total maybe you could just stick it out. Please post your numbers at your 6 week visit, Im curious to see how it works out. Good luck!

  8. #8
    I should also add that Im am using it as an alternative for TRT, hopefully for only a few months. If my body doesnt keep the increase after I stop, Ill probably go back on as long as they will prescribe it for me assuming I keep making progression in the libido dept. THat is currently my only concern.

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