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  1. #1
    fireeater49 is offline Associate Member
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    update tell me what you think

    Update sports fans.... Went to my 7 week visit (50 days 200mg shot every 10 days) told him of main symptoms ( balls hurting , nipples sensitive, not big burst of energy that came advertised with trt) but told him that strength up, focus up, wt slightly up ( hungry now ) He wanted to stop shots and go to patches, I said no. I mention testing for my levels including sensitive E2. He asked why. Gave Crisler protocol to him. He said no to HCG . He said that it was off label use. I reminded him about Viagra being used for bp and now used for boners. He was silent. He ordered tests and started me at shots at 150mg every 10 days. I told him that I just started with 50mg of DHEA in morning (about 7 days into this) and I seemed to be in better mood and feeling better and would like to continue with 200mg but self pin at 100mg every 3 or 4 days. Guess what? No again. Have not been turned down this much since junior high at the 8th grade dance.

    VS good. Results came back from Labcorp
    Total Test 386 (started program at 288)
    % of free 10.2 (started program at 8.2)
    E2 12 (not previous tested)

    previous tests no hypo or hyper thyroidism just "getting older" falling testosterone levels

    Sorry guys I do not have the ranges with me (at work now) but know that I am in the very low normal range of total, low normal range of %, and low of E2. Other bw looked good. No T3 or T4 tests this time (do not know why it was not ordered)

    Suggestions? FYI tested before I got office shot and it was the 10 day. Would my test drop that low at the end of my roller coaster ride? Am I not giving it enough time yet (patience is a virtue I am working on) What time would be best to be retested in the future? At end of my shot schedule or mid point? The above results were taken just before my schedule shot so they would be in theory my "low" days I guess. When I get my new labs (6weeks I guess) I will post them. Overall self impression is that I got a slight bump in test, good strength increase, size slight increase, energy (main concern) slight increase, libido steady, VS about the same (diet could always be better). So, if I wanted more of the "advertised" benefits of TRT do I change program up (Dr is the issue) or just keep being patient.

    Appreciate the comments


    oh yea almost forgot shots are IM and I am on NO HCG or AI ( I know, I know, still educating Dr)
    Last edited by fireeater49; 01-29-2013 at 09:27 AM.

  2. #2
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    Find a new doctor! First one I had three years ago had me on 400mg cyp every 4 weeks. Talk about a coaster ride!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    South Fla
    This "Doctor" doesn't know what he's doing.

    You need to find a new Doctor who understands TRT in men.

    Read the stickies on HCG and Estradiol and you will know why you feel like you do.

    Get better healthcare.

  4. #4
    fireeater49 is offline Associate Member
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    I know about the getting new dr. Work in progress. Until then how does one make a "bad" situation to a "less bad" situation (bridging to new dr) Main question is about the e2 being low. No AI on board, so would it be unreasonable to assume that if test went up (2x a week or dose up 1 xweek) so would my e2? Guess another way of asking is this " is there a benefit to raising my e2 to middle range? Have read about keeping e2 down from high readings and the associated symptoms and understand the value of HCG but still trying to understand do I need to raise my current e2 levels and why? Thanks

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    You need blood work done to make any assessment and this "Doctor" is unwilling to test and treat common side effects to TRT so why put off the inevitable?

    Read the sticky on Estradiol; if you have elevated E2 it's being synthesized from the Testosterone you're putting other words E2 rises and Testosterone serum levels get suppressed...not a good situation.

    Your testicles will continue to ache and won't get any better till you start a HCG protocol.

    You need better health care.

  6. #6
    fireeater49 is offline Associate Member
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    Trying to find a sticky to my situation.........decreased e2 (12 on a scale of 3 to 70) labcorp. and slightly elevated Test 394 from 288 after 60 days of shot of 200mg every 10 days. Labs drawn on last day before regular shot

  7. #7
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Id get a new doctor... also, if you're feeling much better then that's what counts.

    If you wanted to split the dosing more frequently, I'm sure you could talk to him into that if you showed him the half life and talked more about the drop off you experience towards the end of 10 days....

    But more than anything, this guy doesn't know enough about TRT to prescribe it

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