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  1. #1
    chickenstirfry is offline Junior Member
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    What are your thoughts on HMG w/ TRT?

    Yo peeps,

    What are your thoughts on using HMG with TRT? As I understand it, HMG actually stimulates the pituitary to release LH & FSH as opposed to HCG just being a LH mimic...

    - Is it possible that we could have unknown FSH receptors in the brain for example that could add to an even more complete sense of well-being than HCG?
    - Does anyone know about the halflife of the peptide and how it would affect the amplitude & frequency of LH & FSH release? I imagine that maybe it is like a constant stimulation of the pituitary with a gradual halflife over a couple days or something, where as are own GnRH pulses the pituitary right?
    - Has anyone tried HMG and experienced any perceived benefits over HCG aside from the fertility thing?

    Thanks all! Just wondering why this is not a more popular addition to TRT protocols since it seems a much more natural way of keeping things working as they should...

  2. #2
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    It would be better than HCG I imagine... but it's terribly expensive. I also don't know what kind of literature is out there to support its use for men on TRT. Without supporting literature, most docs are afraid to prescribe.

  3. #3
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    No, it will not stimulate the HPTA to produce LH or FSH. I'm posting on my phone, so can't say much more than to do more research on this.

  4. #4
    chickenstirfry is offline Junior Member
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    Ah man I think I have misunderstood... I'm confused, I keep reading that it just contains LH & FSH and then read other articles that say it stimulates the release of these two hormones... why are they writing this??!

  5. #5
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    HMG is a peptide and will mimic both LH & FSH analogs, but it will not promote endogenous production of these hormones in the pituitary.

    Clomid is a SERM, and is more in the lines of what you're thinking.

    HMG is an excellent product, say for guys like me, who are absolute suppression of the HPTA, and don't see Clomid as an effective option for creating GnRH production naturally. Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking to have kids at my age, so I personally have no need for HMG. This is why I take HCG , which is just simply the LH analog, thus stimulating the leydigs and some endogenous testosterone production, which keeps them functioning as when the pituitary was healthy. The addition of FSH will further stimulate the Sertoli cells, helping to generate spermatagenesis, which would be the ticket you're looking for to have children.

    With that said, all things still hinge on the condition of your testicles, and if they would be receptive a little or a lot to LH & FSH.

  6. #6
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Hey, any relation to another member here, "Double Chicken"?

  7. #7
    chickenstirfry is offline Junior Member
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    ^^^ No relation I'm afraid man, I have no idea why I choose such a goofy name lol.

    Thanks for clarifying that info regarding HMG,

    I still wonder whether it could act in a similar but better way than HCG in terms of exerting a neuro-hormonal effect. We know that many men report substantial improvement in perceived well being from HCG and this is down to restoring pregnenalone production from the testes, but also people like Dr.Crisler I think have said that there may well be other LH receptors in the body, particularly the brain. I'm wondering whether this may be true for FSH receptors too? Or do you think they are very likely only to reside in the testes?

    Also still wondering if anyone has tried HMG and preferred it over HCG. Less aromatisation I hear as well which always has to be a plus!

  8. #8
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I have also wondered this ^^^. And have asked the same question in the past. Bottom line is there has never been a post (as my memory is crap maybe a couple)to my knowledge of a member with real experience with this peptide. It sounds great, but without testimonials along with the spars data, it is all speculation. I say go for it if you can find a good source and can afford it. If it is legit, it certainly is as good as or better than HCG .

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