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Thread: High Heartrate?

  1. #1
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    High Heartrate?

    So I've been active my whole life, minus a couple years here and there. But it seems I have always had a high heartrate. One time it was checked some time last year and it was a bit lower around 70 bpm. Even when I was a teenager going to the doctor I remember her asking me if I was nervous or something because my heart rate was really high, I didn't think so but it was 120 bpm back at that visit. The last two times I have tried to donate blood my heart rate was 103, both times, spread out by 3 months. I've been lifting hard, just finishing up a blast, but my focus was on strength and size, so very little cardio, still my heart got going when lifting, at work doing things physical, and in the bedroom things have been much more exciting and basically a work out. I had a period where I had a sinus infection and even having sex was winded me and I was feeling trashed because of the infection, antibiotics cleared it up. But either way I don't feel in amazing cardiovascular shape as I haven't done some of the intense circuit type training i was including before, not that it helped my bpm was still 103 shortly after stopping.

    The first time I donated blood I wasn't informed of my HR but it had to of been under 100. Afterwards is when i started to feel like I was in great shape, I was doing my circuits and all the sudden everything was easy and I could just pound them out. I know that contradicts what some people think, that I should be able to perform like an olympic athlete but I have always felt much better performance wise after donating than before. Still this doesn't really touch on my always high HR, I thought it wasn't a problem cause it's never really been brought up by my doctor or anyone else. Maybe it's being nervous at the doctor or something else. Maybe I will check it at home tonight. But it doesn't seem like a good thing.

    Anyone have experiences with this? I know people say marathon runners blah blah have the lowest heart rates, but not a chance I'm getting into really long boring cardio like that. I just assumed it was just how I was, but now I think there's obviously either some issues or genetic reason why I'm a bit different.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    How old are you SEO?

    It's not as uncommon as you may think. My business partner has an elevated heart rate and it's called Sinus Tachycardia. Not related to your sinuses in your head, but the heart, rather. The sinus node, if you will. It does the same thing for everyone, except in this case, it would be elevated when excited, even slightly. Also does the opposite. When you relax completely, your rate is probably lower than normal.

    What causes this varies. Could be thyroid related, which was the case with my business partner. Have you ever had that checked?

  3. #3
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Never heard of that. I have hashimotos which is under control last checked. But how do they check for what you are referring to?
    I'm 31.

  4. #4
    joebailey1271 is offline Associate Member
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    My heart rate is the same way, but when i go a few days without any kind of stimulant it will be in the 60's. But it takes a few days without them though, im really sensitive to stims.

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by seoinage View Post
    never heard of that. I have hashimotos which is under control last checked. But how do they check for what you are referring to?
    I'm 31.

  6. #6
    APIs's Avatar
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    Does the OP take any decongestant or allergy meds containing Pseudoephedrine? Many people dont realize this, but it's a stimulant and can give you a high resting heart rate if taken on a regular basis. My fiance used to take it frequently & her resting heart rate was always over 100 BMP. My resting heart rate goes up and down with no real reason as well. Today while giving blood it was 67. But during the day it can raise to high 80's BPM with no real explanation, except if maybe I'm under stress at work i guess....

  7. #7
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    No stimulants not even caffeine.

    I am taking test c, hcg . Arimidex , dhea, preg, rodiola, magnesium, d3, fish oil, multi but don't see stimulants on it. Ghrp2 mod grf1-29.

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