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Thread: Extreme depression

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Mike....the info/suggestions you gave aren't crap. It was sound advice. Honestly, and sorry to be such a prick, but if the op talks about suicide because he "fails to have sex many times", there is much more than low t involved here. But, I'm just a guy on the internet and do not know much of anything.

    Ali...good luck, my friend.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I think everyone has given good advice with the information that was provided at the time. It's touch to 2nd guess someone elses situation without all the fact or even with them.

    I'm sure the OP would not have liked my suggestion or what worked for me. I started to get depressed shortly after my 2nd ex wife died. We were still good friends and even dating sometimes. A couple months after she died I packed up and went to Thailand for a few weeks. Best thing I could have ever done and it changed my life.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post

    So sorry my friend, if I wasted my time and yours with my suggestion, but do to my missing the point ( not reading) or you not telling us I didn't get this information. By the way if you had the problem I mentioned the info I gave isn't bull crap Best of luck I know these guys can help with some information. ... crazy old mike
    Mike it was not wasted, it is valuable, sorry if my way of saying was wrong, I went to doctors and a psychiatrist, doctors couldn't help me and psychiatrist came to conclusion that the issue is not mental but physical, she helped me out a lot by giving me hope. Once you are an immature in medical sciences, you don't even know what testosterone is and your 1 doctor tells you he can't help you after V and CIA stopped working for you, then what would you do. I thought these pills were my only hope (at that time) and they are not working so what am I gonna do now. Doctor 2 also didn't disclose other options for me and sent me to psychiatrist, she helped me once she found out about my issue and told me about TRT etc. I have been through this. It is not bullcrap, I should not have used this word, sorry, just can't handle it when people especially doctors make physical issues mental and try to get away with it. Hope we are good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty11 View Post
    Mike....the info/suggestions you gave aren't crap. It was sound advice. Honestly, and sorry to be such a prick, but if the op talks about suicide because he "fails to have sex many times", there is much more than low t involved here. But, I'm just a guy on the internet and do not know much of anything.

    Ali...good luck, my friend.
    I am sick of it rusty, This thing made me very sensitive, I needed a solution and to get a solution I have to wait a month, it pisses me off too the medical system in my country where you can't have your blood tested without a doc and to get to urologist you have to wait more than a month.

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I think everyone has given good advice with the information that was provided at the time. It's touch to 2nd guess someone elses situation without all the fact or even with them.

    I'm sure the OP would not have liked my suggestion or what worked for me. I started to get depressed shortly after my 2nd ex wife died. We were still good friends and even dating sometimes. A couple months after she died I packed up and went to Thailand for a few weeks. Best thing I could have ever done and it changed my life.
    I wish I could do that, I am at the age where I am still building up my future, I have things to Takecare I just want this thing to go away, I remember foking like crazy pigs and now... Never mind. Still have a hope.

    <Sad Jones>

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Dude I haven't read the full thread but I'm assuming your waiting to get on TRT but in the mean time your just about hanging in there everyday till then, been there done that and It's hellish, while your waiting why not run a trial of supplements in the mean time, I can guarantee at the very least it greatly reduce the anguish your currently going through.

    Won't cost more then 25 bucks, just make sure its from a reputable health store.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by edmundo22 View Post
    Dude I haven't read the full thread but I'm assuming your waiting to get on TRT but in the mean time your just about hanging in there everyday till then, been there done that and It's hellish, while your waiting why not run a trial of supplements in the mean time, I can guarantee at the very least it greatly reduce the anguish your currently going through.

    Won't cost more then 25 bucks, just make sure its from a reputable health store.
    What supplements ?

    <Sad Jones>

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Go back in the thread I posted a list of everything and what it does.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Hi Ali,

    Have you had a chance to look over this link? Take a peek and see if any of it will provide temporary relief until you are able to see a proper doc...just a suggestion..

    *Supplements to Increase Testosterone Naturally*

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by edmundo22 View Post
    Go back in the thread I posted a list of everything and what it does.
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Hi Ali,

    Have you had a chance to look over this link? Take a peek and see if any of it will provide temporary relief until you are able to see a proper doc...just a suggestion..

    *Supplements to Increase Testosterone Naturally*
    Thanks guys

    Mickey, it's just hit or miss and it takes time to effect as well.

    I need something solid to work in my case.

    I am scared of this waiting factor and failing at the end. Most of the supplement supplied are not tested on men.

    <Sad Jones>

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Arlington, TX
    Been awhile sorry I feel you ... I was so depressed at one time I didn't care about shit
    Live die work wife kids nothing ... I found that there are dr's out there that do CARE!!.if u keep getting doors closed on u just keep trying ... If all else fails go to a endocrinoligist there expensive but they know what they are doing ... Regardless they will only adjust from blood test .. You can get that done from any dr .. But at least you will know ... What all are you meds are you taking right now ??? I would strongly advise talking with your girl tell her everything .... Ill tell you one thing women can relate more than anyone on how hormones can screw with your life
    If you can find someone with some extra androgel you can start taking it ... You will start feeling better in days ... I have 6 scripts of it but its expensive outside of insurance like 350.00
    That's what I did. I took it for a month before I found my current dr who wanted to get my serum at 1200 .. And I had drs tell me oh your serum is at 295 .. It's normal have a good day ... It's not
    What city do you live in ?

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