My brothers,
First, thanks to all who contribute in answering my questions before and to those who will, hopefully, share their thoughts on my current question. I know how the forum feels about half life of test cyp and going with the shots 2x a week. I understand the logic about falling levels. For me, I was started on 200mg/ml every 10 days. No HCG. No AI. Before anyone jumps in and says that is too long, I know. I am working on a dr solution (changing drs) With that being said, I went down to 150mg every 10 days and getting (finally) good results including but not limited to good BW, E2=12, test about 400 (up from starting at 280) Now my test % and bound numbers are at the low end and I am hoping to raise them. I have been on the TRT train for about 4 months now. New Dr. will hopefully prescribe me HCG (at the recommended doses stated in the forum) at 2-3x week at 150-250 IU each shot. Now, comes my question. Since the painless way to administer the shot of test is SQ (by popular forum opinion) and frequent dosing will help with the roller coaster of hormone city, would it be crazy for me to consider giving a ED SQ shot of test at low dose? In my case 150mg divide by 10 days equals 15mg per day. 15 mg multiply by 7 days (week) is 105 mg weekly. So a DAILY SQ shot of 15mg would constantly keep my levels steady, right? I figure if DM pts can do it why can't I. If the syringes are not expensive but the dosing would keep my levels stable it would be worth it to me. Thoughts?