Hi guys. I've been trying to find the cause of my extreme fatigue (on weekends sleeping 20 hours a day, barely making it through work, difficulty waking up once asleep, general weakness but to an extreme like I have a constant Flu) I had my total Testo tested and it came in at 310. Im a 6'0 210 31 yr old in decent shape. Anyway i have been on a regimen Of 200ng Test cyp every 5 days with 500hcg the two days before test shot. After 6 weeks on this protocal my energy levels and strength have not changed any so I went and got my thyroid checked to see if it would point out any problems and didnt get the results i was expecting.
Test Result Ref Range
TSH 1.300 0.450-4.500
T4 1.25 0.82-1.77
triiodothyronine Free Serum
3.8 2.0-4.4
Everything came back normal it seems. Im at a loss. I've tried adrenal supps, cortisol supps, test cyp, hcg, diet, excercise, lifestyles changes and still feel like im dying. Any advice where to look now or if there is anything suspicious??
thanks in advance,