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  1. #1
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    New use for PT-141 from personal research ! Magic Bullet 4 increase energy @ W/O X !

    PT - 141 is a Peptide for research purposes ! It is taunted to be the real deal for a 7 to 12 hour of pure Horny libido for males or females. There are other post on the forums and most men say that even though the recommended dose to acheive desired results is 2 mg most men at different ages have posted that it usually requires 4 mg to do the trick ? I get my research Peptide in a 10 mg vial and reconstitute with 5 mL of Bac water .

    This would = 2 mg /mL

    I had a TB - 500 vial that was empty an dry and it holds 4 mL of the Peptide . SO I transfeered from the 2 mL vial that the
    10 mg came in to the 4 mL vial and had 1 mL left over ? Soooo :

    I wanted to see if 2 mg would acheive the stated effects and researched it To my suprise no effect on libido BUT ! A very positive effect on my workout session 3 hours later . You will need to do Your own Internet research or pm me BUT ! NO LIBIBO INCREASE ; however my workout was amazing . I have medicial issue and high E2 right now while trying to get my TRT balanced and this was the magic bullet for "me" I was completly focused for my complete 1 hr routine and had a faster pace + an extra set of 20 with every exercise before I hit failure and un knowing to me I could have gone up 10 lbs each on dumb bells for 2 sets and then drop back 5 lbs and had a great 4 x 20 of each exercise !

    My pace was faster, much more intensity, focus was increased !

    This peptide is for research and I just wanted to share my research ! pm me for questions and all you smart guys are welcome to call BS and ask me questions .

    This was a huge positive to the point that it surpassed the chance of being a placebo effect ! Sooooooooo there you have it ! It bridged a gap that I needed at this time with my E2 issues . @ 2 mg no flushing and no head pounding issues Not expensive if you go to the right place ! I am not sure if the sponsor carries it or not I will try 4 mg next time I have an occasion to seek libido increase ? But I have not needed anything with Cialis and MT - II ! + TRT treatment even though from a Dumb A$$ Dr. Keep hoping GA location for will open soon I check weekly ! I finaly got an AI from my GP . . . . . he scripted 1 mg daily for the next 6 mths . . . . . lol I got a pill cutter and split then in half going to take .50 mg EOD for 2 weeks and then go to .25 mg EOD and I go back for BW in 7 weeks . Dr. also scripted 1 mL of Testosterone Cypionate EOW (COUGH ! BS !) I pin .40 mL every 3.5 days per information found on this and other forums as to the proper way to Inject Testosterone . . . . .

    OH I WILL ADD : I changed my test injection to SubQ for the 8 weeks prior to BW of 02/26/13 and I was using online Liquidex .25 mL every other day + added HCG per gdevines sticky and my E2 elevated 4 more points from 66 to 70 with 29 being the top end of the normal range !

    So I have Adex now and still using HCG + .30 ml/ about 40 mg test every 3.5 days and will recheck BW in 7 weeks !

    I hope this will benift another 50 + male on TRT the way it did me ! This will prevent the temptation to up test and get very good workout that are intense and vascular ! Happist I have been in mths with this boost to Workout still not naturally motivated

    TP-141 implies it takes 3 hours to take effect so give it 3 and last 7 to 12 hrs per research of others !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 03-10-2013 at 04:18 PM.

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Interesting find.

    I may return to PT 141 later this year. But for me, my experiences were touch and go. But i did discover that I require a larger than normal dose for it to be effective.

    Glad you're responding in a positive way.

  3. #3
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Interesting find.

    I may return to PT 141 later this year. But for me, my experiences were touch and go. But i did discover that I require a larger than normal dose for it to be effective.

    Glad you're responding in a positive way.

    I guess that is why they are called research Peptides I stumbled across this and the effect is truly nothing less than amazing for thos evenings when you drag yourself into the gym and are thinking I gota go I can't miss and then along comes PT-141 and you are ready to have positive and intense workout

    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 03-10-2013 at 04:08 PM.

  4. #4
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    UPDATE : It is designed to increase libido ! But most guys need 4 + mg for that to be achieved . I used 1 mg today ; no where near the same results ! For me 2 mg is the magic bullet , being on TRT and high E2 ! IMO, a man on PCT it is just what the Dr. ordered ! I have double high E2 and feel like a slug ! This give me drive and that extra set that make you yell when you pump out 1 more set that you even never imagined you had in you is BAD A$$ ! I want you to feel the intensity out of no where !


    Tomorrow I will reserch 3 mg ! I am not seeking the libido effect ! I don't want to be in the gym and get a case of the horneys but from other ppls research on this forum and others 10 mg is reconstituteed with 5 mL of Bac water so tomorrow I will try 1.5 mL If no libido increase tomorrow I have found what I am looking for to give me that burning desire just to go to the GYM which I feel sure will return when my E2 is back down to around 22 to 25 which I plan to have tested in 3 weeks I started Adex Thursday of last week so I will heve E2 tested toward the end of March

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    I still have quite a few vials of PT141 in my fridge. for some reason, I've been a little reluctant to take due to the slight "hangover" effect the next day....

    ....anyone else notice this?

  6. #6
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    UPDATE : It is designed to increase libido ! But most guys need 4 + mg for that to be achieved . I used 1 mg today ; no where near the same results ! For me 2 mg is the magic bullet , being on TRT and high E2 ! IMO, a man on PCT it is just what the Dr. ordered ! I have double high E2 and feel like a slug ! This give me drive and that extra set that make you yell when you pump out 1 more set that you even never imagined you had in you is BAD A$$ ! I want you to feel the intensity out of no where !


    Tomorrow I will reserch 3 mg ! I am not seeking the libido effect ! I don't want to be in the gym and get a case of the horneys but from other ppls research on this forum and others 10 mg is reconstituteed with 5 mL of Bac wate and over 80% of research shows 4 mg required to reach the increase of libido in men or women ; so tomorrow I will try 1.5 mL If no libido increase tomorrow I have found what I am looking for to give me that burning desire just to go to the GYM which I feel sure will return when my E2 is back down to around 22 to 25 which I plan to have tested in 3 weeks I started Adex Thursday of last week so I will heve E2 tested toward the end of March

  7. #7
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Excellent! Sounds like you're on your way to finding the sweet spot.

    Question: Other than the amazing workouts, has your libido increase? Erections longer in duration? Anything of that nature to report?

    Thanks for the updates.

  8. #8
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Not from PT - 141 ! Not seeking that at this point I found a great site and bought 80 mg of PT-141 I am going back for more I assume for libido I will try 6 mg to start with since 3 does nothing out of the ordinary od 20 mg Cialis am and 20 mg pm + MT-II & TRT libido has been more of a bother than anegative can't fid a woman that can stand the 6 hrs of love tussel ! lol NS 6 hrs and no nut I am a 25 year old in a 53 year olds body I had one female that cried uncle and she was so impressed she introdused me to 3 of her friends so they could have a test drive also ! Next move is all 4 at one time . . . . lol I can dream

    No hangover effect , there Mr Roman Times ! Hope all has been well with you ? Due you have a budget & still quality for MSM I found it on luc _ _ Vitamins but a 1 lb tub was rather pricey !Is it the top shelf for joint pain relief , Sir ?

    For me kinda like the old valum release after self gratifacation I come home from a 2 mg injection and workout and fall in the bed and I m asleep !

    I did 3 mg about 11:00am and I am headed to the gym vains a poping and I can't wait to feel the rush ! 3 mg is my magic workout # I can feel the drive right now and can't wait to hit the weight s I will report the results of workout tonight ! Feel kina relaxed or uninhibited I am louader and grunt more when PT-141 used pre workout ! IMO the strength, Drive and intensity is along the same brain impluse increase as for Libido you are driven just not to the point of sex with a lower dose IMO !

    Outa here and probably ad a good dose of Cardio and a heavy Backs anf Tris ! I am acxtually chomping at the bits to hit the weight ? GO FIGURE IT ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 03-12-2013 at 12:35 PM.

  9. #9
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Update : For me 2 mg is the sweet spot had no more drive or intensity than from 3 mg and I don't even want to research 4 mg with-out a plan to answer the possible libido effect that 4 mg seems to give men that have posted ! So unless questions this is my last post ; on my research 2 mg for a 53 yr old male on poor TRT proticall with high E2 = double normal range ! Gives you drive , energy , desire , and even a little extra stamina for strength gains I just got back from the gym and I am going to take a nap and then go ride my bike

  10. #10
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I still have quite a few vials of PT141 in my fridge. for some reason, I've been a little reluctant to take due to the slight "hangover" effect the next day....

    ....anyone else notice this?
    TR..thats the beer.....
    lol j/k

    No but i did notice i got 2 small moles after using it - serious. After some time they went away. I guess cause its an MT2 alanolg - i dunno but i was glad it was temporary. The stuff def meets its advertised purpose though ill say that

  11. #11
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Update . . . . I either reconstituted improperly or didn't pay close attention when loading syringe and took more than 3 mg ! ! ! !

    I was one miserable puppy ! I had a woody all dressed up with no place to go ! I was so uncomfrontable that I did not sleep for 7 hours + and the wood issue was so woody I could not even take matters into my on hands and I tried calling every female I knew and even told some that just abuse me for my libido and drive and they said if your worse off than usual noway stay at home and no I will not come over !

    So Conclusion do not take to much PT-141 unless you plan to use it for what it is developed for . . . . . "To up your libido" I mean I was in pain !

    2 mg max pre work-out and about 3 hours before and go slam some iron !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 03-27-2013 at 08:48 PM.

  12. #12
    freshmaker is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    I still have quite a few vials of PT141 in my fridge. for some reason, I've been a little reluctant to take due to the slight "hangover" effect the next day....

    ....anyone else notice this?
    Does this stuff need to be in the fridge before being reconstituted? I have had some sitting around for about 6 months.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I still have quite a few vials of PT141 in my fridge. for some reason, I've been a little reluctant to take due to the slight "hangover" effect the next day....

    ....anyone else notice this?
    I get tad of the hang over effect also TR...but my erections are killer to be honest.

    I like the shit, but only use it once a month or and does the trick when I need it.

  14. #14
    freshmaker is offline Junior Member
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    How much do you take?

  15. #15
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buzzardmarinepumper View Post
    pt - 141 is a peptide for research purposes ! It is taunted to be the real deal for a 7 to 12 hour of pure horny libido for males or females. There are other post on the forums and most men say that even though the recommended dose to acheive desired results is 2 mg most men at different ages have posted that it usually requires 4 mg to do the trick ? I get my research peptide in a 10 mg vial and reconstitute with 5 ml of bac water .

    This would = 2 mg /ml

    i had a tb - 500 vial that was empty an dry and it holds 4 ml of the peptide . So i transfeered from the 2 ml vial that the
    10 mg came in to the 4 ml vial and had 1 ml left over ? Soooo :

    I wanted to see if 2 mg would acheive the stated effects and researched it to my suprise no effect on libido but ! A very positive effect on my workout session 3 hours later . You will need to do your own internet research or pm me but ! No libibo increase ; however my workout was amazing . I have medicial issue and high e2 right now while trying to get my trt balanced and this was the magic bullet for "me" i was completly focused for my complete 1 hr routine and had a faster pace + an extra set of 20 with every exercise before i hit failure and un knowing to me i could have gone up 10 lbs each on dumb bells for 2 sets and then drop back 5 lbs and had a great 4 x 20 of each exercise !

    My pace was faster, much more intensity, focus was increased !

    This peptide is for research and i just wanted to share my research ! Pm me for questions and all you smart guys are welcome to call bs and ask me questions .

    This was a huge positive to the point that it surpassed the chance of being a placebo effect ! Sooooooooo there you have it ! It bridged a gap that i needed at this time with my e2 issues . @ 2 mg no flushing and no head pounding issues not expensive if you go to the right place ! I am not sure if the sponsor carries it or not i will try 4 mg next time i have an occasion to seek libido increase ? But i have not needed anything with cialis and mt - ii ! + trt treatment even though from a dumb a$$ dr. Keep hoping ga location for will open soon i check weekly ! I finaly got an ai from my gp . . . . . He scripted 1 mg daily for the next 6 mths . . . . . Lol i got a pill cutter and split then in half going to take .50 mg eod for 2 weeks and then go to .25 mg eod and i go back for bw in 7 weeks . Dr. Also scripted 1 ml of testosterone cypionate eow (cough ! Bs !) i pin .40 ml every 3.5 days per information found on this and other forums as to the proper way to inject testosterone . . . . .

    Oh i will add : I changed my test injection to subq for the 8 weeks prior to bw of 02/26/13 and i was using online liquidex .25 ml every other day + added hcg per gdevines sticky and my e2 elevated 4 more points from 66 to 70 with 29 being the top end of the normal range !

    So i have adex now and still using hcg + .30 ml/ about 40 mg test every 3.5 days and will recheck bw in 7 weeks !

    I hope this will benift another 50 + male on trt the way it did me ! This will prevent the temptation to up test and get very good workout that are intense and vascular ! Happist i have been in mths with this boost to workout still not naturally motivated

    tp-141 implies it takes 3 hours to take effect so give it 3 and last 7 to 12 hrs per research of others !

    copied and pasted can read this ?

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