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  1. #1
    Vahevahe's Avatar
    Vahevahe is offline Junior Member
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    Hi need some information please

    My Dr has me on a restart protocol and has be taking armidex half a pill every 3 days along with hcg shot on insulin needle to 50 units every 3 days also then he wants to check levels and start clomid. My question is what dosage of hcg am i taking every 3 days? also is Hcg as effective as clomid? Also my left nipple(one with gyno) has been really sensitive though it is getting smaller. does this mean it is going away? or just getting more dense?

  2. #2
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    On your medications ...

    1/2 a pill = ? Presuming a whole pill is 1mg, but I don't want to presume?
    HCG ... Same question, what does 50 units mean? First, look and see what total is in the vial (maybe 5,000iu, 10,000iu, ...?) Then, how much bac water was it reconstituted with? That will tell us what 50 units mean.

    What was your E2 looking like when you went into this. Is your doctor keeping an eye on your E2 levels?

    HCG and Clomid are 2 totally different compounds. Clomid, being a SERM, is designed to get the pituitary functioning; producing LH & FSH. HCG is just the LH analog, and it will mimic LH to the leydigs in the testicles, helping to produce endogenous test. HCG will do NOTHING to help the pituitary with producing LH & FSH, and if anything, it will just induce continue suppression of the HPTA while you are taking it. I take HCG myself, because my HPTA is suppressed. My HPTA is completely suppressed, and it always will be, with no hope of any "restart". HCG mimics the LH that I would be getting if my HPTA were functioning properly.

  3. #3
    Vahevahe's Avatar
    Vahevahe is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you for your promp response Vettser
    Yes im prescribed 1mg pills and im taking half a pill every 3 days . My e2 is 23. I am not positive he is following up the e2 but will double check to make sure its in the blood test . The Hcg is Novarel 10,000 . I dont renember how much water i added to it but i followed the directions to the t. what would be the point of him adding HCG before starting clomid? Maybee a bridge between trt and clomid? But that dosnt really make sense does it? Also, thats great to hear about clomid because my pituitary LH and FSH was low so looks like their might be a light at the end of the tunnel after all.... If you dont mind me asking Vettster what was the reason you started trt?
    Last edited by Vahevahe; 03-10-2013 at 04:41 PM.

  4. #4
    Time1 is offline Banned
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    Vettester what about HMG?

  5. #5
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    On the HCG , that's definitely 10,000iu for the vial, but you really need to know how much water you're adding. 50 units could be 500iu if you added 10ml of water, or it could be 2,500iu if you added 2ml of water. You can see a huge contrast between the 2.

    HCG would be good with getting your testicles active, and in good working order, but the longer your pituitary sits on idle, the harder it will be to 'restart'. Curious, how low was your LH/FSH? Did your doctor refer you for an MRI, or look to explore "why" it was low. Maybe you did a cycle or already know why, and it's just a case of getting it working again?

    If your E2 is 23pg, then careful on the Adex. Your doctor should most definitely be on top of this, and running labs (IMO) at least 4 weeks after you started taking it.

    Time1, on the HMG, great option if you want both the LH and FSH analog, and fertility is something you're exploring. HCG only provides LH, HMG provides both LH & FSH.

  6. #6
    Time1 is offline Banned
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    Yeah lol, but can u use HMG instead of HCG during cycle and for trying to restore HPTA function? Also where the fk is HMG its basically impossible to find.

  7. #7
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Time1
    Yeah lol, but can u use HMG instead of HCG during cycle and for trying to restore HPTA function? Also where the fk is HMG its basically impossible to find.
    So everyone is clear, HCG and HMG will have NO effect on restarting the HPTA. In fact, it will have the exact opposite. Working on a negative feedback loop, the HPTA will go into full blown suppression when endogenous test levels increase from the medication(s).

  8. #8
    Trific's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vettester View Post
    So everyone is clear, HCG and HMG will have NO effect on restarting the HPTA. In fact, it will have the exact opposite. Working on a negative feedback loop, the HPTA will go into full blown suppression when endogenous test levels increase from the medication(s).
    Thanks Vet, but to make it more crystal, Time1 is on TRT, would HMG and/or HCG help him knock up his wife? Would he be more fertile taking either one or both? Thanks

  9. #9
    Vahevahe's Avatar
    Vahevahe is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vettester View Post
    On the HCG , that's definitely 10,000iu for the vial, but you really need to know how much water you're adding. 50 units could be 500iu if you added 10ml of water, or it could be 2,500iu if you added 2ml of water. You can see a huge contrast between the 2.

    HCG would be good with getting your testicles active, and in good working order, but the longer your pituitary sits on idle, the harder it will be to 'restart'. Curious, how low was your LH/FSH? Did your doctor refer you for an MRI, or look to explore "why" it was low. Maybe you did a cycle or already know why, and it's just a case of getting it working again?

    If your E2 is 23pg, then careful on the Adex. Your doctor should most definitely be on top of this, and running labs (IMO) at least 4 weeks after you started taking it.

    Time1, on the HMG, great option if you want both the LH and FSH analog, and fertility is something you're exploring. HCG only provides LH, HMG provides both LH & FSH.
    The fsh is 3.1 Range 1.6-9
    LH is 4 forgot range i think its like 1 -16

    Yes i have had 2 separate MRI's with and without injection with no noticable masses.

  10. #10
    Moparman's Avatar
    Moparman is offline Associate Member
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    So when is cookie needed when on trt??

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