how come ishouldnt look for an endo? basically my goal right now is to get blood work, and hopefully a pituitary the past some mris showed a microadenoma but some were lh and fsh from my 2010 labs were low, so i'd like a new mri.
if the endo doesnt help, there is an anti aging doc in my insurance..he was actually my original primary doc, but i decided to see this incompenent moron first.
i need a referral for new docs, so right now the endo is the next step.
btw, im worried about my ultrasound on friday, will the ultrasound effect my testosterone or harm me at all?
here is the profile of the endo im going to call. she has glowing reviews, and it says she deals with reproductive endocrinology so hopefully not a moron!
she did go to a foreign school though -_-