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  1. #1
    rt12008's Avatar
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    I just started HRT/TRT

    I just started HRT/TRT approximately 6 weeks ago. My Dr., who says she specializes in age maintenance, has be cycling test and hcg .

    For the first five weeks, I injected hcg twice a week. A bottle lasted me five weeks. Then test once a day via cream.

    Consistently I take 10 mg of DHEA it is micro. 10 mg of prey. .25mg of arimidex 1/wk. I am a mid 30s male.

    Here is my question. My preg actually went down over the first give weeks. My dr told me to take the dhea when I get up and the preg before I go to bed. On the HCG, my test went down slightly too. Does that mean I am majorly messed up? I went through a super super stressful event during that time.

    I am wondering why my test didn't go up and my preg.

    Thank you for your help.

  2. #2
    AnabolicDoc's Avatar
    AnabolicDoc is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    It seems that there are more than a few problems with your doc's protocol:
    1) the alternating hcg -testosterone cycles,
    2) the arimidex dosing is too infrequent,
    3) the dose of DHEA and preg seem low.

    Are your trying to preserve fertility or are you done having children? Are you actively trying to get your wife pregnant? I only ask bc I'm trying to make sense of the hcg-test cycles. Could you provide some.blood work or at least some values? Initial test levels? Test levels on hcg? How much test cream and levels when on the cream? Etc.

    I think you're looking for a response from gdevine so I'll leave it to him. I'm actually looking forward to read his thoughts on this as well.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    rt12008's Avatar
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    Thanks a lot for responding. So I am 34 and not married. At some point, I do want to have kids. When I read this whole article, I was unclear if constant use of HCG was ok for a guy in my situation.

    I don't have my exact initial results, but I can ballpark them until I get home. Total T-365 ish. Free 13.5 ish. Preg 35 ish. DHEA 200 ish. IGF (I am also on hgh) 180 ish. Estradiol 10.

    Results after 30 days (exact). Total 357. Free 12.2. Preg 29. DHEA 402. IGF 242. Estradiol 9.

    As far as dosing, I am going to have to grab that at home. I know I take .2mg hgh M-F. The rest I am sorry I don't know.

  4. #4
    rt12008's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rt12008 View Post
    Thanks a lot for responding. So I am 34 and not married. At some point, I do want to have kids. When I read this whole article, I was unclear if constant use of HCG was ok for a guy in my situation.

    I don't have my exact initial results, but I can ballpark them until I get home. Total T-365 ish. Free 13.5 ish. Preg 35 ish. DHEA 200 ish. IGF (I am also on hgh) 180 ish. Estradiol 10.

    Results after 30 days (exact). Total 357. Free 12.2. Preg 29. DHEA 402. IGF 242. Estradiol 9.

    As far as dosing, I am going to have to grab that at home. I know I take .2mg hgh M-F. The rest I am sorry I don't know.
    These results are all Labcorp.

  5. #5
    AnabolicDoc's Avatar
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    Is there any specific reason for the hgh or just unspecified gh-deficiency?

    Also when you get home and post your labs of you type them in its helpful to post that labs normal ranges as they differ depending on the assay used by the lab.

    Did you store sperm before starting T therapy?

  6. #6
    rt12008's Avatar
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    This HRT doctor told me she wanted me in the upper range.

    Total Test 357 Range 348-1197
    Free 12.2 Range 8.7-25.1
    DHEA 402.7 Range 160-449
    IGF 242 Range 71-241 (I am high on this)
    Est 9 Range 3-70
    Preg 29 Range Adult Male: <151

    Should I be storing sperm? Dr said she wanted to cycle me hcg to test so I can still have kids......

    My sex drive and erections have been really poor. Using Cialis helps with erections, but not drive. Does using Rogaine make a difference? My DHT is 30 Adult male : 30-85

    Thanks again for all the help. Posting initials when I get home.

  7. #7
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    Ok. I am back.

    Initial lab results. 1-12-2013.

    TSH 1.34. R .45-4.5
    Triiodothyronine, Free, serum 2.5. R 2.0-4.4
    T4, Free (direct) 1.39. R .82-1.77

    LH 5.4. R 1.7-8.6
    FSH 4.0 R. 1.5-12.4

    Test, Serum. 498. R. 348-1197
    Free. 17.2. R. 8.7-25.1

    DHEA. 280.1. R. 160-449

    IGF. 193. R. 71.241

    Vit D. 34.9. R. 30-100

    Estradiol, Sensitive. 10. R. 3-70

    SHBG. 26.2. R. 16.5-55.9

  8. #8
    rt12008's Avatar
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    On the second test, 3-1-2013. The dr didn't test for as much. No LH or FSH. No SHBG.

    Test, Serum. 357. R. 348-1197 (Guess I dropped more than I thought!!)
    Free. 12.2. R. 8.7-25.1
    Preg. 29. R. Adults: <151 (I was 58 at 1/18/13)
    DHEA 402.7. R. 160-449
    IGF. 242. R. 71-241
    Estradiol. 9. R. 3-70.

    Does that help? Preg dropped. Test dropped.

    Started HCG and HGH around 1-23-2013.

    1:10000 unit vial. 10 mls vial. All I know is that I used the entire vial. I did it twice a week and it took me five weeks.
    Arimidex 0.25 once a week
    .2mg hgh m-f

    Started Test 3-2-2013

    I have 150mg/cc test cream. I take 1 cc per day for 30 days.

    I have taken 10 mg dhea and preg the whole time.

  9. #9
    rt12008's Avatar
    rt12008 is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry if this is tons and tons of info guys. I just don't understand how test and preg drop when using hcg . help!

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