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  1. #1
    smilee2000's Avatar
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    Blood Work Results Advice Needed

    I am 39 yrs old and have been fighting fatigue, low sex drive, no drive to workout and dont sleep well at all. I am a happy person and have always been fit and worked out religiously. I now find myself struggling to get to the gym and struggle even worse to get through a rigorous workout with my trainer. I had blood work taken last week and got the results yest thinking for sure my Test levels would be low, however I was way wrong.

    I asked for a complete panel but only got some of it which all looks normal to me so I will post some of my results now and hope for some help/responses as to what could be causing my lack of drive/lethargy, or if this isnt sufficient evidence. Also what other panels I need to have taken. I asked for Estradiol and complete thyroid but apparently my dr felt TSH was all that was needed.

    Total test - 662 (119-714 ng/dl)
    Free Test - 100 (41-179 pg/ml)
    Bio Test - 266 (114-458 ng/dl)
    Albumin - 4.8 (3.4-4.9 g/dl)
    SHBG - 53 (6-58 nmol/L)
    TSH- 2.56 (.35-5.5 uIU/ml)

  2. #2
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    You need to get your estrogen tested, high estrogen presents similar symtpoms of low testosterone . I would guess it might be high considering your SHBG levels. Also a more extensive thyroid panel is nedded, check the stickies. You need to understand, your free test isn't high at all its barely at the half way mark and thats what's important. Your total test is at a good number but since your SHBG is so high it's binding to all that test making it near useless. Wait for the experts to chime in. Your doctor is going to tell you that you are fine since your total test is high. Plus the fact that he wont test what you want, you are going to need to find a better doctor. Use the a4m search engine to find doctors in your area. You could also work with
    Last edited by jomamma007; 03-15-2013 at 09:23 AM.

  3. #3
    smilee2000's Avatar
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    Thank you so much for this response. I figured I would need a more extensive panel especially thyroid and estradiol. I plan to go have that checked monday at a clinic, not my primary dr. I would love to hear what the experts say as well. I know for a fact my dr is not going to do anything based on my total test level being so high.

  4. #4
    BallSak is offline Associate Member
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    Hypothyroidism symptoms parallel hypogonadism symptoms. Low or high cortisol also fits in with many of the symptoms. And because the feedback loops they all affect eachother. That is why you can never just focus on one or the other, all must be under the scope.

    Like he said above make sure to get your estradiol tested along with all the tests listed on the sticky.

  5. #5
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Sex hormones look really good. You definitely don't need to be on TRT.

    What catches my eye, though, is your TSH. It's definitely in range, but far from optimal. You probably won't get help from an endocrinologist, but you would do well to investigate this further and possibly consult a wellness-oriented doctor.

    To be sure, I would want to see a complete thyroid panel in your case.

    I always think it is smart when you have symptoms like yours to test some basic vitamin and mineral deficiencies too.

  6. #6
    smilee2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HRTstudent View Post
    Sex hormones look really good. You definitely don't need to be on TRT.

    What catches my eye, though, is your TSH. It's definitely in range, but far from optimal. You probably won't get help from an endocrinologist, but you would do well to investigate this further and possibly consult a wellness-oriented doctor.

    To be sure, I would want to see a complete thyroid panel in your case.

    I always think it is smart when you have symptoms like yours to test some basic vitamin and mineral deficiencies too.
    Thanks for the input, so you dont think my sbgh is too high like jomamma suggests. I def want a complete thyroid panel and estrogen to make sure it is good.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Yes, your shbg is high. Add vit D3 to your protocol at maybe 5K IU's per day and test yours as well. It will lower your shbg and free up more test. Stinging Nettle Root will also help as can Avenacosides. Google them.

    For your TSH a more modern scale is .3 - 3.0. Get TSH, FT3, FT4, RT3 and antibodies tested.

    While your at it test your DHEA-S if possible as well.

    Agree with HRT. You don't need TRT.

    Well said, Jomamma.
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  8. #8
    smilee2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Yes, your shbg is high. Add vit D3 to your protocol at maybe 5K IU's per day and test yours as well. It will lower your shbg and free up more test. Stinging Nettle Root will also help as can Avenacosides. Google them.

    For your TSH a more modern scale is .3 - 3.0. Get TSH, FT3, FT4, RT3 and antibodies tested.

    While your at it test your DHEA-S if possible as well.

    Agree with HRT. You don't need TRT.

    Well said, Jomamma.
    Thanks kel! I have been on 2k IU of Vit D but will up it. I read ab stinging nettle so Im glad to hear you mention that. I will get all of this checked next week and report back. Glad TRT is not needed as I really didnt want to get into that right now if avoidable. Thanks for all the help guys I really appreciate this

  9. #9
    smilee2000's Avatar
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    Hey guys I wanted to add this to my panel as I wonder what it means if anything. I realize I need the other tests done which I am doing tomorrow but wanted to post these for informational purposes. My blood counts were off on a few things so I wanted to post those now. RBC was fine but WBC was low.
    RBC - 5.22 (4.3-5.7 M/uL)
    WBC - 4.0 (4.4-11.0 K/uL)
    Segs - 49.8 (50-70%)
    Eosinophils - 6.5 (1-5%)
    ABS - 2.0 (2.5-7.0 K/uL)
    Sodium - 138 (135-145 me/qL)
    Potassium - 4.6 (3.5-5.3)
    Chloride - 100 (98-107)
    CO2 - 30 (21-31)
    Urea Nit - 20 (7-25 mg/dl)
    Creatinine - 1.06 (.6-1.3)
    Glucose - 89 (65-100)
    Calcium - 10.2 (8.6-10.3)
    Platelet - 289 (150-400 K/uL)
    Last edited by smilee2000; 03-17-2013 at 01:42 PM.

  10. #10
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smilee2000 View Post
    Thanks for the input, so you dont think my sbgh is too high like jomamma suggests. I def want a complete thyroid panel and estrogen to make sure it is good.
    Your SHBG may be high, but it's not something you attack directly. It is merely a symptom of other factors, especially nutritional, in addition to genetic. You wouldn't likely benefit from directly lowering SHBG via a drug like danazol.

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Agree with HRT. Danazol would be temporary. Improve your natural test levels and your shbg will go down on it's own. The quickest way to reduce it is to elevate test.
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  12. #12
    smilee2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Agree with HRT. Danazol would be temporary. Improve your natural test levels and your shbg will go down on it's own. The quickest way to reduce it is to elevate test.
    You mean via stinging nettle root and D3? Kel, any certain brand of stinging nettle recommended over others in your opinion?

  13. #13
    smilee2000's Avatar
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    Ok guys got more blood work done monday and here are the interesting results. My E2 seems low but is it too low? Could this be the reason for my loss of libido, lethargy, really dry skin? My vitamin D is really low as well so those two things together which might explain something. Why would my E2 be so low?
    I have decided to do 5k daily of D3 and 250mg/daily nettle root extract to lower shbg. Thinking ab adding pregnenolone. Would love some opinions.

    Total test - 662 (119-714 ng/dl)
    Free Test - 100 (41-179 pg/ml)
    Bio Test - 266 (114-458 ng/dl)
    SHBG - 53 (6-58 nmol/L)
    TSH- 2.56 (.35-5.5 uIU/ml)
    T3 - 32% (24-39%)
    FTI - 2.9 (1.2-4.9 ug/dl)
    T4 - 9.1 ( 4.5-12 ug/dL)
    DHEA-S 235 (88-427ug/dl)
    E2 9 (3-70 pg/nl)
    Vit D 34 (30-100 ng/dl)
    Last edited by smilee2000; 03-22-2013 at 12:06 PM.

  14. #14
    smilee2000's Avatar
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    Hey Kel, any reason to be concerned with E2 level? If not ill just focus on the Vit D and getting SHBG down. What do you think of my proposed protocol

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