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  1. #1
    graham58 is offline New Member
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    my journey to no where,low lobido.

    hi i,m graham58,i,m a white 55 year old male living in all started about a year ago,i was making love to my wife and i lost my wood,never happened before.have always had a high sex drive,never any problems in the past,no stress in my life,no drug use,nothing ,so i put it down to being tired or something nothing to worry about.a few weeks later it happened again,and it got worse,not only that but i noticed my sex drive was low,not interested in sex or even thinking about it.i have always been fairly fit ,i,m a builder by trade ,naturally strong and quite stocky,even though i,m only 5,8,,.i used to lift weights years ago,but i had,nt touched a weight in over 20 years.the beer and burgers had taken thier toll and i had gone up to over 17 stone.i thought it was time to sort my life out lose some weight,and get the testosterone levels up again.i joined a gym again changed my diet,fish ,chicken all good food,i lost 3 stone,i felt good about my new look,but i still had problems ,losing my erection and low sex drive.i had tried zinc,l,arginine ect but nothing helped.i went to see a doctor,had some blood tests done ,my level was about 250.he gave me 250mg of test e every four weeks,felt better at first,but as the weeks went by ,went back to the same problem,then got my jab felt good again,could get an erection and felt my lobido rise,but after the weeks pass lost my erections and sex drive,spoke to the doctor about raise my dose but he kept saying that was the maximum,and he did,nt like giving me that doe every 3 testosterone levels were about the same as when i first started trt 250.i went away and did some research on trt,i found what he was doing i was getting peaks and lows with injections every 3 weeks,it had been about 9 months since i first started trt and nothing had improved,it had got worse ,i was not sleeping ,getting headaches and i was really grumpy,bit i never lacked energy,i went back to my doctor with my new info and managed to get 100mg every week,but nothing changed,the doctor had no answers for me and i seemed to know more than he i decided to go on a cycle,iwas sure if i raised my test levels that would be the answer.i,m into my 5th week now i,m on 600mg of test e a week 2x300,i sleep well,no headaches,and i,m not grumpy any more,but i still have the same problem,no sex drive, my gains at the gym are going well,i,m on a 4 day a week split routine, i,m training hard,even at 55,i,m benching 4 sets of ten with 100kilos and leg pressing 4 sets of 20 with 200 kilos.i feel fine,when i have finished my 12 week cycle,i,m going to drop my shot to 100 mg a week for 3 months. i have no confidence in the doctors in spain they seem so far behind in time with trt.i have found a lab that will do my blood tests for me,so i can monitor myself.when i was into my second week of my cycle my test was 15,23nmol,l which is about 600 and my estrogen was 0,87ngml the doctor at the lab said those are question is does any one have any idea why i still have low lobido a erectile problems,thanks for reading graham58

  2. #2
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    Okay well it doesn't seem like you are taking an aromatise inhibitor or any estrogen control which is most likely the culprit. Your estrogen is probably high from 600mg a week. Testing your blood work the 2nd week of your cycle is way too soon for an accurate measurement, especially for estrogen as it will creep up on you week by week(if you aren't preventing it). You should go back down to your 100mg a week( split into 2 doses) and try to dial in your testosterone and estrogen, as both high T and low E present similar symptoms . Also are you taking hcg ? You say your libido and erections were good again after your doctor injected you so it might just be estrogen related. You need more extensive blood work though before anyone on here can really help.
    Last edited by jomamma007; 03-19-2013 at 08:48 AM.

  3. #3
    graham58 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2013
    hi jomamma007,thanks for the reply yes i am and alway have used a serm tamoxifen ,im on 20mg eod,no iam not taking hcg ,because i,m not going on pct after my cycle,thanks graham58

  4. #4
    junk2222yard's Avatar
    junk2222yard is offline Associate Member
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    Hi Graham,
    is it possible to edit your post and add some line breaks/paragraphs? It is very hard to read as is. Editing it may help get some of the vets here to respond with help.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    What's the range for this: estrogen was 0,87ngml

    I'd also like to DHT and Prolactin labs.

    On a cycle and being in the supraphysiological range could make your libido and ED worse if the cycle is not done correctly.

    Do you know how to do a correct PCT?

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    What the guys above said. I skimmed that monster paragraph and pulled out that you are on 600mg per week of test with no estrogen control present. No doubt your E2 is through the roof and can kill sex drive as well as cause many other issues internally. The nolvadex you mentioned is a SERM, not an AI and does nothing to control your E2 level, it only blocks it at your chest receptors.

    You need to post up or obtain complete BW. It's your health here!
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  7. #7
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    What the guys above said. I skimmed that monster paragraph and pulled out that you are on 600mg per week of test with no estrogen control present. No doubt your E2 is through the roof and can kill sex drive as well as cause many other issues internally. The nolvadex you mentioned is a SERM, not an AI and does nothing to control your E2 level, it only blocks it at your chest receptors.

    You need to post up or obtain complete BW. It's your health here!
    Kel, you did better than me ... My eyes started spinning half way through.

    I don't say this too many times, but OP, please read my stickie at the bottom of the stickie pile.

  8. #8
    MRNJ1992's Avatar
    MRNJ1992 is offline Member
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    I agree with the other comments. With that much T or really any amount of T , your natural production shuts down thus causing testicle shrinkage, and alot of times loss of libido especially if your not including HCG and an AI. Yes your strength and well being may be better but the bedroom is not. I personally had a better libido before I started HRT and my levels were under 200. Its a science and everyone reacts different. How is your cholesterol, sugar, etc? Could be something else. Good luck-these guys here know what their talking about.....

  9. #9
    graham58 is offline New Member
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    hi guys thanks for all the replies and advise,sorry if i pickled your heads.i am going to carry on with the cycle i,m on 600mg of testosterone enanthate 2x300 a week.i have got some arimidex ,i am going to take .50mg ed for a week then drop to .25mg. ed to try and lower my estrogen the mean time i,m going to get some blood tests done.then after i,ve finished my cycle im going on a pct with hcg and nolvadex any comments or advise on this would be welcome,thanks graham58

  10. #10
    graham58 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    What's the range for this: estrogen was 0,87ngml

    I'd also like to DHT and Prolactin labs.

    On a cycle and being in the supraphysiological range could make your libido and ED worse if the cycle is not done correctly.

    Do you know how to do a correct PCT?
    hi sorry wrote the wrong figures down for estrogen,my head was spinnig to after all that writing,estradiol_17_beta 43,8pgnl.yes i have done research on pct thanks graham58

  11. #11
    graham58 is offline New Member
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    i thought i should write this,i was seeing a doctor for trt,who put me on 250mg every 4 weeks,then dropped down to 3 weeks ,because i asked him.i also asked about hcg shots and was told i did,nt need them,also i asked about ai or serms,he told me they were the same thing and that i did,nt need them. after a year of being with this doctor and getting nowhere.i now know better by reading the posts and the replies i have recieved from this site .for all those people who have helped me thank advice is find a doctor who knows what he is talking about,it will save you a lot of time and money.

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