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Thread: Overstimulation

  1. #1
    2Sox's Avatar
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    After my third shot of T last Friday around noon , I finally felt the effects - too much, I believe. By Saturday night, I was really after my wife, was having relentless sexual fantasies and feeling like I'd have to wank off every minute. I resisted this urge but it's not a state of affairs I'm terribly comfortable with. An understatement at the very least.

    My protocol is 100mg Test cyp once a week and 250iu Hcg once on the day of the shot and the day before, as well.

    My question: Is it too early to tell this would be a normal state of affairs for me, or should I request a reduction in my dosage? What dose would you suggest I ask for?

    I'm going to the clinic in a few hours and I'd like to be prepared to discuss this with the PA in charge. Your feedback would really be helpful. Thanks.
    Last edited by 2Sox; 03-22-2013 at 07:54 AM.

  2. #2
    Trific's Avatar
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    I'd probably only adjust the dose down if my test showed higher than I wanted on BW.

    Think G said the horniness will tone down in a couple of weeks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Dopamine happens early stage TRT so enjoy it and no need to adjust dosages.

    Once your brain gets used to the increase in Dopamine levels and receptor up-regulation takes place it and you will settle down.

    It's working my friend!

  4. #4
    2Sox's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reassurance. But I felt like my balls would burst! This is the dopamine rush? Felt like an unbridled sex drive to me!

    And remember, that I had been on gels for six months previous to shots.

  5. #5
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    Yes, it happens.

    You didn't absorb well if I recall. Many times TD's will have the same effect as it increases DHT levels somewhat more than IM which is the primary driver behind our libido.

    In your case, your Testosterone serum levels are nearing their peak and it's taking effect. You will start to notice a lot of other changes as well.

    Read the sticky on how long things take.

    Hell, I am 52 and my libido is so sky high all the time I have to take care of matters myself a number of times a week...that on top of having great sex with my wife at least 3 times a week.

    I love it

  6. #6
    2Sox's Avatar
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    Thanks, G. Good info.

    Actually, I absorbed the Angrogel, extremely well. Went up to 1125 on it. That's a reason why I'll be returning to them shortly - as soon as my shipment of Hcg arrives.

    Will read that sticky again.

    Can you explain the connection between increased DHT and increased libido??

  7. #7
    clarkster's Avatar
    clarkster is offline Junior Member
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    100mg. once a week? Is that IM or Sub Q? You're switching back to Androgel ?

  8. #8
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    DHT is the next sex hormone after the synthesis from testosterone . DHT is estimated to 10 to 15 times more androgenic then Testosterone.

    Many things make up our libido in both the sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways and some of those variables are more important than others.

    We need good healthy levels of Testosterone to convert via 5-ar to good healthy DHT levels.

    Here's an easy read for you guys:

    It's funny, we use the term "Testosterone Replacement " when we really should be saying "DHT Replacement" because that is ultimately what we are all striving for.

  9. #9
    2Sox's Avatar
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    Thanks. I've heard Dr. Crisler mention that TDs have a greater release of DHT and I was curious.

    I always felt my energy levels were better on gels and my libido was strong and manageable - and I was more on an even keel.

    Tes cyp, IM just hasn't done it for me the way Androgel has. Besides, my E conversion is heavy duty on IM and that means constant ai's. Three days after a shot, I'm keeling over if I don't take my Arimidex . I think Androgel with Hcg 250iu three times weekly is the way to go for me.

  10. #10
    namvet is offline Junior Member
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    enjoy it while it last, i had the same thing going for a month or so
    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox View Post
    After my third shot of T last Friday around noon , I finally felt the effects - too much, I believe. By Saturday night, I was really after my wife, was having relentless sexual fantasies and feeling like I'd have to wank off every minute. I resisted this urge but it's not a state of affairs I'm terribly comfortable with. An understatement at the very least.

    My protocol is 100mg Test cyp once a week and 250iu Hcg once on the day of the shot and the day before, as well.

    My question: Is it too early to tell this would be a normal state of affairs for me, or should I request a reduction in my dosage? What dose would you suggest I ask for?

    I'm going to the clinic in a few hours and I'd like to be prepared to discuss this with the PA in charge. Your feedback would really be helpful. Thanks.

  11. #11
    zerodarkthirty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox View Post
    Thanks. I've heard Dr. Crisler mention that TDs have a greater release of DHT and I was curious.

    I always felt my energy levels were better on gels and my libido was strong and manageable - and I was more on an even keel.

    Tes cyp, IM just hasn't done it for me the way Androgel has. Besides, my E conversion is heavy duty on IM and that means constant ai's. Three days after a shot, I'm keeling over if I don't take my Arimidex. I think Androgel with Hcg 250iu three times weekly is the way to go for me.

    When you say, "keeling over if I don't take my Arimidex " what do you mean? Fatigued?

  12. #12
    2Sox's Avatar
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    Yes. Like legs of lead, laying-down-and-going-to-sleep-fatigued.
    Last edited by 2Sox; 03-24-2013 at 02:19 PM.

  13. #13
    zerodarkthirty's Avatar
    zerodarkthirty is offline Associate Member
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    Ok. Thanks.

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