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Thread: BW finally in

  1. #1
    cornfedboy2000's Avatar
    cornfedboy2000 is offline Associate Member
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    BW finally in

    here are my lab results, keep in mind that the testosterone numbers were one week before I started TRT, and the rest are one week after.

    testosterone , free 6.8 (L) ng/dL

    testosterone, total 183 (L) ng/dL reference range 240 to 950

    Luteinizing Hormone : <0.5 MIU/ML (range for male 1.3-10.5 MIU/ML)

    FSH: <0.8 MIU/ML (range for male 1.6-9.7 MIU/ML)

    prolactin: 11.4 NG/ML (range 3.7-17.9 NG/ML)

    cortisol: 9.9 UG/DL taken at 8:51 am (range for am 4.5-22.7 UG/DL range for pm 1.7-14.1 UG/DL)

    Cholesterol: 161, LDL 102 (H), HDL 31 (L)

    Chol/HDL ratio: 5.2 (H)

    Non HDL chol: 130 (H)

    Vitamin D 25 hydroxy D2/D3: 25-hydroxy D2 <4.0 ng/mL, D3 27 ng/mL, total 27 ng/mL (range 25-80)

    SHBG: 9.5 nmol/L (range 10-57)

    DHTS: 463 pg/mL (range 112-955)

    TSH: 1.53 UIU/ML (range 0.40-4.7)

    T3: 125 ng/dL (range 80-190)

    T4 thyroxine: 6.1 (range 5.5-11.0 ug/dl)

    Estradiol: 32 PG/ML (range 5.4-65.9)

    Thyroid autoantibodies: Thyroperoxidase .5 IU/mL (range <9.0), Thyroglobulin 166 IU/mL (H) (range <116)

    Complete blood CT w/diff: the only thing that wasn't smack in the middle of the range for each was Hemoglobin=13.2 (range 13.5-17.5) and MPV=9.1 (range 9.3-12.5)

    Comprehensive metabolic panel: I'd type it out but everything is in the middle of the ranges given for each.

    In addition (if you're just tuning in) I'm 5'11" 320lbs. I'm severely overweight and recovering from my leg being partially severed in a motorcycle accident 8 months ago. Some of my weight is from inactivity, some from a side effect of a nerve blocker they prescribed (and I took myself off of after balooning 35 lbs in a month), and the rest is from me shoveling crap in my face. I am on an aggressive diet plan now, and starting to get active, so I'll come back from it. My symptoms started a few years ago and include, reduced libido, unable to maintain or gain muscle, stacking weight on if I even breathe near a donut shop, but unable to lose it even by working my ass off (slow or no loss), and most recently complete ED ( a real nightmare for me). I am done having kids, I had a vascectomy a couple years ago. 3 or so weeks ago I was prescribed androgel 1.62@2 pumps daily. I have added to my regiment: 25mg micronized dhea and preg@2xdaily, 5000iu D3 daily, 5mg cialis@2xdaily, and a sublingual b12. I'm hoping that GD or Kel can pick this apart and give me any advice they want. I am considering HCG , but didn't want to pull the trigger till I posted this. On a side note I also have already noticed shrinking of the boys. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    cornfedboy2000's Avatar
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    and I'm taking fish oil too, not that it matters I guess lol
    Last edited by cornfedboy2000; 03-22-2013 at 03:30 PM.

  3. #3
    cornfedboy2000's Avatar
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  4. #4
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quite frankly, you're at a point right now where numbers mean a lot less than actions.

    As you've said, you're severely obese. You undoubtedly have nutritional and lifestyle challenges that you need to overcome if you want optimal health and wellness.

    My best advice would be to learn about eating nutritiously and stick to it. Stay active too as you have said. Nothing you inject or rub on will come close to the effectiveness of that duo.

    The androgel may very well help you, and I would urge you to get bloodwork done 4-6 weeks after the first dose and adjust if necessary. "Most" people need more than 2 pumps of androgel. If you notice rapid E2 increase then you may want to consider switching to testosterone cypionate or enanthate because your SHBG is very low. SHBG extends the half life of testosterone . Given your low SHBG and overall picture of health, it's not unreasonable to presume you have some degree of significant insulin resistance as well.

    Your estradiol test does not indicate it is the sensitive test. That's the one you need (or ultrasensitive from Quest). Obese people have a tendency to have more estradiol problems than their slimmer counterparts.

    I would expect your numbers to change drastically. The focus should be on making positive lifestyle and diet changes.

    For what it's worth, you won't need to test LH and FSH anymore because they will be suppressed by exogenous testosterone administration.

  5. #5
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cornfedboy2000 View Post
    and I'm taking fish oil too, not that it matters I guess lol
    Fish oil is actually a good thing. Many docs recommend it nowadays.

    You need to make some serious diet changes though, far beyond supplements.

    I would recommend you read the book called "Nourishing Traditions".

  6. #6
    cornfedboy2000's Avatar
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    I ordered the sensitive assay for males as far as estradiol, so those are the numbers I got. Yes, I am getting back to eating nutritious, and as I slowly get my leg back, I get more active. I am scheduled for follow up BW in a few weeks for the 6 week checkup.

  7. #7
    Trific's Avatar
    Trific is offline Member
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    Just being a member of this forum will help you concentrate on getting fit plus TRT should speed up your metabolism.

  8. #8
    cornfedboy2000's Avatar
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    by proxy the TRT will help with a lot from what I know and what I've learned. It'll help my body with the healing of my leg (going in for a bone graft and titanium rod swap soon), which will make it easier to get around, which will make it easier to work out, and I'll actually be able to put muscle back on, which will help me burn more calories. When I was at my prime levels when I was younger, I was pretty massive, so I'm hoping that I can get my T levels at least to where I was back in the day... the rest should fall into place. I know I've learned a ton since I joined this forum.

  9. #9
    cornfedboy2000's Avatar
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    but anyway, I guess I was posting this to see if any of the numbers jumps out as a serious issue

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