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  1. #1
    VTX1800 is offline Associate Member
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    Nizoral: Shampoo for acne?

    Been researching this product heavily for a few days and I feel like sharing this article I found.
    Sorry it's kinda long but informative.
    Heres a link to reviews that were posted by members from our board...

    hey guys here is the article I found that kind of expalins why it works hope it provides more insight

    Steroid Side Effects: Fight Acne with Shampoo?
    by Anthony Roberts

    One of the most notorious side effects experienced with the use of Anabolic /Androgenic Steroids is the development of Acne. This is, for the more hardcore users, not too big of a deal. Granted, if you are three hundred pounds ripped, are balding with a permanent red face from high blood pressure, and develop a bunch of zits suddenly, that last part is probably the least of your concerns. Large oil filled zits just aren’t a pressing concern to the next Mr. Olympia. However, for most of us, and especially first time steroid users or females, zits are usually something we want to avoid. Acne is the most media-popularized side effect of Anabolic Steroid use , and (next to weight gain) the most outwardly recognizable.

    Females especially, want to avoid this for aesthetic reasons, and it’s actually through interaction with one of the female moderators on a bodybuilding message board that I was most recently reminded of this point. She had been experiencing pretty bad acne from Anavar use, but she couldn’t find a suitable answer for how to get rid of it. The most typical answer to the question was “use Retin-A,” which was spouted by nearly everyone she spoke to. It is unfortunate that Retin-A, for many reasons, is a very poor choice for her purposes (one reason being it doesn’t address the cause of the acne appropriately, and it is also a prescription medication). In this particular case, I told her to take some Nizoral (Ketoconazole) Shampoo and rub it on her back and face as a body wash. Huh? What? Shampoo on your face and back? Shampoo is for your hair! Yeah, well that’s what everyone thought. Until now. Okay, I know: shampoo on your face is weird. But, I wouldn’t be writing for Mind and Muscle if I wasn’t three things:

    a.) Weird (in the public’s eye)

    b.) Creative

    c.) Weird

    Now, let’s talk about DHT and how it causes acne. We will then discuss why using Nizoral shampoo would be good for getting rid of acne. Development of AAS-related acne and the extent to which it is experienced can be due to a number of varying factors, with the steroids and dosages used being primary factors. It has been established that the receptors of the sebaceous glands have a particularly high affinity to Dihydrotestosterone (1)(2)(3). Anecdotally, it would also seem that DHT-derivations (Winstrol , etc…) cause more acne than others (Testosterone or 19-Nor derived steroids). Thus, we can also safely assume that steroids, which are affected by the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme and turned into DHT in the body, will also be highly probable to cause acne. Increased sebaceous gland activity causes oily skin, and this, in combination with bacteria and dead skin caused by normal wear and tear, then causes pores to become clogged more quickly than the body can deal with them (or than you can exfoliate or unclog them). This causes visible acne and generally terrible looking skin.

    So DHT is a primary culprit in all those nasty zits, right? Well, stay with me here, because the next part may get slightly complicated. Nizoral shampoo (the chemical in it is Ketoconazole) is actually a topical anti-androgen. Remember, the catalyst for acne is initially DHT (an androgen) and the sebaceous activity it causes. When used topically, in shampoo form, this particular compound’s effects are limited to the skin/scalp and are not systemic (affecting the whole body) unless you take it orally (drink the shampoo). Ketoconazole’s pharmacokinetics have been studied with oral ingestion (they make a pill, you don’t drink the shampoo of course), and it has been determined that even orally, it is effective against acne, because oral ketoconazole has three delivery routes to the skin (4):

    1. Passive uptake by keratinocytes in the basal layer

    2. Excretion through the sweat glands

    3. (The important one) A massive excretion through the sebaceous glands

    In that same study, sebum levels compared with the plasma levels are very high, even with oral ingestion (4), which prompted researchers to simply create a shampoo from the base chemical (Ketoconazole) to prevent androgenic alopecia (balding) caused by DHT. Unfortunately, oral ingestion of an anti-androgen will cause an anti-anabolic effect as well. However, there is almost no effective plasma level to cause an anti-androgenic effect in your body when you topically apply it (4). So this should keep anyone from needlessly worrying about the possibility of an anti-anabolic effect to be had from topically applying Nizoral (even though it’s technically an anti-androgen).

    Lets back up a bit and let me give you a little background on how I stumbled on all of this roughly 8 years ago.

    I figured out that Nizoral would prevent acne when I had some acne on my forehead during my first cycle. I had been using Nizoral to prevent hair loss, and I always got some shampoo on the top of my forehead when I washed my hair. I soon noticed that the area the shampoo came into contact with was free of acne. So, long story short, I started using it as a topical acne treatment and my steroid-induced acne cleared right up. I tried it on my back acne, and it went away. My girlfriend at the time had some acne, and it cleared that up too. A few years ago, I actually looked for validation on my theory, and found it. The study I first found (4) examined the pill form, but the shampoo is the same active ingredient, and won't have a noticeable systemic effect, but rather will have a localized one wherever you apply it.

    Interestingly, about the same year that I had discovered the use of a topical anti-androgen for use in preventing DHT-caused acne (steroid related in my case) scientists completed a study basically saying the same thing. Although I had discovered this use for topical anti-androgens in my shower, and they discovered it in a lab, it’s basically the same idea.

    The study I found from that year examining a topical anti-androgen and its effects on the sebaceous glands was very interesting. When a topical anti-androgen was used on rodents, the scientists noted that sebaceous glandular and ductal regression was quite profound. This strongly suggests that a topical anti-androgen could effectively counteract endogenous androgens resulting in a suppression of growth of the sebaceous glands while leaving serum concentrations of both testosterone and dihydrotestosterone intact and not reduced (5). This means, for all intents and purposes, that Nizoral’s anti-androgenic effect on your skin will prevent acne, without it having a systemic effect on your body. In simplest terms, it will leave 100% of the muscle building effects imparted by the steroids you are taking totally unaffected.

    Shampoo. It’s not just for hair anymore.
    Last edited by VTX1800; 03-27-2013 at 10:22 AM.

  2. #2
    Trific's Avatar
    Trific is offline Member
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    Cool, next pimpled teen I see I can maybe give them this good news!

  3. #3
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Although im not a huge fan of the author, this certainly is an interesting article.

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. #4
    VTX1800 is offline Associate Member
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    It appears to be very effective based on forum posts from this forum and others I read on google. Guys that have been on accutane and a list of other meds swear by it. My face has NEVER had break outs, just one here and there through puberty but my back and shoulders seems to breakout (or they did one time after my PCT years ago) that wasn't a pleasant experience. Now that I'm 5 weeks in on TRT I'm noticing a few big ole zits popping up on my back neck and shoulders. Def. gonna give this stuff a try before anything else. The axe body wash just ain't a cuttin it no more! Lol

  5. #5
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by VTX1800 View Post
    It appears to be very effective based on forum posts from this forum and others I read on google. Guys that have been on accutane and a list of other meds swear by it. My face has NEVER had break outs, just one here and there through puberty but my back and shoulders seems to breakout (or they did one time after my PCT years ago) that wasn't a pleasant experience. Now that I'm 5 weeks in on TRT I'm noticing a few big ole zits popping up on my back neck and shoulders. Def. gonna give this stuff a try before anything else. The axe body wash just ain't a cuttin it no more! Lol
    What type of AI are you using with your TRT, if any? Bloodwork?

  6. #6
    VTX1800 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm using anastrozole, half a pill twice a week. My blood work is posted in my thread "my new protocol" I'm due back next Thursday for my 6 week BW.

  7. #7
    VTX1800 is offline Associate Member
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    My last E2 sensitive was 13.4 (If I remember correctly) Dr. Prescribed anastrozole mwf but since my estrogen came back low (was on androgel durin last BW test) I figured I was better off taking the AI twice a week. I was afraid Of crashing my E2. I'm hoping I won't need An AI but at 200mg/ml a week that's highly unlikely.

  8. #8
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    We need a cheap E2 and test home testers....need to invent some.

  9. #9
    VTX1800 is offline Associate Member
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    That's the truth!! Like a strip you can piss on and it shows your e2 level within 3 minutes. PATENT TIME!!!!!!!

  10. #10
    rt12008's Avatar
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    I have heard of this shampoo and ordered. Trying to quit rogaine based on how important DHT is. I may not use it for acne as much as to try to keep my hair, but don't want acne either. Fingers crossed.

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    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rt12008 View Post
    I have heard of this shampoo and ordered. Trying to quit rogaine based on how important DHT is. I may not use it for acne as much as to try to keep my hair, but don't want acne either. Fingers crossed.
    I dont understand the rogaine thing. If anything you should combine with rogaine. Rogaine is a topical vasodilator ..thats all. The 2 would work well together in my opinion.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by VTX1800 View Post
    That's the truth!! Like a strip you can piss on and it shows your e2 level within 3 minutes. PATENT TIME!!!!!!!
    Ha, ha....Yo Brian, when you're done getting all the LowTestosterone stores open and get your pharmacy going and erect your lab can we get a couple of cheap tester built?

  13. #13
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by VTX1800 View Post
    I'm using anastrozole, half a pill twice a week. My blood work is posted in my thread "my new protocol" I'm due back next Thursday for my 6 week BW.
    What is "half a pill"? Dosage depends on manufacturer. Looking forward to your next set of bloods.

    Quote Originally Posted by VTX1800 View Post
    My last E2 sensitive was 13.4 (If I remember correctly) Dr. Prescribed anastrozole mwf but since my estrogen came back low (was on androgel durin last BW test) I figured I was better off taking the AI twice a week. I was afraid Of crashing my E2. I'm hoping I won't need An AI but at 200mg/ml a week that's highly unlikely.
    Were you experiencing acne with low E2?

  14. #14
    Allaaro is offline Associate Member
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    Tried it...and head and shoulders. Both didn't make a difference for acne or DHT.

  15. #15
    VTX1800 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    What is "half a pill"? Dosage depends on manufacturer. Looking forward to your next set of bloods.

    Anastrozole .5mgs dr. Prescribed 1mg pills.

    Were you experiencing acne with low E2?
    No My back and shoulders have been crystal clear for years until last week. ?

  16. #16
    VTX1800 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trific View Post
    Ha, ha....Yo Brian, when you're done getting all the LowTestosterone stores open and get your pharmacy going and erect your lab can we get a couple of cheap tester built?
    Can we get a little kick back???$$$ haha

  17. #17
    VTX1800 is offline Associate Member
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    So I went out looking for nizoral today. And it's no where to be found. Except on eBay for $100 bucks. I'm not paying that price. shows it for $9 but it's not in stores on their locator. some cities do have it, location varies also heard it was discontinued.

  18. #18
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    Nizoral Anti-Dandruff Shampoo - 60Ml
    by Nizoral
    3.9 out of 5 stars See all reviews (14 customer reviews)

    Price: $17.75
    Deal Price:
    o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

    In Stock.
    Ships from and sold by hhbhealth.
    Nizoral Anti-Dandruff Shampoo - 60Ml

  19. #19
    VTX1800 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trific View Post

    Nizoral Anti-Dandruff Shampoo - 60Ml
    by Nizoral
    3.9 out of 5 stars See all reviews (14 customer reviews)

    Price: $17.75
    Deal Price:
    o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

    In Stock.
    Ships from and sold by hhbhealth.
    Nizoral Anti-Dandruff Shampoo - 60Ml
    Hey hey hey!!! Look at you T. Just made my order, thanks man!! (It's the 7oz bottles that are blue and r 2% the red are smaller and have 1% keta

  20. #20
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  21. #21
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    i get acne even though i have low testosterone ..jsut luck..stridex doesnt work much

  22. #22
    VTX1800 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    What is "half a pill"? Dosage depends on manufacturer. Looking forward to your next set of bloods.

    Were you experiencing acne with low E2?
    Mickey, I go for my BW next Thursday, so should have results posted on "my new protocol" thread the follow week I'm anxious to see my BW too since I have been on the clomid everyday. I my LH numbers aren't up then I won't continue the clomid. My doc prescribed it just to try and keep sperm production up as my wife and I are trying to have our first child.

  23. #23
    docjnsn is offline New Member
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    To make this effective do you have to let it sit on the skin for awhile or just wash and rinse?

  24. #24
    VTX1800 is offline Associate Member
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    Doc, from the info I've gathered, you lather as usual and let it sit for 2 minutes then rinse. That's what I plan to do when I get mine. As a side note, if you do start using as shampoo only use it 3 times a week bc it was cause shedding even though it makes hair thicker. Again, I've jus read that from others who have used it.

  25. #25
    Drops is offline Junior Member
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    Great thread

    This gives me another use for it (planned to use it to prevent hair loss)

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