Just signed up today, I'll keep people posted on how its going. I know there have been a lot of questions and people wondering about the site.
Just signed up today, I'll keep people posted on how its going. I know there have been a lot of questions and people wondering about the site.
Quick question.. Do I need to fast for my BW and if so how long? Here is the BW I am getting...
Question... Do I need to fast for this type of BW and if so how long should I fast for?
CHM 010322 Prostate-Specific Ag, Serum
CHM 322000 Comp. Metabolic Panel (14)
CHM 005009 CBC With Differential/Platelet
CHM 140103 Testosterone,Free and Total
CHM 004283 Luteinizing Hormone(LH), S
CHM 303756 Lipid Panel
Yes, ^ for that you need to fast. Just wake up and go get your bloodwork without drinking or eating... So your night sleep is good enough. And congrats on your membership! Good things to come!
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
Congrats. Do the fasting as Austinite stated. 12-to-15 hours should be sufficient.
Ok, thanks for the info guys
Glad to hear it man. I wish you all the best. I hope I was able to provide a sliver of useful info in regards to making your decision. Let us know how everything goes!
Thanks for the post! Keep us posted as to your experience!
BTW, you will also need to refrain from ejaculating, so keep it in your pants for 24-36 hours![]()
Yes, and a high PSA can disqualify you for treatment until you get cleared by a urologist... so please keep that in mind. :-)
You would need to fast for the Lipid panel.
Why, I wonder, would the experts at our very own low testosterone.com not test estradiol in any fashion though?...
I realize I'm not your doctor, but it just seems like a no brainer if you're looking at altering your sex hormones you would want to know one of the most crucial - estradiol.
For a new client, someone who is not currently on a testosterone treatment program, estradiol is tested 6wks into treatment and again at 6 months into treatment.
For a new client who is currently on a testosterone treatment program, estradiol is tested during the initial blood test as well as at 6wks into treatment and again at 6 months into treatment.
lol well as for the ejaculating thing it was definitely at least 12 hours whether or not it was 24 I can't remember.... I signed up for my BW on Thursday afternoon and had my appointment Friday morning.
Just a suggestion as well for lowt.com... I think it should be added somewhere when new members sign up that they shouldn't be ejaculating 24-36 hours before their blood work and that they should fast... Or is it somewhere and I just missed it???
Just a quick update... Had my BW done and I did qualify for TRT, however I don't know what my test levels are. They told me they cannot give me any of the information from my BW until the day of my appointment, which kinda sucks because I would like to post them here and be able to formulate some questions from the pros on this forum... So far the process through lowtestosterone.com has been very smooth, I cannot say the same for the Denver, CO office which is where I am flying into... Their receptionists there seem to lack a good amount of intelligence and I have been told I would be called back 2-3 times and they never call me back, I always have to call them. My appointment is May 6th so hopefully all goes smooth...
Screw dat! Call the lab and request a copy. It's yours and by law they have to give them to u
Glad you got all the advice and didn't have to wait on me, sorry for jumping in so late. Get it man and good luck. crazy mike................
Well Labcorp says that when they do BW for an outside agency I have to go to the outside agency to get my BW. I called the doctor my case had been assigned to and after 4-5 days and 10 phone calls later they tell me they can't give me any information over the phone or via email(never actually spoke with my doc just receptionists)... Which I guess I understand, might be a HIPAA violation or something... Just wish I could look at my results before my appointment...
I have to admit, the few comments I have read so far on the forums about lowtestosterone.com have not been impressive :-/
Everything you've been told is correct. What you said above in red is also correct.
When you go to the doctor you can request your labs. From there you can do whatever you want to with them. I apologize if that seems annoying but nothing in your labs is going to change between now and the doctors visit.
As you have been having issues with the receptionist at the clinic you're going to if you'll give us a call we can hopefully resolve that issue. I say that because I don't know who you are by your screen name on a message board.
Its not really an issue, I understand why I cannot get my BW and it makes sense. When I spoke with Justin about it he told me there has been issues with people signing up, getting their BW and then cancelling the credit card so they get free BW. So I understand completely as to why they wont give them over the phone or e-mail.... HIPAA and the reason I just mentioned make sense. FRDave one thing I can assure you is you will have no issues at lowt.com, everyone I have spoke with there(Bryan and Justin) have been very informational and very helpful. Like I said the only issue is at the docs office and obviously no matter where you go you can have issues with people in an office... Receptionists a lot of times aren't the smartest of people no matter where you go...
You're right, there have been several people who've tried to use the system to get free blood work and nothing more.
Another issue along the same lines is people calling and asking for the clinic locations and phone numbers prior to signing up for the program. I understand their thinking, cut out lowtestosterone.com and save money but it doesn't work that way. The doctor may still agree to see you but the price is always 2-3x more. However, some of the physicians will tell the patient to call lowtestosterone.com. It became such a problem we had to stop giving out clinic numbers to people and even addresses in some cases because some people were harassing the doctors and making demands on the bais of what they read on a message board somewhere. Put yourself in the doctors shoes and think about how that would sound.
It is a shame that everything in life always has a few bad apples but overall our clients have been very easy to work with and we're extremely grateful for each one. Our business is based on the client being happy, that's the only way our business can be successful.
Last edited by Low Testosterone; 04-19-2013 at 04:17 PM.
In my humble opinion I believe E2 should be tested right up front before any testosterone is injected into a mans body. Many middle aged men who are in some state of age related Secondary Hypogonadism are so due to the slowing of HPTA, Androgen Pathway and resting metabolic rate...getting old in other words.
Along those same lines the Aromatase Enzyme increases as we age as well, so we have a much higher incidence of conversion of Testosterone to Estradiol in the middle aged male and why men present with low serum levels.
It's a double edged sword: slowing of HPTA and increase conversion to E2 via Aromatase activity.
Most middle aged men who present with age related androgen deficiency syndrome generally will present with higher levels of Estradiol as noted above (and almost all will be near the clinical level of being obese).
Flying blindly the first 6 week without having any idea of what a mans E2 levels are opens the door for the possibility of making a bad situation even worse for many men seeking help.
I would think again about testing for E2 from the start...it's just good TRT practice and almost every good TRT Practitioner that I have a relationship with tests for it at the initial BW as well.
BTW, I don't see SHBG as well?
Well for me, I'm not going to make an opinion because one receptionist is an idiot... All places of employment have them, its just how the world works... Hell, for all I know she was a fill in because someone was sick and thats why she didn't know anything... I'll make my opinion once I speak with the doctor; because to me lowt.com hired the doctor, not her receptionist....
I don't know nearly as much as you gd and I wondered the same thing... Maybe someone's E2 levels are high and thats what the problem is, it might not be the test levels at all... But I'm not nearly an expert so I assume there is a reason its done how its done because they definitely know more then I do.
I'm also a new lowtestosterone.com client. I had a pre-existing labcorp beacon account because I do some BW on my own, and when labcorp finished my BW, they automatically posted the results before I got called back to make an appointment to see the doc.
I found the labcorp beacon account after I had my BW, I signed up but nothing has been uploaded. If I contact labcorp will they be able to post it online?
How long have you been with lowt ray? and what office did you go to?
SHBG is calculated by our medical staff on every client very easily with a formula using albumin panel, free testosterone, and total testosterone. Why charge the client more when it just takes our staff a few more minutes to analyze and calculate. This is why we are $199. If you are curious what your SHBG just ask!! As some of you might know elevated SHBG can render your free T into the dirt. In fact this is hallmark of the aging male. Ive had many men turned away from some of the most well know TRT clinics due to their practitioners not being educated on this. Many men can have a testosterone of 720 and still be andropausal because of an elevated SHBG up around 60 or 70. SHBG binds tightly to Total T and is unbreakable and albumin bind is looser and still can be used as bioavailable. Free T is really the important number here and usually only makes up 1-2%. TRT clinics that only test for total T and dont calculate SHBG or dont run a free T are doing a serious disservice to the patient and themselves. Just another reason to find a doc that is board certified in anti-aging and regenerative medicine. Our in house medical staff at lowtestosterone.com are board certified in AARM and we hand pick all the practitioners that see our clients and LT board certify them sharing all the trade secrets.
As for why we dont test for estradiol initially for the new to TRT patient...From a practitioners standpoint it is our belief and vital to score every patient on there level of aromitase degree. This gives us vital data and imperative information on how to treat and create a tight symphony of all the hormonal ratios optimizing the patients treatment. Every client is instructed to let their doctor know if chest tenderness occurs between the 1-5week period and an anti-aromitase blocker is Rx early if these symptoms do occur. We take this very seriously and preach to our clinical affiliates the whole idea of TRT is to optimize T and control E2.
I agree with you GB, so much estrogen in our environment. plastics, food additives, petrochemicals, obesity all play a role in why we are seeing this national epidemic of andropausal men. I listen to a pod cast every morning called "the feminization of the american man" some conspiracy theory thrown in there, but very factual information regarding how our environment and exposure to certain elements is causing these supraphysiological levels of estrogen and thus converting our T. We didnt see this common form of andropause 35 years ago!!!
Last edited by LowT Mike; 04-19-2013 at 07:27 PM.
Well I found out why I can't get my BW from labcorp... I'm in Michigan and Michigan is one of the very few states that is not right to know for BW.....
So are these the complete list of labs that are tested by lowtestosterone.com if one is not currently on an HRT regimen?
If so, aside from the E2 concern raised by HRTstudent and gd, I would be concerned about having a thyroid condition that will go undetected, at the root of the problem? (This is of special interest to myself because I am in exactly that situation: began HRT without ferreting out an underlying thyroid issue beforehand.)
To any of the TRT specialists that are part of lowt.com; any idea if I get prescribed test C if I will be doing it IM or SubQ?? I remember reading somewhere that lowt.com does a lot of their test injections SubQ now...
Any decent doctor would make that decision with the patient. There is no reason to believe one or the other is better at this point. If anything, a more conservative approach would be intramuscular injections. With that reasoning, if a doctor preferred subQ, he would most likely not be opposed to intramuscular if the patient wanted it.
If given the option which should I choose??? Never injected before so I've really only read postings on here about it...
That's bull crap. First off there's no issues emailing or faxing bloodiest results Quest labs emails my doc the results and he emails them to me. Not that I need him to because quest labs has an app where they send my results- note I said MY RESULTS and Ne my docs results- straight to my iPhone.
I have my doc email my results to me because it fast the quest app about an extra day to post my results to the app.
These are the patients results. The privacy laws are meant to prevent unauthorized disclosure of the patients med info to UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS. low t could send you the results if they wanted but they probably don't to prevent you from getting the results and going elsewhere.
I'm not sure what lab ores problem is. I wonder if they are in cahoots w low T. If u got your results from Quest, they send you the results.
Hey mopar, he said he lives in Michigan. Its not a law there. Weird tho lol. And there really is no place to go to. Low-t is a pretty good godamn deal
I am a LowT subscriber, and I just had my appointment in Scottsdale, Az. It was nice to speak with a doctor who took my unique situation into consideration. I can't say that he answered all of my questions, but he answered most.
I was prescribed .8 ML Test C, one time per week, along with 250 IU HCG one time per week, 5 days after injection. He also prescribed an AI if needed. The 2 questions that weren't really answered were why not do 2 injections per week with the Test C, and HCG. When I asked, he said that it was the way he wanted to do it. He said once a week for HCG was enough, and he wasn't even certain about needing it at all. He feels that the half life for the Test is long enough to do it once a week.
Since he is the doctor, and should know way more than me, I will be following his advice. I will report back with results.
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