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Thread: hcg

  1. #1
    caira1074 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    so when we add hcg to our trt protocol it means are bodies will continue to produce test even while we inject test into our bodies

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Quote Originally Posted by caira1074 View Post
    so when we add hcg to our trt protocol it means are bodies will continue to produce test even while we inject test into our bodies
    Yes, so as long as the male is Secondary Hypogonadal.

    Did you read the sticky on HCG at the top of the forum?

    Be careful about starting numerous threads, best to keep everything in one...i.e., your post on no libido and adding in HCG.

  3. #3
    caira1074 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2010
    sorry for that, I will know for next time

  4. #4
    caira1074 is offline Junior Member
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    what if you are primary

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    South Fla
    Quote Originally Posted by caira1074 View Post
    what if you are primary
    No natural production; but HCG acts as a neurohormone and has many other benefits.

  6. #6
    caira1074 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2010
    I haven't felt real good since starting the hcg 3 weeks ago, no sex drive throat is scratchy kinda sore, I was on trt for three years without it but started it cause of the sticky I read above. I cant see how it would raise my estrogen that much but maybe. I had a good sex drive before I started now none, have anxiety and cold sweats and weekness at times, can having high e cause thyroid problems maybe the cause of the scratchy throat, all I know is I was feeling pretty darn good till I started it, im doing 250iu 3 times a week and 160 test cyp a week divided into 80 twice a week and .5 arimidex 3 times a week

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