well mabey i dont understand TRT my understanding is that trt is meant to give you "optimal" test levels and finding out where you function "optimally" takes communication with the Doc and research on ones own part. personally at 290lbs i felt amazing could go all day and looked great. at the present moment i cant drum up the drive or energy to shovel the driveway or clean the garage at 440 test. it ****ing sucks its like life is there and i know what needs to be done i just cant bring myself to do it and that is very much not ever been me.
and ya my bigger lifts were about 2-3 years ago i think before i shut down.
always have been more interested in raw strength rather than sculpting but my previous activity helped me get both before my Test crashed...
but strength and stam were there. i could set concrete block 10 hr days no problem.
so when the doc said i would plateau at 1600 and "float" around 1000-1400 i figured if i can get back to my 290lbs and be healthy that those levels would be about accurate for that weight and activity lvl.