Originally Posted by
My Level/Range
E2 23 pg/ml 20-75
Cortisol 3.90 mcg/dl 6.70-22.40
DHEA S LVL 130.80 mcg/dl 5.00-700.00
Start supplementing with 50 mg of micronized slow release DHEA daily in the morning as soon as you can.
PSA .59 ng/ml 0.00-4.00
Lipid Profile
Cholesterol Total 144 mg/dl <=200
Triglycerides 193 mg/dl <=150
HDL 33 >=40
Low Dens Lipoprotien Chol. 72 mg/dl <=130
LDL HDL Ratio 2.2 mg/dl <=3.6
Nothing to worry about.
MG 1.6 mg/dl 1.6-1.25
Free T3 3.4 pg/ml 2.4-6.8
This is better near the upper end of the reference range.
Estrogen 71 pg/ml less than 200 pg/ml
Your estrogen dominant. This is one assay that should be in the upper 20's. I would like to know what you look like now with the use of the AI in your protocol.
Free T4 .8 ng/ml .6-1.6
Like FT3 we like to see this in the upper end of the reference range. Your Thyroid is sluggish.
TSH ULTRA 1.051 mcIntUnit/Ml .340-5.600
TEST 300 ng/dl 168-746
Test,Free .87 ng/dl .95-4.30
All of these Numbers are Pre TRT no medications what so ever. Keep in mind I'm only 29