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    HRT/Anti-Aging log #2

    Lets aee where to begin. Lets start from past to present. I had a log here a few years back for a anti-aging purposes. I ran HGH 2ius a day, test e, Deca and whinny. Tht blog went for a little over a year. The reason I stopped my blog was I meet this amazing woman. I stopped my treatments and tried to become what I thought was a better man. A couple years later the woman was not quite as amazing. We ended our relationship and I slipped into depression. Yes it turns out even Heat can fall to this problem. I started drinking and taking script meds. Not a good combo. Soon after tht I totaled my new Benz on the way to work. I went to the Hospital and after seeing several specialits it was determined tht I would need neck surgery. So here is where the journey begins....

    For some reason after the wreck I came out a different man. I was no longer depressed but had a new zest to succeed. I was going to prove these specialists wrong. They told me I would never squat again. So my mission began to prove them wrong. Well it's been around 6 months and I have lost right at 40 pounds. I am now in pretty good shape but nothing I am used to. Yes my time in depression I gained a lot of weight.

    My stats now 6'2 240 right at 20% BF age 41. I will be lifting as follows Monday legs, Tuesday chest, Wednesday cardio and abs, Thursday back, Friday abs cardio, Saturday shoulders and Sunday bi's and Tri's. I do at least 30 minutes of cardio almost every day. My diet will be more of a feel I will always keeps proteins high very low carbs but I will cycle those. fats I will keep between 15-20%. My diet is spot on. My problem will be prevention of overtraining. Once I start something it's hard to pull me off task. Bottom line I hate taking days off .
    The products I will be using are as follows. GHRP-6 and CJC-1295 at 100mcgs twice daily. I hope these have healing affects and aging benefits. From my past use of HGH they have both. I haven been on these for two weeks. I am also taking 40-6omcgs of clen and T-3. Clen is extremely harsh and might be discontinued shortly . So far the products have really helped in leaning me out. Thanks to the board for having fantastic peptides and T-3. I will cycle the T-3 as I see fit. I will run the peptides for the next year. As for AAS I am going to see a doc next week where I will start out at 100mgs twice a week along wth HCG . I thought about blasting into this program but these UGLs seem to be a pain in the ass. I will try to talk the doc into giving me Anavar and or Deca. I would use these for a short time.... Yes it is summer! As for supplements I have stolen some of GDs and Austin's protocol. So far I have been beyond impressed. Who would have thought Cia would have more benefits than just giving u wood!

    My goals are to improve myself both mentally and physically. I am doing this blog because it will help me be accountable to my goals. Let the party begin.


  2. #2
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    Good luck with things BDH. Quite the smorgasbord of items there!
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  3. #3
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    Thanks Kel, each item should play a roll. At least I hope. Today's workout was back. Went into the gym already having a great pump. Since I started the Cia at 5mg both morning and night I seem to have a constant pump. I had never used cia before so I was not sure what to expect. But I will say it does not disappoint. Fantastic compound gives u a full body pump and my Johnson could not be happier. My workout went ad follows. 10 minute warmup walking on a incline. Then it was time to dead lift at 15 reps then pull ups no rest to failure then to bent over barbell rows x15. After ths giant set my heart was in overdrive. I went on to do three more sets before I was dripping wth sweat and pumped like a beast. I don't usually do giant sets but once a month I will include for muscle confusion. Following my last set I had zero left in the tank. The clen and T-3 combined seem to play havoc on my body. Clen to me is a brutal but effective drug. I get really bad sides hand tremors "worse than coming off a week bender in Vegas." Not to mention anxiety, fatigue and insomnia. Not sure how long I can continue ths drug. I only used 60mcgs today in hopes of reducing sides. Turns out I will not go over 40. The same goes for T-3 but I might run this product a little longer than the clen. One thing is for sure AAR's product is no joke. If anything I would say they are overdosed. But I would not know since ths is my first run on these products. So shout out to AAR for getting a product to me quickly tht packs a punch. Thts good business! I ran T-4 while on HGH and tht worked well so in the future I might replace T-3 wth T-4. As for the peptides I have been happy wth those as well. I don't have a problem being a pin cushion. I pin in places wth the most fat. So of course my stomach. I have had some small sides but nothing real bad yet. Not sure if its a placebo affect but I would swear my skin looks and feels better while on these peps. I have not noticed any strength gains but its way to early in the ball game/bottom of the first. Once I see the doc next week I will push for 200mgs a week which I know will be test c. Of course they give HCG and A.i. I look forward to reporting on tht. So after today's review it appears my supplements are dialed in but I need to figure out if I should cut the clen out completely. Well I had that nasty arse tasting Keto and it's kicking in so it's lights out for Heat. When I wake its time to party wth the cardio.


  4. #4
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    Well after a deep Keto induced sleep it was time to hit cardio. Before cardio 100mcgs GHRP-6,100mcg CJC-1295 and 5mg's Cia. Also 40mcg's of Clen and 40 mcg's T-3. Cardio went good 40 mins on the eleptical and I still have a full body pump. Since starting the Cia I have had a unreal pump. This might be my new favorite drug. I've decided to cut my T3 and clen down to 40mcgs. I felt much better on a lower dose. The clen sides are much more manageable at the small dose. I will remain on this dose of T3 for the near future. Come Wednesday I will drop the clen for at least two weeks. I am not a fan of clen but it does work. At this point a necessary evil.
    The reason why I am trying to lean out quickly is because I do not want neck surgery. Since I have dropped weight I have not taken any pain meds. There is no question the less i weigh the easier it is on my neck/spine... Can we say gravity! I figure running these peptides for a year is still way cheaper thn surgery.
    Breakfast 6 egg whites with two whole eggs and 3 corn tortillas. Mid morning will be banana and 50 grams of Whey. I will train shoulders around 2 then off to the pool. Not sure there is anything tht inspires me more to train than beautiful ladies in Bikinis!

    Last edited by bringndaheat; 05-11-2013 at 07:41 AM.

  5. #5
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    Looking forward to seeing you progress. Did you have any baseline blood work done it? I would be really interested to see how your panels progress as well.

  6. #6
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    @100% I had my bloodwork done last Wednesday. I did not take any T-3, clen , GHRP or CJC within 24 hours of my bloodwork. From my understanding I should be good. Of course I am not a Doc I am a banker. So we will see. I am very much looking forward to getting the results back myself.


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    Quote Originally Posted by bringndaheat View Post
    @100% I had my bloodwork done last Wednesday. I did not take any T-3, clen , GHRP or CJC within 24 hours of my bloodwork. From my understanding I should be good. Of course I am not a Doc I am a banker. So we will see. I am very much looking forward to getting the results back myself.

    I don't know if you had a EKG lately but I would definitely get one even if you have to pay out of pocket.
    You can get one at a weight loss clinic for about 40 bucks.

  8. #8
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    Heat visit the lounge and read "Marcus's Diary" for some good training tips.
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    @100% I have not had a EKG but after I went up to 100mcgs of clean a few days ago I thought I might need one. That shiat is strong. I could not even sign my name my damn hands were shaking so hard. I think u r right I will look into tht.
    @Kel I read half have Marcus300 diary a few days ago great stuff! As a matter of fact I just watched a couple YouTube videos to get me pumped before my shoulder workout. Headed to the gym now. I am hoping to have more energy since I lowered clen and T3!


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    Gotta love a sunny day in Big D. The gym cardio equipment overlooks the pool. So it makes for great viewing while warming up. Two future strippers of America were at the pool so motivation was top notch! One of them reminded me of the Russian stripper I meet last week. Funny has anyone ever meet a stripper that was not in school I know I haven'
    So back to the gym workout was insane along wth the pumps. The high rep giant sets to failure completely kicked my ass. I felt like I could rip a tree out of the ground and snap it like a tooth pick. Being back in beast mode feels great.
    Of course after working out I had to go down to meet the future strippers. One was named Marsha smoking hot blonde basic tits on a stick. Of course I have a affliction for blondes with anorexic tendancys. Yes another day in paradise.


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    #Muscle memory what a beautiful thing! I started my day wth the normal 100mcg's of CJC and GHRP along wth 30mcgs of clen and 40mcgs of T3. I dropped the clen dose again to get rid of the shaky hands. Then it was off to the gym for cardio. Cardio was a breeze and I ripped through 400 cals. Next was breskfast then off to church. Had brunch wth the fam where I had bread for the first time in 90 Days. I had a Kobe beef burger wth jalapeño bacan and green chilies and egg on top... Freaking amazing!! I had not allowed myself to cheat but it was well worth it. My body seems almost machine like now and will search and destroy any food I put in my body!
    I think I might be holding a little water from the Peps but their healing powers r will worth it. My neck feels fantastic which is most encouraging. Tomorrow will be a big test as its heavy leg day where I will be Squating 315 for reps. Not where I used to be but it's coming
    Today was arm day and my attitude was to do damage!... In return I will grow! I took 5mgs of cialis before I went. As I was doing my first giant set I thought my triceps were going to tear they were so engorged with blood. I pushed through but had to shake my arms out after the set... They were on fire! I powered through two more giant sets and my tris were begging me for mercy.
    So it was time for my first giant set wth bi's. I was in full beast mode at ths point. Again half way through the set it felt like a rock had formed where my bicep once was. I as I progressed they to we're so engorged wth blood they needed a rest from the onslaught. I shook them out increased the weight and went back to battle. There was much relief after finishing arms... The tank was almost empty. Oh well I still had abs. I hate training abs wth other body parts as I feel to do them right they need their own day. Regardless I powered through to the point of almost losing my lunch.
    To sum up today great overall day. I have not had one workout were I was not stronger than before. I attribute this to muscle memory and spot on nutrition! Leaning out and adding strength is a lot easier said than done.
    Next week I will visit the doc and find out where I am wth my blood work. Can't wait to get this behind me. I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day weekend! Signing off...


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    It's Monday and that means LEG DAY! Time to work those wheels. I did my typical Moday morning sups except I cut the Clen down again to 30mcgs. This seems like the best dose for me. I know it's not much but everyone is different and this stuff kicks my ass. I did no do cardio today because I wanted to save my wheels for the squat rack. The financial markets were a mess today with bonds all over the place. So I walked into the gym pissed off wth a attitude. I head straight for the rack to inflict damage in myself. 15 reps @135 then 10 at 225 then 8 @275 and finished off wth 315 for 6. My Legs were bulging and my lungs were sucking every last drop of oxygen ot of the gym. I rested for long enough to strip a 45 off each side then hammered out 15 more reps ass to grass. My whole body was swole at this point. But the party had just started. I still had extensions, curls and calves. Extensions and curls were Max plates to failure wth drop sets. My legs are now in some major pain. I will head to chiropractor soon to get stem therapy on my quads. Finished up wth 10 minutes on the treadmill to shed the last drop of sweat in my body. Trying to get rid of any bloat.
    Overall today was a good workout . I think I have my program pretty well dialed in. I was told today tht I was approved for my HRT program. Problem is the Doc says he can't see me till next Wednesday. That blows because tht means once the product is shipped it will be another 4 or 5 days. So basically my program won't start until June 1. I guess thts Gods way of telling me I need to drop a another % in BF. The UGL did get back wth me and the r g2g wth Anavar if I want. I thought about getting this and test P to kick start my journey. I knw many of you will disapprove but some will understand where I am coming from. Well thts it for now it's off to the store to buy protein!


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    Update...... No slacking off.

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    @100% no slacking here my friend. This log will last for one year from start date! So I was cracking up this morning when I looked at my bottle of Cialis and it looked like all the good stuff had fallen to the bottom. I shook tht shiat like I was trying to get a candy bar out of it! I took my usual 5mg's then my 100 mcgs of GHRP and CJC. Along wth other sups. The bad part of my morning was my legs hurt like shiat after those squats. I know 315 squats are not tht much but to this old man it put a hurtin! My IT bands are jacked up like a monster truck. The chiro will have his work cut out for him ths weekend. Question is it possible for your legs, chest, shoulders and arms to get bigger and still lose weight? Because I think I'm doing at. My slacks are stretching at my quads and my waist size is getting smaller. Anyway I really like the low dose of Clen and T3. You don't burn fat as quickly but the sides are not as bad it's pretty much a happy medium.
    #Chest- Yes yes Tuesday is Chest day. I've started taking my Cialis before my evening workout. Shit makes u explode in the gym! I did a YouTube search Bodybuilding motivation and watched a couple and I was powered up and ready to unleash. Started wth bench warmed up wth two sets at 135 then 185 then 225 then 275. I planned on going to 305 but I had a pain in my rotator cuff so I stopped there. At this point I thought my chest was going to rip through my XL under armor shirt. Fug it no time to rest it's incline dumbell presses. Warm up set wth the 60's did not feel good on the shoulder but watching my veins bulge out made the discomfort worth it. Second set I pushed the 75's for a easy ten. Last set was the 100's for eight. I think I could have done the 110's for 7 or 8 but I could not risk my shoulder. I can't afford injury at ths point. I must keep going at all costs. Failure is not a option! I finished wth cable crosses and dips. I had to go light on crosses cause the shoulder was very close to injury. I saw a friend I had not seen in three months said I looked like I could start at Mike Linebacker for the Boys. Tht was pretty cool. As if I needed more motivation ths perfect blonde walked in so I had to hang around for a few more minutes to stretch. She was poetry in motion.
    Overview great workout but I need to figure out something wth ths shoulder. I've never done rotator work but I will have to start. I have a question I am pondering... Every workout I get stronger by at least 10-20 pounds per exercise. I don't appear to be anywhere close to a plateau. Do I still start my TRT program in the next two weeks? I am doing the TRT program for more thn just strength. Mood, memory overall sense of well being, endurance etc.... Well I guess I just answered my own question. I will attribute my gains to muscle memory and nutrition at ths point. Although its only been two weeks I think the peptides il might be playing a role. I'm sure the no pain killers or booze doesn't hurt either!
    One other thing my blood work was completed on Friday by labcorp. They want me to see my Dr to get the results. He can't see me till next Wednesday and I want to view my test now to research so I know what questions to ask. Do you guys think Labcorp will give me results. Alright gotta run my future stripper And neighbor Marsha is coming over to watch a flick. Dueces!


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  16. #16
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    @100% yeah I've turned into a puss these days when I squat more than 225. I still have deep muscle soreness. Fug it, onward and upward!


  17. #17
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    I will start by saying today has been a beating. Bond market has been a jack hole. I woke up feeling good ths morning and decided i would do a no carb day since today is a non weight day. So far so good just no fresking energy. Did have a kick ass lunch BBQ ribs, sausage and green beans. Yes us Texans don't screw around when it comes to BBQ! Worked from 7 to 7 then it was off to the gym for some cardio. I did thirty minutes and called it a night. I did not have the steam. My body is pretty worn out. I've been non stop for the last six months most days cardio in the morning and weights at night. I think my CNS has had enough. So I shut her down. My body just does not recoup as fast... Hence the need for TRT.
    Oh yeah I forgot I upped my T3 and Clen to 60mcgs. My body just can't handle tht dose. Been shaking like Nicholas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas. I knw tht is a wuss dose but everyone is different!
    I did decide tht I am not going to blast into my TRT. I can't afford to buy any more new suits my quads are about to rip through my slacks. Not to mention I really need to do ths right. Now if my Doc tells me I only need to use 100mgs a week of Test C then I might have to personally change it to 150 or 200 a week. I knw wht ur thinking and hell yeah I want to be in the high end. From my experience 200 mg's puts me at 1200. I feel very good at tht level so we will c. Thts about all I got tonight. Time for my Keto and some well deserved rest.

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    So last Thursday I injured my back. I thought I broke my spine. X-rays came back negative so tht left possible herniated disk. I went to the spine institute and the Doc doesn't think it's a herniated disk. I've never hurt my lower back before but it was the most painful experience I've ever had.... And I've done for jacked up stuff. I go back to the Dr on Tuesday for MRI if its not way better. I've had to start a steroid pack, muscle relaxers and pain pills. I've had issues wth these in the past but I had no choice. The pain was so bad I've passed out and thrown up. Good thing today back feels 50% better. The steroid pack really helps. Side note I only take MRs and pain pills at night. Which I will stop tomorrow if pain keeps getting better. I just think God tht it looks like I'm not going to need surgery.
    I did visit my Dr on Wednesday and my TRT Doc and I am good to go. I'm not near as hyped because I can't even workout right now. I'm trying to keep my spirits high but this has really thrown me for a loop. I will write more once I figure out wht to do. In the mean time u guys keep up the hard work!


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    Well it's been two weeks since I was last able to train back. Today I was feeling well enough to do light training on upper back. I had a very positive workout wth not much pain. I only did light pull lat pull downs, dumbell rows and a few upright rows. Very good pump and the blood was surging through my veins again. Wow it feels good. I must say I was winded after only 12 sets. Still not sure if I should do cardio as I don't wont to strain my back.
    I have started back on my protocol of 100mcgs of cjc1295 and GHRP6 twice daily. Also 40mcgs T3 and 40mcgs of clen . I did get my TRT protocol its 100mgs test c once a week and 250mcgs HCG twice a week. Adex if needed at 1mg a week if needed. I have not started this protocol because I wanted my back fully healed!
    When I was weighed at the Dr I was at 250. So I had actually gained 10 pounds while losing body fat. I really did not want the extra weight but tht the way I am built.
    My goal is to start TRT protocol on Monday if back keeps getting better. I'm off all pain killers and muscle relaxers. Unfortunately my body is experiencing a little detox from two weeks of those damn drugs! Bodybuilding is one of the only things tht keeps me sane and sober.


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    Quote Originally Posted by bringndaheat View Post
    Well it's been two weeks since I was last able to train back. Today I was feeling well enough to do light training on upper back. I had a very positive workout wth not much pain. I only did light pull lat pull downs, dumbell rows and a few upright rows. Very good pump and the blood was surging through my veins again. Wow it feels good. I must say I was winded after only 12 sets. Still not sure if I should do cardio as I don't wont to strain my back.
    I have started back on my protocol of 100mcgs of cjc1295 and GHRP6 twice daily. Also 40mcgs T3 and 40mcgs of clen . I did get my TRT protocol its 100mgs test c once a week and 250mcgs HCG twice a week. Adex if needed at 1mg a week if needed. I have not started this protocol because I wanted my back fully healed!
    When I was weighed at the Dr I was at 250. So I had actually gained 10 pounds while losing body fat. I really did not want the extra weight but tht the way I am built.
    My goal is to start TRT protocol on Monday if back keeps getting better. I'm off all pain killers and muscle relaxers. Unfortunately my body is experiencing a little detox from two weeks of those damn drugs! Bodybuilding is one of the only things tht keeps me sane and sober.

    Heat I would get on your TRT protocol ASAP. It will do nothing but help with your back and help coming off the pain killers. Some doctors are even trying to make TRT part of recovery from opiates.

  21. #21
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    @100% great info brother! Yeah I've just cut off the pain killers cold turkey. Body is a pretty shaky and no energy but tht is to be expected. I will pin 250mcgs of HCG in the morning then my 100mgs of test on Sun. Gotta get used to ths low dose Protocol. One quick question have u heard of higher glucose levels while doing peptides? My Dr said my Glucose was a little high. The only thing I can think of is peptides or T3/clen ??

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    If you are taking to much this can be a side effect. This should improve as you exercise and lose more body fat and is another benefit of trt. Typically takes 3 months to see the improvement.
    Last edited by 100%; 05-31-2013 at 09:48 PM.

  23. #23
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    ^^^ sounds about right. Hate to start my TRT at the 20% BF mark but the ability to keep lean muscle and lose BF is just another benefit.

  24. #24
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    Im still on current protocol but I've been switching up my food intake. I've been carb depleting for the last 5 days. My muscle bellies are starting to feel flat. I will load tomorrow as well as start my TRT protocol. Debating on pinning 50mgs twice a week instead of once at 100mg. Doc said once but everyone here seems to think tht if u pin twice u get more effect wth less test.
    Tough workout today it was shoulders. Pump was good but did not last as long do to lack of carbs.

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    Task on hand:
    Woke up feeling real good. Did not sleep at all Friday and only got 6 hours last night. I took 80mcgs of clen and 60mcgs of t3 Friday morning which caused really fvckd up insomnia. I'm hyper sensitive to clen actually hate the stuff but as I stated earlier its a necessary evil right now.
    Six hours of sleep really helped so I decided to do spin class ths morning. Yeah I knw but the scenery is quite nice. Oh I forgot I am now in full TRT protocol. Yesterday I pinned 250mcgs of HCG and today I did 100mgs of Test C. Of course wth my usual course of peptides/clen and t3. So it's off to the races. I will be traing arms here shortly then it's off to the pool. My inspiration beautiful bikini clad women! I love Dallas in the summer!


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    Making really miss the pool partys in Arizona

  27. #27
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    @100% yeah I lived in Scottsdale for a short time. The towns and pool partys r very similar.. Pure greatness!

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    Quote Originally Posted by bringndaheat View Post
    @100% yeah I lived in Scottsdale for a short time. The towns and pool partys r very similar.. Pure greatness!
    A lot of the dancers I know BOUNCE from Scottsdale Dallas and Vegas following the money.

  29. #29
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    Does the T3 and clen help lean you out? I've heard of both medications helping with cutting but also read they can be dangerous for the inexperienced. Could I get my trt doc to prescribe those?

  30. #30
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    @GI yes the Clen and T3 r to help me lean out. They do work for sure but I HIGHLY recommend reading up on each. I've really had to dial them in. I can't get anywhere near tht levels tht some people run them. Levels meaning 100+mcgs of each compound. Me body works best at 40mcgs of each. I get severe shakes on Clen and my heart goes crazy. It's a very harsh compound but I like its effect on weight loss and it's anti-catabolic. But be very careful if u run the stuff. I bought these compounds from the sponsor. They send quickly and the product is great. Of all the compounds I've started to be honest the effects of Cialis r the best. Fantastic pumps in the gym lower blood pressure helps prostate and of course the effects on ur package. Good luck bro!

    @100% we might knw some of the same gals. Most of the strippers I know are on tht same circuit. But they usually hit South Beach as well. I was hanging wth one at the pool today. Sundays r typically their day off so the get hammered at the pool all day. Love the strippers but they all have the same story... "Yeah I'm just doing ths till I get out of school!" I'm like really ur 30. Of course I did not say tht but of course thts wht I'm thinking! How's ur training going?


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    Quote Originally Posted by bringndaheat View Post
    @GI yes the Clen and T3 r to help me lean out. They do work for sure but I HIGHLY recommend reading up on each. I've really had to dial them in. I can't get anywhere near tht levels tht some people run them. Levels meaning 100+mcgs of each compound. Me body works best at 40mcgs of each. I get severe shakes on Clen and my heart goes crazy. It's a very harsh compound but I like its effect on weight loss and it's anti-catabolic. But be very careful if u run the stuff. I bought these compounds from the sponsor. They send quickly and the product is great. Of all the compounds I've started to be honest the effects of Cialis r the best. Fantastic pumps in the gym lower blood pressure helps prostate and of course the effects on ur package. Good luck bro!

    @100% we might knw some of the same gals. Most of the strippers I know are on tht same circuit. But they usually hit South Beach as well. I was hanging wth one at the pool today. Sundays r typically their day off so the get hammered at the pool all day. Love the strippers but they all have the same story... "Yeah I'm just doing ths till I get out of school!" I'm like really ur 30. Of course I did not say tht but of course thts wht I'm thinking! How's ur training going?

    I didn't know Cialis had nice off label benefits like those. That's awesome! What dose and frequency do you implement to get that effect?

  32. #32
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    Yes I think it has the overall best bang for the buck. I feel pumped 24/7. I run it at 3mgs twice daily. Once in the morning and once before my evening workout. I highly recommend reading Austinites supplement protocol. It's in the supplement forum. I use several of those supplements wth really good results. I personally like supplements/compounds tht promote NO. My pumps right now r very close to the level I had when I was running several AAS compounds. Best thing about my current protocol is its legal. Wht TRT r u on and how long have u been on?


  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by bringndaheat View Post
    Yes I think it has the overall best bang for the buck. I feel pumped 24/7. I run it at 3mgs twice daily. Once in the morning and once before my evening workout. I highly recommend reading Austinites supplement protocol. It's in the supplement forum. I use several of those supplements wth really good results. I personally like supplements/compounds tht promote NO. My pumps right now r very close to the level I had when I was running several AAS compounds. Best thing about my current protocol is its legal. Wht TRT r u on and how long have u been on?

    I agree, staying legal is a definite plus for sure. Who needs the extra unnecessary stress. I'm going to check out Austinites supplement protocol. It's great to learn about supps that actually work.

    I've been on TRT for 7 weeks. I'm currently using 220mg of test C per week, 1.5 mg of Arimdex, and 150mg of Dhea. I also take Alive liquid multi vitamin and extra B5, B12, a joint supplement, and grape seed extract.

    Starting tomorrow I'm cutting my test c dose in half because I had blood work done this past Friday and my total testosterone serum came in at 1407! I was happy but at the same time a little concerned.

  34. #34
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    @GI who came up wth the Test C at 220mgs a week? Also why did u start tht much Adex tht quickly? Have u had problems in the past wth estrogen. I would cut tht back til u see if u need it. Of course I am not a doc. I have had problems in the past wth E so I had my Dr write me some to keep on hand. The most I will take is .5mgs a week...
    So GI r u enjoying the feeling of those numbers? I've been there and above good times but not for TRT. Also how much DHEA r u taking? U don't mean 150mgs a day right? Did ur bloodwork came back wth really bad DHEA levels? If they did then understood. The standard protocol for DHEA on TRT is 50mgs a day. Do u like ur B vitimans? I was about to buy some injectable B12. I really like all the benefits it offers. It was on my first HRT protocol but then again so were countless other AAS and GH. My old Dr was happy to give me every drug in the book!
    Keep me posted on ur protocol I'm very interested to hear how things work for u!

  35. #35
    Gorilla_Ike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bringndaheat View Post
    @GI who came up wth the Test C at 220mgs a week? Also why did u start tht much Adex tht quickly? Have u had problems in the past wth estrogen. I would cut tht back til u see if u need it. Of course I am not a doc. I have had problems in the past wth E so I had my Dr write me some to keep on hand. The most I will take is .5mgs a week...
    So GI r u enjoying the feeling of those numbers? I've been there and above good times but not for TRT. Also how much DHEA r u taking? U don't mean 150mgs a day right? Did ur bloodwork came back wth really bad DHEA levels? If they did then understood. The standard protocol for DHEA on TRT is 50mgs a day. Do u like ur B vitimans? I was about to buy some injectable B12. I really like all the benefits it offers. It was on my first HRT protocol but then again so were countless other AAS and GH. My old Dr was happy to give me every drug in the book!
    Keep me posted on ur protocol I'm very interested to hear how things work for u!
    My doc suggested the 220mg of Test C protocol. My estradiol was only at 24 when I first tested. I'm not sure why he had me start the Adex so high off the bat. I think they have the same cookie cutter protocol they give to everyone. Unfortunately, I haven't really been able to experience the total benefit of the higher test level because I start feeling like crap every time I take the Adex. I now know it's way too much. Just today I cut the pills into 4 quarters so hopefully I'm on the right track now. As for the Dhea. I read somewhere that 150mg is the max I should take so I ran with it. That was my own bonehead decision. Doc originally told me to take only 50mg.

    I'm actually thinking about switching HRT docs at this point.. I found a woman that has been in the HRT field for over 15 years and really seems to care more about my health and the clinical side of all this. However, she's very conservative and didn't even want to let me give myself shots. My current doc's operation is mainly just all about the money. I can get whatever I want but I have to buy it from them at a considerable markup then what I could get it for if I went directly to the pharmacy.

    Maybe I'll keep them both for right now. There's probably some rule against doing that but I'm wondering how they would even know.

  36. #36
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    @GI man I like ur style "keep both Docs." Tht sounds just like something I would do. As for ur current Doc I might keep him tht way u can dial in ur protocol to ur liking. My old HRT Doc had me on 1 mg of adex every other day. Of course I was running HGh, test e, Deca , whinny and T4. Truly it was a legal cycle but I would run the HGH year round. Boy those were the good days. Expensive as hell but all legal and from a USA pharmacy. Back to u I could never drive in to a doc twice a week unless she was a freaking sports illusrtated swimsuit model. But sounds like ur getting nice and dialed in. I think the drop in Adex will help big time! Let me knw if u start retaing water. Thts really my biggest fear. I don't want my face all blown up! I will also be interested in wht ur T levels go to when u drop by half. U might want to split the shots into twice weekly to steady the flow. I think ur fine starting off a little high it's kinda like a blast. Keep me posted!

  37. #37
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    Dialing in:
    Well I must say I felt really damn good at the gym today. At the point my body fat seems to be melting like butter on a hot roll. I think my use of clen at a low dose along wth low dose T3 had worked wonders. I think the anti-catabolic effects of clen work well at a low dose. I don't think I've lost a ounce of muscle while cutting and strength seems to have gone up. I have never heard anyone running low doses of each compound but I would not do it any other way. Well also the fact that my body can't handle 60mcgs and up of the compounds. For me 50mcgs of T3 and 40mcgs of Clen seems to be perfect. I guess I should mention the GHRP6 and CJC1295. I think they all have a cascading effect. Now I'm just swimming downstream!
    The NO protocol I have been using had been nothing short of greatness. I've had some amazing pumps but it was running multiple AAS compounds and HGH but bang for the buck Austinites sup protocol along wth Cialis has taken my pumps to a crazy place. I got on the tread mill walking on a incline to warm up my legs... Monday=leg day. I was walking and at the two minute mark I had a complete upper body pump. My lats and traps were full of blood and veins were popping out of my forearms. I've NEVER had tht happen on a treadmill. I'm not trying to pitch a damn thing I'm jst sayin. After my warm up I did pre-exhaustion sets on the leg extension and Hamstring curls. Trying to train around my injured lower back is hard to do. After exhausting my legs I jumped right into squats on the smith. Now ths was prollly stupid but I can b stupid. Did ass to ground squats for a few sets wth light weight. Back started to seize up some so had to slow my roll. Finished up wth calves before working abs. I have not been able to train abs in 18 days so I had to try. Again not super smart but u can catch my drift. Did hanging legs raises wth light weight wood chops. I really focused on the muscle and tried to to make the best out of every grinding rep. I think the slow reps wth amazingly strict form worked them really well. As I write my back does not feel tht great so I might have pushed a little hard... Story of my life. I have to speeds stop and go! Some of u my understand??
    Dinner was eight eggs 3 whole and five egg whites. 4 peices of Turkey Bacon and a can of Green beans.
    Oh one thing I forgot to mention the worst to sides of clen/T3 hand shaking to the point it's very hard to write. Also I get about 4 hours of sleep at night. If I go over 40mcgs of Clen forget it I'm up all night ZERO sleep. Only good thing is if u take it the next morning ur wide awake. Clearly tht cannot have a good impact on long term health. So unless u have to lose weight I truly cannot recomend it. But then again if U can handle it thn good for u.


  38. #38
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    Dialing for dollars is the way I feel right now. I enjoy tweaking everything from nutrition, supplementation to weights... Even mental exercise. At this point I feel pretty fantastic. Overall sense of well being superb! What's helped??? First dialing in the T3 and Clen was mind and body breaking. Ive got tht tuned now. Nutrition actually the biggest factor especially since my goal was to lean out. Ive learned so much on the nutrition forum. I've really been manipulating my carbs and what a difference. Weight is just melting away. It's actilually kinda amazing the way the human body can change so quickly. Muscle memory might be the best gift of all. The levels my strength seems to jump week to week is spectacular. I'm not to the levels I was I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
    The only draw back has been my back. Training around a injury is very difficult. If anyone has advice on how to train abs wth a lower back injury pls chime in.
    Current TRT protocol and other products:
    Test C 50mgs twice a week Monday/Thursday
    HCG 25o IUs Sunday and Wednesday
    T3/clen. 50mcgs / 40mcgs
    CJC1295 100mcgs twice daily
    GHRP1295 100 mcgs twice daily
    Liquid Cia 3mgs twice daily

    Wow I did not think I was taking tht much stuff but after typing and ready thts a pretty good orgy of chemicals

  39. #39
    100%'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bringndaheat View Post
    Dialing for dollars is the way I feel right now. I enjoy tweaking everything from nutrition, supplementation to weights... Even mental exercise. At this point I feel pretty fantastic. Overall sense of well being superb! What's helped??? First dialing in the T3 and Clen was mind and body breaking. Ive got tht tuned now. Nutrition actually the biggest factor especially since my goal was to lean out. Ive learned so much on the nutrition forum. I've really been manipulating my carbs and what a difference. Weight is just melting away. It's actilually kinda amazing the way the human body can change so quickly. Muscle memory might be the best gift of all. The levels my strength seems to jump week to week is spectacular. I'm not to the levels I was I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
    The only draw back has been my back. Training around a injury is very difficult. If anyone has advice on how to train abs wth a lower back injury pls chime in.
    Current TRT protocol and other products:
    Test C 50mgs twice a week Monday/Thursday
    HCG 25o IUs Sunday and Wednesday
    T3/clen. 50mcgs / 40mcgs
    CJC1295 100mcgs twice daily
    GHRP1295 100 mcgs twice daily
    Liquid Cia 3mgs twice daily

    Wow I did not think I was taking tht much stuff but after typing and ready thts a pretty good orgy of chemicals
    Heat glad to see its going well. Try Steam engines and Sphinx push ups. I use google calender to track my meds and how I feel after shots or adding something new you can link it to your phone also.

  40. #40
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    ^^^^thts a great idea 100%. I do knw wht med I like the most... Test is best! But to be honest I would really like to start HGH again. My old Dr wrote it for me. But I can't seem to find anyone in Texas tht will. I want the real stuff.
    I really do need to start tracking like u said. Tht is one of the reasons I have ths blog. I can go back and see how i was feeling.


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