New to the forum first post... went to doc a few months back got some Bw done t levels were 427 the range was 300 to 1100 so I tjought I was really low. I love working out playing with my kids just having energy. I told him my sex life was crap and lately I have just been lathargic and tired... I ask him about some kind of T supplement but bexause I'm over 300 there was nothing he could do he would be risking his job. So he gave me a sample of ciales (boner pills) which do Not work. So I took matters into my own hands. Went to friend starting taking Test 400 and life was great... energy was great the gym was awesome and sex life was even greater.. so I been off for a while and I'm back to my same old self. .. I want to be legit but they make it difficult. I really don't like injects are there any orals that might get close to whati had before Sorry for the long back story