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  1. #1
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    Latest blood work, any comments?

    Hi all,

    Some background:

    I was previously a 1X a week 100mg test cyp injection protocol with no hCG and on too much adex (0.25 mg 2x a week). My prior blood work was:

    Total Test: 628 (348 - 1197)
    Free Test: 12.62 (5 - 21)
    E2 (Sensitive): <3 (low)

    I switched to 2X a week (50mg a pop), hCG 250 iUs MWF, and 0.25 mg adex 1x a week. After a month, here are the results:

    Total Test: 704 (348 - 1197)
    Free Test: 11.9 (8.7 - 25.1 - both tests were LabCorp, but I think this one must have been different as the range is different)
    E2 (Sensitive): 15 (3 - 70)

    I have since dropped the adex altogether and will test again in a month.

    Question 1: what is the target number for E2? 20 - 30? Since the adex, wood has been a small struggle, and, while it has improved, it could be a bit stronger in my opinion. I know this is a symptom of low E2.

    Question 2: does my free test seem low?

  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    your free test is at the bottom normal. I bet you're SHBG is high. i'd drop AI completely as you have suggested, but that won't help raising your free T. check your SHBG next BW. good move on splitting your dose!

  3. #3
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks bass!

    I did get my SHBG tested on my last labs and it was:

    SHBG 49.1 (16.5-55.9)

    Any advice on lowering it?

  4. #4
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    I believe vitamin D3 lowers SHBG.

    Have you had your vitamin D levels checked?

  5. #5
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    Hi TDD, thanks for the reply.

    I did get Vit D checked.

    Last test (1 month ago):
    Vitamin d, 25-hydroxy 41.9 (30.0-100.0 ng/mL) (supplementing 4000 IUs/day)

    Current test (last week):
    Vitamin d, 25-hydroxy 46.1 (30.0-100.0 ng/mL) (supplementing 10000 IUs/day)

  6. #6
    100%'s Avatar
    100% is offline Associate Member
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    Sometimes it is better to inject once a week when SHBG is high.

  7. #7
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    Im a bit of a newb but I would consider upping the dose to 60-70 mg twice a week.

  8. #8
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    Hey jason that is what I was thinking too after reading what 100% said... higher test = lower SHBG from what I understand. Going from 100 mg to 120 mg a week might help. Talking to my doc next week, so we'll see what she says

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Definitely up your D dosage and maybe add stinging nettle or avenacosides to help it.

    100% I have a different point of view on that one. I think it's the opposite IMHO. T suppresses shbg and I know the thought process can go both ways here. The quickest way to suppress shbg is to add T so you'd think that more injections = more suppression thus more free T. People who have inherent low shbg would be better (in some experts opinions-Crisler) to only inject one time per week to allow it to rise more. How each person responds is the missing element here and individual BW is key. SHBG's surely a sneaky bastard!

    Something I did that was effective for me when my shbg crept up was to increase my T by about 20mg (each shot) on my twice weekly protocol. I increased my D3 and added in Stinging Nettle. It effectively lowered my shbg with test, IMHO, being the catalyst here. I maintained it for about two months and then reduced back to a normal dosage of T while maintaining the D and nettle. My doc was on board with this and we were both pleased with the results.

    Anyway, it worked for me. No clue if it will work for anyone else or if they have the latitude to manipulate their doses that way.

    What do you think 100%?
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  10. #10
    100%'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Definitely up your D dosage and maybe add stinging nettle or avenacosides to help it.

    100% I have a different point of view on that one. I think it's the opposite IMHO. T suppresses shbg and I know the thought process can go both ways here. The quickest way to suppress shbg is to add T so you'd think that more injections = more suppression thus more free T. People who have inherent low shbg would be better (in some experts opinions-Crisler) to only inject one time per week to allow it to rise more. How each person responds is the missing element here and individual BW is key. SHBG's surely a sneaky bastard!

    Something I did that was effective for me when my shbg crept up was to increase my T by about 20mg (each shot) on my twice weekly protocol. I increased my D3 and added in Stinging Nettle. It effectively lowered my shbg with test, IMHO, being the catalyst here. I maintained it for about two months and then reduced back to a normal dosage of T while maintaining the D and nettle. My doc was on board with this and we were both pleased with the results.

    Anyway, it worked for me. No clue if it will work for anyone else or if they have the latitude to manipulate their doses that way.

    What do you think 100%?
    That is very interesting. Based on Zen blood work looks like his free was a slightly higher with single dose. This may be a indication on how he would react to a larger single dose. Even though he should be higher and as he added HCG I have heard of other people saying lowering there hcg also lowered there SHBG?. This could be happening here also? Thanks kelkel I have something new to obsess over. He could take it one step further and inject eod compare all three results.

  11. #11
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    Hi kelkel,

    I appreciate your input as always! I'm at 10,000 IUs of Vitamin D now, so I think I've hit the ceiling.

    What was your dosage for stinging nettle?

    I should also clarify - my SHBG was tested a month ago, not this last round. My "last" labs were the last labs prior to these latest... sorry, I'm tired!

  12. #12
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    I agree with Kelkel regarding SHBG gets lower with more frequent injections. funny Kel and I just exchanged PMs regarding how to raise SHBG. but prior to Kel giving me an answer I've read many article written by doctors stating that more frequent junctions can suppress SHBG. but to be honest I don't think going once a week would make much difference, so I am staying with two injections a week and keep my E2 in check. But Zen, as I stated before I think your SHBG might be on the high side and that why your free T is lower on your second test, so going twice a week will help lower your SHBG IF its higher than it needs to be. so BW will definitely tell us more.

  13. #13
    100%'s Avatar
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    Zen they did two different types of test methods first one!...l+Testosterone
    Second test!...ct%29%2C+Serum

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZenFitness View Post
    Hi kelkel,

    I appreciate your input as always! I'm at 10,000 IUs of Vitamin D now, so I think I've hit the ceiling.

    What was your dosage for stinging nettle?

    I should also clarify - my SHBG was tested a month ago, not this last round. My "last" labs were the last labs prior to these latest... sorry, I'm tired!
    See if you can get a script for Drisdol which is D2 @ 50K IU's once per week. It's what I use as well as 5K D3 daily. Keeps me around 80 on a scale up to 100. Nettle I used at 480mg x 2 per day.
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  15. #15
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100% View Post
    That is very interesting. Based on Zen blood work looks like his free was a slightly higher with single dose. This may be a indication on how he would react to a larger single dose. Even though he should be higher and as he added HCG I have heard of other people saying lowering there hcg also lowered there SHBG?. This could be happening here also? Thanks kelkel I have something new to obsess over. He could take it one step further and inject eod compare all three results.
    Personally I think shbg is one of the more interesting aspects of TRT / blood work. I like your idea of an eod comparison. Glad I can give you something else to obsess over! I lose sleep over this shiat!
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  16. #16
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    Latest blood work - after a few months of changing my dose from 100mg/1xWk to 50mg/2xWk and adding hCG , my total test is moving up and I think my E2 is holding steady. Free testosterone has improved, but it could be better.

    free testosterone(direct): 18.1 (8.7-25.1 pg/mL)
    testosterone, serum: 861 (348-1197 ng/dL)
    estradiol 28.9 (7.6-42.6 pg/mL) NOTE: non-sensitive this time, but that should mean my sensitive falls out below 28.9 somewhere which I think is not bad

    CBC all in range, but interestingly enough my thyroid is a little funny now:

    t4,free(direct) 1.26 (0.82-1.77 ng/dL)
    tsh 4.150 (0.450-4.500 uIU/mL)

    My TSH last time tested just over the range, so my doc wanted to retest. I know she likes synthroid , so she make recommend a small dose as I'm looking borderline hypothyroid at this point.

    Wood has definitely improved through the summer, so I think the higher E2 has been good for me.

    Hopefully this means I'm getting dialed in... anyone have any thoughts?

  17. #17
    bass's Avatar
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    looks good! I bet your SHBG could be elevated and that's why your free is off a little compared to the total T level. have you tested SHBG? it might be worth asking your doc to test it.

  18. #18
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    Hey bass,

    Thanks for the feedback! Yes, my SHBG was on the higher end of the range back in early May. I'm not feeling too off as it is, so I'm not chasing that one down... at least not yet

  19. #19
    bass's Avatar
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    ahhh I just looked at you last post and responded, I should have looked back few more posts. are you still on 10,000iu vitamin D? I had to do 20,000 ius ed and got it up to 101 or so, then cut back to 10,000. I usually do 20k in winter and 10k in summer.

  20. #20
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    Yes, I'm at 10,000 iu/day Vitamin D. I thought 10K was the max recommended upper daily limit?

  21. #21
    bass's Avatar
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    it depends how you metabolize it, some members here tale over 50k ius daily!

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