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  1. #1
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    injection site redness

    Howdy everyone. Everytime I subq my Hcg in my belly fat I get a red itchy lump. Thats tripping me out.

    Today I noticed a quarter size red area on my left glute from a subq injection of test I did over a week ago.

    I ordered some 29 gauge pins a few weeks ago from a reputable medical supplier. I'm wondering why Im having these reactions and if anyone else has experienced this?

    I take all the steps to be sanitary so Im lost here. I have no pain concerning the one on my glute but under the belly from the Hcg is itchy and light red.

    Thank you community.

  2. #2
    bigdippin's Avatar
    bigdippin is offline Associate Member
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    I have only injected 1 time with HCG (last night) sub q and 1 time tonight for testosterone cypionate . I do not any redness from the injections.

  3. #3
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdippin View Post
    I have only injected 1 time with HCG (last night) sub q and 1 time tonight for testosterone cypionate. I do not any redness from the injections.
    The strange thing is that I'm six weeks into treatment and it just started two weeks ago. Everything was fine until then. Im confused. Maybe its my technique injecting or Im allergic to something.

  4. #4
    LT75's Avatar
    LT75 is offline Associate Member
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    Injecting slowly?

  5. #5
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    I tried to make sure I did today. I do get a little impatient thinking Im gonna break the tip off.haha. How slow should I be going? Today was the first time I felt a burning sensation with test cyp. I never felt that before. It went away after about an hour.

  6. #6
    FRDave's Avatar
    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    I would quite often drip blood, bruise, itch, etc when injecting HCG in the abdominal area so I switched to the love handles and have had no issues since (been over 4 months since making the switch). Also, injecting the same amount, I never get a dull ache in the testes any more so I think the love handles also metabolize the HCG better.

    To make a long story short, try different locations and see if you still experience the same. I personally do not like injections in the abdominal area.

  7. #7
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave View Post
    I would quite often drip blood, bruise, itch, etc when injecting HCG in the abdominal area so I switched to the love handles and have had no issues since (been over 4 months since making the switch). Also, injecting the same amount, I never get a dull ache in the testes any more so I think the love handles also metabolize the HCG better.

    To make a long story short, try different locations and see if you still experience the same. I personally do not like injections in the abdominal area.
    I just read someone saying to try dif spots to see the outcome. I'll give that a go. Also, my HCG Expired after 28 days and I used it close to 40 days. I started getting aching testes then I figured it out.

    Check it out Dave, I just got my six week bloods back. Test cyp 80mg split 2x a week, Hcg 500 split 2x a week and .5 arimidex split 2x a week.

    Test serum 856, 348- 1197
    free test 28.0, 8.7- 25.1
    estradiol 14.1, 7.6- 42.6

    Im really happy subq. I just gotta figure out my sweet spots I'm hoping.
    Last edited by jay adams; 07-25-2013 at 08:36 PM. Reason: split 80

  8. #8
    keep fightin is offline Associate Member
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    just a thought Jay, i've been using the 31 gauge for my HCG and really have no issues at all no matter where i inject, sounds like you are doing every thing right, good luck and maybe give a smaller needle a shot, so to speak!

  9. #9
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by keep fightin View Post
    just a thought Jay, i've been using the 31 gauge for my HCG and really have no issues at all no matter where i inject, sounds like you are doing every thing right, good luck and maybe give a smaller needle a shot, so to speak!
    I moved my HCG spot about two inches away from where I usually inject and had no prob today. Now Im just worried about the red bumps from my test. Might see a doc tomorrow just to be on the safe side.

  10. #10
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    What's happening guys? I did my second weekly injection of test cyp today. I opened a fresh pack of slim pins and did it in the belly area to see what would happen. Nothing yet! Everything went well.

    The spots that where red were on my love handles and ass cheek. Thats strange. I wonder what could've caused it? Maybe it'll still get irritated later in the day.

    Will post later in the day if a red quarter size welt pops up.

  11. #11
    keep fightin is offline Associate Member
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    hey jay, good idea to move it around a bit, in my experience its not unusual to get the random bump now and then, the sting of hitting a nerve etc, just wouldnt want a trend of painful injects! would not give up on those other sites just yet, many have reported a spot being tender then becoming used to it.

  12. #12
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by keep fightin View Post
    hey jay, good idea to move it around a bit, in my experience its not unusual to get the random bump now and then, the sting of hitting a nerve etc, just wouldnt want a trend of painful injects! would not give up on those other sites just yet, many have reported a spot being tender then becoming used to it.
    Thanks for replying. While you were posting I was at the ER getting checked out. Im working in a small town and the ER is practically empty.

    So the Dr told me I have a hematoma on my right love handle. He said that was just bad luck. "story of my life".haha. He said my body will absorb it BUT the other red spots are my body having an averse reaction. He strait out told me that it's probably the base in my test. (something I've read on here). He said the reason is that "intramuscular injections get absorbed faster by the muscle and when you "I" subq the oil takes longer to be absorbed. So for me "being in a small percentage" my body is reacting to the oil. I asked him if I could keep trying to see if I could get used to it and he said I'd def get an infection eventually.

    So that's what I learnt. I'm going to try a different oil base to see what my body can handle. SUCKS! I just got my six week bloods and they're perfect. Oh well, sometimes we gotta play with the pieces to finish the puzzle. Thanks for the replies and I'll keep you up to date.

  13. #13
    keep fightin is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay adams View Post
    Thanks for replying. While you were posting I was at the ER getting checked out. Im working in a small town and the ER is practically empty.

    So the Dr told me I have a hematoma on my right love handle. He said that was just bad luck. "story of my life".haha. He said my body will absorb it BUT the other red spots are my body having an averse reaction. He strait out told me that it's probably the base in my test. (something I've read on here). He said the reason is that "intramuscular injections get absorbed faster by the muscle and when you "I" subq the oil takes longer to be absorbed. So for me "being in a small percentage" my body is reacting to the oil. I asked him if I could keep trying to see if I could get used to it and he said I'd def get an infection eventually.

    So that's what I learnt. I'm going to try a different oil base to see what my body can handle. SUCKS! I just got my six week bloods and they're perfect. Oh well, sometimes we gotta play with the pieces to finish the puzzle. Thanks for the replies and I'll keep you up to date.
    what a drag! and the blood looking good.. trying another base oil sounds good, pain to have to experiment on yourself like that.time for some research, creams?

  14. #14
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by keep fightin View Post
    what a drag! and the blood looking good.. trying another base oil sounds good, pain to have to experiment on yourself like that.time for some research, creams?
    Man, I'm not feeling the I opened another vial today and gave myself 13 iu's. Just to see if the other bottle was contaminated. I hope so. I'll know tomorrow if it looks like I got stung by a hornet.

    Low T Mike told me we'd figure it out one way or another. God it's nice having someone that's understand and knows what to do about it on your side. We'll know tomorrow. Thanks again for replying.
    Last edited by jay adams; 07-30-2013 at 12:43 AM.

  15. #15
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    Thought I'd give you guys an update. Well after dealing with silver dollar sized red hornet stings LowTMike and the bitchin pharmacy got me going again. The pharmacy was real helpful. The pharmacist spoke with me on the phone for a good while. Explaining my situation they switched me to grape seed oil and, no red marks anymore.

    Im soooo happy. There's no way I could have done creams with my lady and kids all over me all the time. Thanks Mike, smooth sailing now bro. "knocks on wood"
    Last edited by jay adams; 08-10-2013 at 01:04 PM.

  16. #16
    FRDave's Avatar
    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    What was the oil base before, cottonseed oil I assume? Glad to hear all is well though and you are now smooth sailing.

  17. #17
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave View Post
    What was the oil base before, cottonseed oil I assume? Glad to hear all is well though and you are now smooth sailing.
    Cottonseed. It didn't effect me until four weeks into therapy. The doc said my body perceived it as an attack and is defending. I can still IM cottonseed but that's not my preferred method. Im doing well splitting sub-Q doses weekly. I might be off of my AI in four weeks "hopefully". Gonna try and just use DIM.

    Thanks for the reply. Hopefully nothing rocks my boat.

  18. #18
    bass's Avatar
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    we're all react differently to medications. cotton seed worked the best for me, its thinner that sesame seed oil. i found injecting fast causes the most damage, i take my time and haven't had any problems since.

  19. #19
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    we're all react differently to medications. cotton seed worked the best for me, its thinner that sesame seed oil. i found injecting fast causes the most damage, i take my time and haven't had any problems since.
    This might sound lame bass but , how slow do you inject? Say one of your 30's. How long do you estimate? Thirty sec? One minute? I feel like Im taking my time. What I had was def from a reaction to the medication but I still want to know about the timing. Thanks.

  20. #20
    FRDave's Avatar
    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    Just to inject .2ml (40mg) sub-Q, it takes me a good minute. Super slow or I feel it sting and can usually feel a knot (easily rubbed out).

  21. #21
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay adams View Post

    This might sound lame bass but , how slow do you inject? Say one of your 30's. How long do you estimate? Thirty sec? One minute? I feel like Im taking my time. What I had was def from a reaction to the medication but I still want to know about the timing. Thanks.
    Yes about 1 minute for 30 mgs

  22. #22
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    Alright FRDave, bass. I def need to slow down a bit. Thanks again guys.

  23. #23
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    just did my injection of 30 mgs and it took about 30 seconds, but I am using 27g slin pin.

  24. #24
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    Im using 29's and it takes me about 15 secs. Im def gonna slow down. Nice to have a reference like that. Thanks bass.

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