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Thread: Hyper Excretion or Hyper Secretion?

  1. #1
    clarkster's Avatar
    clarkster is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2013

    Hyper Excretion or Hyper Secretion?

    What does it mean if you're a hyper excreter (or is it hyper secreter?) in regards to Testosterone ? Does it mean your body goes through it quickly and you need to inject more frequently? Does it mean that you need to inject a higher dose to get the same benefits as someone else who doesn't need a high dose, because your body utilizes it too fast? Does it mean it's not getting absorbed?
    I'm confused here.

  2. #2
    BallSak is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2012
    The way I understand're basically pissing it out, and need to inject more since you are excreting your T into urine. I believe the only way to tell if you're a hyperexcreter is through a urine test.

    Hypermetabolism of T is when your body metabolizes it quickly requiring you to need a higher dose to maintain decent serum levels. I am either a hyperexcreter or hypermetabolizer because I require a large dose just to get average serum levels.
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  3. #3
    clarkster's Avatar
    clarkster is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2013
    Thanks Sak. I'm trying to figure out why some guys are able to achieve desired T levels with a dose of 60mg. 2X a week and I'm not getting close either injecting SQ or IM.

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