so this endo seemed better than the one i went to in begginning of july, although still not someone great. it seems that no dr is eprfect and one dr will be clueless about one thing, and smart about another, while a diff dr will be clueless about one thing and smart about another.
where this dr shined was that she knew about shbg, knew about varicoceles being overlooked by many drs, and knew about finding the root cause of low t.
where she didnt shine was
told me that i the test was not 8am it was useless(i told her i woke up at 11 and got the test at 12....and 8am just means as soon as u wake up)...said free t is not reliable(although in her defense i have ehard this as well..she told me she is ordering shbg to calculate it herself)....told me i have anxiety and that is my problem, doesnt use hcg, doesnt check estradiol, told me i dont kno as much as i think i do and i need to stop reading the internet.
so our plan was that she wants to run a lot of tests to determine the root cause..she claims the tests ive had are insufficient. she handed me blood order forms(the kind with check boxes next to the tests)..she gave me two forms, one completed already, and another blank form with her signature so i could fill it in myself.
problem is she didnt really order that much imo...ordered total t, shbg, b12, d3 dhea, tsh, t3...i think that's it.
im tempted to check off growth hormone, but idont want to piss her off...i may do it for my second blood testing and say it was an accident.
one more pro to her is she didnt immediately dismiss klinefelters...every doctor seems to thin i dont have it, but she said no way to tell unless you're tested.....but i doubt ihave it.
either way, i need to go an am doctor...i need hcg and estradiol checks. her secretary is also hard to deal with.