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I haven't been able to find any studies but many of us can attest to it working. The same goes for sub-q injections; they just work better.
Having dealt with many docs over the years, I would advise you to take a different approach in handling them. I know more about psychotropic medications than my shrink (she's admitted as such) but I always followed her lead in treatment. I knew that a certain classification of medications wouldn't work for me because they all carry the same side effect (akathesia) but I smiled and nodded when that's what she prescribed. I tried the meds, always had the same reaction, flushed them and called her the next week to let her know they fvcked me up again. We did this for a two months and she started tossing out treatment options and asking my opinion. I knew which meds I wanted to try from the beginning (anti-convulsants with less severe side effects) because I had researched them. I got what I wanted and my mood stabilized within three days. I have a double bachelors in human development and I know how to read research so I could have thrown all kinds of stuff at her from the beginning but I didn't. I knew from experience that I had to do what she said for awhile until we built trust. This was also the reason why she was willing to prescribe me test c until I see my endo. Yeah, there's been estrogen issues but I can walk into my endos office and tell him what I was prescribed, when I took it and how it cleared up a decades worth of mental health issues before the E2 levels spiked. BUT, I'm also not going to say anything about estrogen, aromatization,etc. I'll tell him about the hot flashes, tender nipples, mood swings, anxiety, (etc) and let him make the estrogen diagnosis. And, I'm also going to do exactly what he says and if it works, it works. If not, I'll play stupid in the office again and end up getting the treatment I need.
Ill end my rant by saying this; play the game with the doctors. Play the role of the patient (even if you do know more) and you're far more likely to get what you need. I hear people saying time and time again that we need to be our own advocates but most docs will shut down on you in a hurry if you do so.