My PC has sent me to two Drs, the first one was a surgeon who could not understand why my PC sent me to him. He still stuck his finger in my ass and told me I was with in range. Then she sent me to this new guy who told me he would like to get some blood work I was thinking this is great lets do it. I go to the lab and the only test is total T which was 500 (still in range but low in my opinion). I went back yesterday he said I was with in range and stuck a scope down my into my bladder that was not fun. I feel after reading a bunch of threads here that the test should have been a bit more comprehensive, he said he would test for whatever I wanted so my question is what should he be testing for?
My stats.
38 y/o male was about 16% BF 6 weeks ago before herniating a disk. Now I feel like a pile of wet puppy shit.
I'm 4 weeks post op to fix disk.
I take TB500 (I'm on week 5, I take the injections on Mondays but this past order from a new place never arrived although my debit card was charged, but that's a different thread.)
I take levothyroxine at 50mcg or 5mcg for hypothyroidism.