Originally Posted by
LowT Mike
There is good evidence for a strong correlation between T levels and cognitive performance such as spatial abilities or mathematical reasoning. Higher bioavailable and free testosterone concentrations have each been associated with better performance in specific aspects of memory and cognitive function, with optimal processing capacity found in men ranging from 35 to 90 years of age even after adjustment for potential confounders including age, educational attainment and cardiovascular morbidity; whereas total testosterone was not. THIS IS WHY FREE T is KING!!
In men undergoing hormonal therapy for prostate cancer, Irs common practice that men w/ Prostate CA are given a drug to suppress T levels. Suppression of endogenous testosterone synthesis and blockade of the androgen receptor resulted in a beneficial effect on verbal memory but an adverse effect on spatial ability and visuomotor slowing and slowed reaction times in several attentional domains; plasma amyloid levels increased as T levels decreased. Discontinuation of treatment resulted in improved memory but not visuospatial abilities. One of the possible protective mechanisms of action of T would be through its conversion into estradiol (E2), the most potent estrogen. Both serum E2 and T levels were lower in men with AD compared to age-matched controls. E2 exert protective effects on the brain structures in aging patients. Dont let your E2 fall to 0
Therefore, although the evidence from observational studies is not uniform, lower free testosterone appears to be associated with poorer outcomes on measures of cognitive function, particularly in older men and testosterone therapy in hypogonadal men may have some benefit for cognitive performance.
I would have to say during my career in Mens Health TRT. The number 1 symptomatic improvement men tell me is that their memory and energy to focus has improved dramatically. Ive heard stories from blue collar workers say that since TRT they are now remembering to turn in their time sheet and that treatment saved their job to CEOs thanking me that I gave them back their LION MOJO to command fortune 500 companies that were on the verge of collapse.