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2 cycles of test only. One was over 4 years ago the other 1 year ago with hcg and nolvadex for pct.
Ok I recently started having all the symptoms of low t. I am in the Air Force so my docs are not the best. But after I started a paleo diet I hit rock bottom and went and requested a complete set of labs. Doc refused to check my t levels because her words "big young guys like you do not have low t" but I was noticing the libido issues so I requested it again. Came back. 174 for total in a range of 250-1100. So I got referred to a endocrinologist.
Problems are getting worse because it took a month Ina half for the first appointment where he wanted more labs because my first one was around 10 and not 8. So the 2nd ones came back 318. So then he sent me to get tested for sleep apnea. That's a negative so I get labs again and the third set I did run test p at 75mg for 2 weeks then stopped and and binged drink for 2 weeks and the results were 234 with 57 free t ranges r 45-200 and something. So 3rd test altered.
Doc said I don't have low t even tho its outside of the ranges. He says I'm depressed and he wanted to put me on anti depressants. I gave him a very respectful F U. Then asked him if he has checked my LH n FSH levels thats a no because again his words"a big muscle guy like you will not have low t". I tell him I have all the symptoms for it and plainly feel like shit. He says that still isn't my problem. So I tell him ill get a second opinion.
I go to a fertility doc Monday so hopefully I get on HCG and keep in mind the endo doc new that I didn't want TRT right away because I'm trying to have another kid. He also said you never run TRT with hcg.
I'm just looking for any advice. I'm young and I still want at least one more kid and in the military. Am I right about the doc being a complete idiot?
Should I push for hcg therapy? I can't feel like this much longer.