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Thread: Super high estro need help!

  1. #1
    sjamal1023 is offline Junior Member
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    Super high estro need help!

    Hey guys, ill try and keep it short but as much info as possible to understand the situation.
    Last year, I did tren a/test p at moderate doses. For pct, I used nolva, letro, and HCG . Terrible, I know.
    I had bad side effects for a whole year and some still remain. The side effects were loss of focus, extreme lethargy, complete loss in sex drive, and emotional issues. About 4 months ago, I got bloods done and my test came back at 630(give or take) and estrogen came back at 39(really high). For my age, the test was too low, but obviously still working somewhat.
    After some advice from some guys here, I got myself some caber, nolva, and aromasin to jump start my hpta to get back to normal. I did caber at .25mg every 3 days, Nolva 20 mg every day for almost 2 months, and aromasin at 25 mg a day for the last month. Now, a few weeks before I started this pct, I noticed my heart beat was always really high and it sometimes felt like it was just pounding. Terrifying. When I started the pct with just nolva and caber, the heart issues subsided completely. After a month I stopped because things were a lot better ( sex drive, better erections, general better feeling, even lost stubborn fat) but only a few days later, the heart issue came back. So i started nolva again and it felt immediately better and after a few days added the aromasin to lower the actual amount of estrogen. Things got even better. But, when I got off the nolva and aromasin, after a few days the heart palpitations, really high blood pressure, and tachnicardia came back slowly. And they're getting worse and worse. To the point where I had to stop running after only 8 minutes low intensity because I felt three really painful heartbeats. I also feel my heart pounding all the time even when I'm not doing much. About 2 weeks or less after I got off the nolva and aromasin(I stopped the aromasin a few says before I stopped the nolva) , I got bloods done and my test came back great at a little over 1200 which is higher than normal but my estrogen came back at 200! (A pubescent 14 year old girl basically) prolactin was around 6.1 which is good, my FSH came back at around 8.3 and LH came back around 9.1 which is high. Doctors were concerned with LH but I knew it was because of the nolva.

    So, my questions are can that ridiculously high estro be the cause of my heart issues seeing that I'm 100% fine when I'm on nolva? And what should I do at this point if the estro is still high? (getting bloods again this week).

    *side notes, I was always prone to high estro my whole life. Though I was always more muscular than my peers, I always had weight/fat issues as well, especially around the waist/belly/love handles area, and gyno has plagued me since I can remember.' Also, sex drive is WAY better now, but my erections aren't 100%, maybe 85-90%. Also, I used to be able to have sex multiple times successively before the cycle, but now the refractory period takes forever and I lose my erection for a while after ejaculation. Also takes a lot more to get an erection and is still pretty easy to lose. Before cycle when I'd get an erection, that thing wouldn't go anywhere until someone helped me out.

    I do have an appointment to see a cardiologist and an endo this week. But they take forever to figure things out, and we here generally know better because we do AAS and study it more intensively and I can't really tell them I have done it.

  2. #2
    sjamal1023 is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    FRDave's Avatar
    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    Yes, high E2 levels can cause these symptoms. Hard you had a CBC test done to see how your blood looks? May have a super high hematocrit levels which can be dangerous.

    Get labs done and see the cardiologist like planned and report back.

    Couple guys with same issues as you in this thread here:

  4. #4
    kiruf is offline New Member
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    You said "For pct, I used nolva, letro, and HCG . Terrible, I know."
    Why is it terrible?
    powerlifterty16 likes this.

  5. #5
    TestingMe is offline Associate Member
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    Why can't you just be honest with the doctors? I know it's embarrassing and I went through something like this myself recently.

    I know it's disturbing to come clean with doctors who may or may not have any experience and knowledge about this stuff (this happened to me with my cardiologist) but you are taking a lot of things and you obviously have to be careful not to damage your body and really create a problem.

    I'd try to keep it simple and come clean about all of it. You're not going to get punished and you want to get it sorted out.. Even if you don't agree or like what they say, at least you will have tests and can take it from there.

    I've been in the same boat.

  6. #6
    sjamal1023 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TestingMe
    Why can't you just be honest with the doctors? I know it's embarrassing and I went through something like this myself recently. I know it's disturbing to come clean with doctors who may or may not have any experience and knowledge about this stuff (this happened to me with my cardiologist) but you are taking a lot of things and you obviously have to be careful not to damage your body and really create a problem. I'd try to keep it simple and come clean about all of it. You're not going to get punished and you want to get it sorted out.. Even if you don't agree or like what they say, at least you will have tests and can take it from there. I've been in the same boat.
    I don't want to come clean because it'll be put on my record. All you have to say is you took a prohormone because they shut you down the same way.
    JackedJesse likes this.

  7. #7
    sjamal1023 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave
    Yes, high E2 levels can cause these symptoms. Hard you had a CBC test done to see how your blood looks? May have a super high hematocrit levels which can be dangerous. Get labs done and see the cardiologist like planned and report back. Couple guys with same issues as you in this thread here:
    Yes I did take a bcc test ill post results in a few

  8. #8
    sjamal1023 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiruf
    You said "For pct, I used nolva, letro, and HCG . Terrible, I know." Why is it terrible?
    Because tren absolutely needs caber. Without it, you are screwed. Also, HCG should be taken during cycle to keep your hormone up and running, not after you destroyed hormonal system. Things i wish I knew

  9. #9
    JackedJesse's Avatar
    JackedJesse is offline Junior Member
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    You just put it on public record
    Quote Originally Posted by sjamal1023 View Post
    I don't want to come clean because it'll be put on my record. All you have to say is you took a prohormone because they shut you down the same way.

  10. #10
    sjamal1023 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by JackedJesse
    You just put it on public record

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