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  1. #1
    ohrndz is offline New Member
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    3 weeks on TRT - tingling sensation in legs/feet.

    Hello all!
    I am 29 yrs old and just completed my 3 weeks on Axiron and over the past 2-3 days I have been experiencing tingling and burning sensation in my legs - mid-calf down to feet.

    3 days ago (Wednesday) by the end of the night I started feeling burning sensations in both my feet. I felt like my feet were on fire. My skin was not red, swollen or warm to touch. It was so bad that night it kept waking me up. The next day I was better, my feet only felt a little warm, and again no redness, swelling or warm to touch.
    This morning I woke up fine, I showered and applied Axiron and went on with my day. Later in the evening I started with the tingling all over my feet - I actually feel them right now as I am typing this, it feels like ants crawling all over my feet. However when I walk around it subsides or at least it feels that way as I pay less attention to it.

    I gave my urologist a call and because it was after hours the doctor on-call returned my call (another urologist that works there too) and she told me it was the first time she heard of this but to stop the Axiron if I thought it was the cause and to call again on Monday to speak with my treating urologist. She didn't sound worried and continued to say to go to the ER if things got worse.

    After I hung up with the urologist I thought maybe I am exaggerating and this is "normal" as the Axiron runs its course and I'll just continue using it over the weekend and call my doctor on Monday. But then I did some research online on Axiron and one of its adverse effects is increased hematocrit which can lead to polycythemia if not monitored. One of the symptoms of polycythemia is 'tingling and burning sensation in the hands and feet' and an elevated hematocrit can lead to blood clots - This scared me, so I might just stop Axiron all together!

    So my question is: Have any of you experienced similar symptoms when on TRT using topical solution? If so, did they go away?
    - For those that are doing injections...did you try topicals first?

    Thank you for your time!

  2. #2
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    Sep 2012
    I've been on Axiron for a little over a year now. I haven't tried any other form of TRT yet.

    All testosterone treatments can lead to a rise in hematocrit. There are many on this forum who have had or still do deal with elevated hematocrit. I have yet to see anyone give a burning sensation of the lower legs and feet as a symptom. Most complain about shortness of breath and a general feeling of lethargy.

    I would be surprised if your symptoms are caused by too high of hematocrit since you have only been on the meds for 3 weeks. Also, elevated hematocrit is usually caused by an excessive dose of testosterone. Most on topicals usually don't reach excessive testosterone levels . However only bloodwork could truly tell if you are suffering from too high of hematocrit.

    What dosage are on using?

    You may be have an allergic reaction however it is strange that it took 3 weeks to start and it isn't occurring at the application site.

    Are you experiencing any other symptoms?
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 09-21-2013 at 08:49 AM.

  3. #3
    EverettCD's Avatar
    EverettCD is offline Member
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    I used Axiron for about 4 months & then used Fortesta for about 4 months, I never experienced any of the signs/symptoms that you are. I have since switched to Test Cyp injected IM, no tingling in the lower extremities.

    It could very well be raised hematocrit level, neuropathy due to B12 deficiency or many other things. Who knows, maybe you are having a mild allergic reaction to the Axiron. Have you had any spinal injuries? Post your BW results with ranges.

  4. #4
    ohrndz is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    What dosage are on using?

    Are you experiencing any other symptoms?
    Thank you for your reply.
    I am on doing 1 pump for each a total of 60mg.
    The only other thing that I have been taking is an L-arginine supplement, been taking it daily for about 5 months now but I don't think that could cause this.
    I also have ulcerative proctitis and I take maintenance medication for that but have been taking them for years and have never felt this before.
    The other symptoms I have been feeling are minor knee ache and difficulty sleeping, and in the middle of the night sometimes I get hot flashes, but not much.

  5. #5
    ohrndz is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by EverettCD View Post
    I used Axiron for about 4 months & then used Fortesta for about 4 months, I never experienced any of the signs/symptoms that you are. I have since switched to Test Cyp injected IM, no tingling in the lower extremities.

    It could very well be raised hematocrit level, neuropathy due to B12 deficiency or many other things. Who knows, maybe you are having a mild allergic reaction to the Axiron. Have you had any spinal injuries? Post your BW results with ranges.
    Thank you for your reply.
    I could possibly be having a mild reaction. I hear topicals take longer to kick in so maybe it took this long to reach a level to cause reactions?
    I have had a spinal injury. Ten years ago I had a spine surgery with fusion due to a nerve compression.
    I don't have BW results yet. I have an appointment scheduled with urologist on Sept. 30 but will try to get in sooner, however I did schedule with my primary physician on Sept. 27 just in case I feel like I need a sooner blood work.

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