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Thread: Guys I really need some help here with my TRT, HcG question

  1. #1
    ruffcute is offline Associate Member
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    Guys I really need some help here with my TRT, HcG question

    Lets start off with my history, I have had to have one of my teestis removed due to it being undecended, when they tested they found that it wasnt doing much for me anyway.

    After the surgery my test results showed that I was on the bottom of the range on my Testosterone tests, even though my LH and FHS were good.

    I got on TRT and took Sustanon 250 every 2 weeks. Doctors kept telling me the TRT didnt have anything to do with the sperm production as me and my wife were trying to get pregnant.
    Anyway they realised that it did.

    The now
    I came off TRT and my sperm levels returned back to normal and she is now pregnant, I want to get back to TRT but want to carry on having kids and dont want to risk a shutdown in my system as you never know it could be permanant.

    In the past I have been recommended that I should have used HcG to keep my sperm. What do you think are the treatment options that are available to me with what I want to do.

    Can I just be on HcG by itself to increase testosterone , and is that a long term solution?

    I dont particularly want to muscle inject again so want to stay away from the heavy stuff and use gels.

  2. #2
    Brett N is offline Senior Member
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    Just going by my understanding and I am not a professional.

    I am on TRT with test c injections 2x weekly along with HCG injections 2x weekly to keep my testes functioning normally. I think as long as you are using HCG during your TRT you will continue functioning as you always have been.

    Someone else will come by soon enough to give you 100% info but I am pretty confident that you can do TRT and continue to live a normal, reproductive life with HCG.

  3. #3
    ruffcute is offline Associate Member
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    But is HcG ok as a life long treatment, I mean it stops other hormones being produced like LH, so would it be ok to sustain that without doing other damage, and causing shut down of other parts.

    And would HcG by itself without any Test be effective at raising natuaral Test levels in th body somewhat. Im on the bottom of the scale e.g. im 52 on the scale of 50 - 100.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Bio-Identical testosterone shuts down LH production.
    Injecting HCG mimics LH to keep your boy down there functioning.
    HCG by itself will shut down LH production. Feedback mechanism. Your body senses it doesn't need it. Same with T.
    HCG by itself will raise T levels but it's not bio-T. It's not a means to an end.
    If your T is low replace it with T and add hcg as Brett said above. Try SQ injections. Simple and easy.
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  5. #5
    ruffcute is offline Associate Member
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    Ok, havent looked at the SQ injection, hopefullty they are easier than the other ones in the muscle.

    I hope this work well with the gel, but I read somewhere that I may need to take 100ui daily, which would be a bit of a bummer, but managable I guess. I had big time knotting in the muscles with the other stuff

  6. #6
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    you already have high LH and FSH, the problem is you're primary and no matter how much hCG you inject your testis won't be able to convert to Testosterone , its not doing it now with high LH and FSH! taking hCG however will keep your testis healthy and you can have babies later on, but injecting testosterone is your only option, and a good one at that. certainly your doc is not up to date on TRT and he should have never attempted to treat you. time to find TRT doc.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by ruffcute View Post
    Ok, havent looked at the SQ injection, hopefullty they are easier than the other ones in the muscle.

    I hope this work well with the gel, but I read somewhere that I may need to take 100ui daily, which would be a bit of a bummer, but managable I guess. I had big time knotting in the muscles with the other stuff
    You do not need to take HCG injections daily. You can if you choose but it's absolutely not necessary. Three times per week would be perfect, IMHO.
    AlterEdge78 likes this.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Bio-Identical testosterone shuts down LH production.
    Injecting HCG mimics LH to keep your boy down there functioning.
    HCG by itself will shut down LH production. Feedback mechanism. Your body senses it doesn't need it. Same with T.
    HCG by itself will raise T levels but it's not bio-T. It's not a means to an end.
    If your T is low replace it with T and add hcg as Brett said above. Try SQ injections. Simple and easy.
    why do you say hcg is not a means to an end if it's not bio t? many people go on hcg mono and feel better

  9. #9
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    why do you say hcg is not a means to an end if it's not bio t? many people go on hcg mono and feel better

    What results on this site showed a guy going from 225 test to 888 test on hcg alone?

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    If it works for you fine, I personally don't feel it's a long term treatment, IMHO. Neither do most top doc's or it would be mainstream.
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by dreadnok89 View Post
    What results on this site showed a guy going from 225 test to 888 test on hcg alone?
    dread, ive heard of guys doing that with hcg and clomid even. there is a guy i used to talk to on fb..spencer morris(lowtguy on youtube) he was on hcg mono and went from like 319 to 800. for young guys with functioning balls, there is no reason why hcg cant bring them to normal ranges.

    shippen uses clomid or hcg protocols so im not sure why kel thinks top docs dont do it....even crisler said hcg is the method of choice despite not producing the same effects. also puts guys on hcg and clomid....there are also guys on this site doing hcg mono.

    kel, i like your posts, and dont mean this in a bad way, but it'd be more helpful to explain WHY you dont think hcg mono is good instead of just stating it isnt good. im considering it too.

  12. #12
    AlterEdge78's Avatar
    AlterEdge78 is offline Junior Member
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    If your on a testosterone gel like me here is my protocol.
    Testim(1%) testosterone gel-1 tube daily
    Aromasin 12.5 mg EOD
    HCG 100 iu daily per Dr.Crislers protocol for men in testosterone transdermals

    Before the gel, my test level sat about 200. With gel increased to around 800. Adding in hcg brought me up to a little over 1100. I didn't always follow the protocol for injecting the hcg. Sometimes I split it up and only inject a couple of times a week. Plus why waste the extra syringes if you don't have to. I also read up on hear about someone who preloads their hcg into the needles, freezes them, and takes out one and let's it thaw a couple minutes before use. This saves a little in the hcg since the shelf life is 30-40 days roughly. It will take longer to use up depending on your dosing and size batch you make up. I do this method all the time and love it. Oh, and before the hcg my sperm count was almost non existent and I hit shutdown hard, now my balls are huge, and ill have a baby here this January.
    Last edited by AlterEdge78; 09-25-2013 at 10:34 PM.

  13. #13
    NWIron is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ruffcute View Post
    Lets start off with my history, I have had to have one of my teestis removed due to it being undecended, when they tested they found that it wasnt doing much for me anyway.

    After the surgery my test results showed that I was on the bottom of the range on my Testosterone tests, even though my LH and FHS were good.

    I got on TRT and took Sustanon 250 every 2 weeks. Doctors kept telling me the TRT didnt have anything to do with the sperm production as me and my wife were trying to get pregnant.
    Anyway they realised that it did.

    The now
    I came off TRT and my sperm levels returned back to normal and she is now pregnant, I want to get back to TRT but want to carry on having kids and dont want to risk a shutdown in my system as you never know it could be permanant.

    In the past I have been recommended that I should have used HcG to keep my sperm. What do you think are the treatment options that are available to me with what I want to do.

    Can I just be on HcG by itself to increase testosterone , and is that a long term solution?

    I dont particularly want to muscle inject again so want to stay away from the heavy stuff and use gels.
    how long were you on TRT?

  14. #14
    61er's Avatar
    61er is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ruffcute View Post
    Ok, havent looked at the SQ injection, hopefullty they are easier than the other ones in the muscle.
    You can use 31 gauge insulin needles. They are so thin that half the time I feel absolutely nothing at all.

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