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  1. #1
    Nofate is offline New Member
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    16 my log!

    Going to use this thread to post about my experience with since there doesn't seem to be much reviews of them out there.

    First some background: I am 38, 5'11", 201lbs, approx 18%bf. I have been lifting on and off for the past 13 years with the last 4 years being 5 days a week routine. I have some digestive issues but in otherwise good health.

    With that being said, the past few years I noticed a steady decline in stamina, mental clarity, focus, drive, libido, loss in muscle, growing spare tire, etc etc.. my breaking point was when it became a chore and I lost nearly all interest.

    At this point after researching what I could do on my very limited budget I ran across this site and

    After doing alot of research but not finding much good or bad about them, I decided to call them and pick their brains a bit. Over the course of several weeks I spoke to Justin and another rep there whos name escapes me. Each time they were very helpful in all of my questions and concerns. Neither tried to push the service on me. At this point I decided to take a chance and go ahead and sign up with them.

    I am only 1 week in but so far everything has flowed very smoothly. Within minutes of signing up with them over the phone I received the blood work req. form and a login account to their site with all of the medical forms to go over.

    I had the bloodwork done the following day which also went smoothly (got lucky and there was no line, in and out in less then 5 minutes)

    The Test results just came back today:

    Total T: 490 (348-1197 ng/dl)
    Free T: 10.1 (8.7-25.1)

    early this morning there was a email from saying I was approved and they will be contacting me shortly. I had to leave soon and would be away from the phone so I decided to call them first and get the ball rolling asap.

    The receptionist provided all the info with for the doctor I would be seeing and answered all of my initial questions and was very pleasant to talk to. Spoke to Justin once more about the bloodwork results.

    Called the Doctor and had an appointment setup for Thursday, but in the middle of writing this they just called me back and had a cancellation and I now have it for tomorrow at 9am .

    So far I have been very impressed with the service. The real test will be in meeting with the doctor and what protocol he sets me up with along with the delivery from the pharmacy and how this hopefully changes my life for the better.

    I will post back here again after the docs visit.

  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    welcome here Nofate, and thanks for sharing your experience with LowT, and thanks for breaking your post into paragraphs , makes it easy to ready. we look forward to hear more from you regarding you health, I am sure it will get better. remember, TRT is not a magic pill, it takes time to get dialed in, so be patient and enjoy the ride! keep us posted.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Welcome and nicely written!
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  4. #4
    EverettCD's Avatar
    EverettCD is offline Member
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    Welcome. Again, it's great to see a well written post for a change.

    It sounds like is treating you well so far. Keep us posted.

  5. #5
    64509chvl's Avatar
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    They do get things rollin nice & smooth...very simple for new clients! I actually started up with them about 4 months ago & ended up backing out a week into treatment, lol!

    Had a couple things come up that got me all nervous (accidental find...3mm brain anneurism). So i waited, had it checked 3 months later & it hasnt grown any...who knows how long its been there. So also in that 3 months, I had my PC run a couple other tests just to rule any other possibilities out that could be aiding in my symptoms. Did a sleep apnea test aswell.

    So i feel pretty good about jumpin back on board! Actually called today & Justin got it all rollin again...just have to touch base with the physician again & start treatment again, for good this time!

    Seems like a great outfit these guys...pretty cool thing cause my provider (Kaiser) wont do anything for me since I'm still just barely in range! I think I'm better off with the LowT crew anyhow!

    Great 1st post bud...lookin forward to your progress!

  6. #6
    Widedomain is offline New Member
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    I started out with a well advertised Testosterone clinic in Dallas. Initial Test was 117 & FT 2.25 which sucks for a 50yo dude! I quickly found out the Dallas clinic was pretty much a profit center... weekly shots in the butt from a pretty nurse & 5mins of a quick how do you do from the PA , all for $105/wk.

    I contacted and was impressed with the service level and competitive pricing. They accepted me and connected me with a great Doctor in Houston. I have nothing but high praises for the service and commitment to a reasonable low cost program for guys like us!


  7. #7
    redhawk01's Avatar
    redhawk01 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nofate
    Going to use this thread to post about my experience with since there doesn't seem to be much reviews of them out there.

    First some background: I am 38, 5'11", 201lbs, approx 18%bf. I have been lifting on and off for the past 13 years with the last 4 years being 5 days a week routine. I have some digestive issues but in otherwise good health.

    With that being said, the past few years I noticed a steady decline in stamina, mental clarity, focus, drive, libido, loss in muscle, growing spare tire, etc etc.. my breaking point was when it became a chore and I lost nearly all interest.

    At this point after researching what I could do on my very limited budget I ran across this site and

    After doing alot of research but not finding much good or bad about them, I decided to call them and pick their brains a bit. Over the course of several weeks I spoke to Justin and another rep there whos name escapes me. Each time they were very helpful in all of my questions and concerns. Neither tried to push the service on me. At this point I decided to take a chance and go ahead and sign up with them.

    I am only 1 week in but so far everything has flowed very smoothly. Within minutes of signing up with them over the phone I received the blood work req. form and a login account to their site with all of the medical forms to go over.

    I had the bloodwork done the following day which also went smoothly (got lucky and there was no line, in and out in less then 5 minutes)

    The Test results just came back today:

    Total T: 490 (348-1197 ng/dl)
    Free T: 10.1 (8.7-25.1)

    early this morning there was a email from saying I was approved and they will be contacting me shortly. I had to leave soon and would be away from the phone so I decided to call them first and get the ball rolling asap.

    The receptionist provided all the info with for the doctor I would be seeing and answered all of my initial questions and was very pleasant to talk to. Spoke to Justin once more about the bloodwork results.

    Called the Doctor and had an appointment setup for Thursday, but in the middle of writing this they just called me back and had a cancellation and I now have it for tomorrow at 9am .

    So far I have been very impressed with the service. The real test will be in meeting with the doctor and what protocol he sets me up with along with the delivery from the pharmacy and how this hopefully changes my life for the better.

    I will post back here again after the docs visit.
    Good to hear. One question though, if you're in normal range at 490, why would you still qualify for TRT? Is it because they're a specialty clinic, versus a normal doc's office, that go by the ranges set by the medical field? Because if I'd gone in at 490, I'd get kicked out of the office.

    I'm at 550 now. I wonder if I would qualify at lowT.

  8. #8
    system admin is offline Owner
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    Great feedback guys! The staff I have brought on to run this operation is whole heartedly committed to the well being of our clients and I will be sure to pass this on to them!


    We will have a Dallas location up and running by next week, so next year when you have your next visit (assuming you live in Dallas from your post), you can be transfered over to the Dallas location with ease (IF you want to change doctors). Our clients seem to love our Houston Doc


  9. #9
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by redhawk01 View Post
    Good to hear. One question though, if you're in normal range at 490, why would you still qualify for TRT? Is it because they're a specialty clinic, versus a normal doc's office, that go by the ranges set by the medical field? Because if I'd gone in at 490, I'd get kicked out of the office.

    I'm at 550 now. I wonder if I would qualify at lowT.
    Our physicians follow the Harvard Protocol. This examines both Total and Free Testosterone . If you have Total Testosterone in the often stated "Normal Range" you can still have low testosterone if your Free levels are low. Based on the numbers Nofate posted, that's why he qualified to see the doctor. A Free level of 10.1 is extremely low and would cause any man to have low testosterone symptoms. You could have Total levels of 800+ and still have every symptom of low levels due to a low Free number; in fact, I've seen 800+ Total numbers with single digit Free levels more than once.

    Regardless of who you go to for your low testosterone treatment, you want to find a doctor that considers both Free and Total levels. From there you want a doctor that understands the importance of balancing both Testosterone and estradiol. In many ways TRT is not difficult medicine but it can be very difficult to find a doctor that understands it.

  10. #10
    system admin is offline Owner
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    Well Said!

    BTW, the "normal range" of 300+ was a number given by the insurance companies to decide whether or not to pay for your treatment. That number is NOT the target for what deems who does or who does not need TRT. I think it is a very dangerous and irresponsible measure of when and when not to treat and with Obamacare taking hold today, do NOT expect that to change. If you have levels of 300 or above, 9 times out of 10, you are on your own. Thank goodness there are companies like out there to help. (+1 shameful plug) ;-)


  11. #11
    redhawk01's Avatar
    redhawk01 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Low Testosterone

    Our physicians follow the Harvard Protocol. This examines both Total and Free Testosterone . If you have Total Testosterone in the often stated "Normal Range" you can still have low testosterone if your Free levels are low. Based on the numbers Nofate posted, that's why he qualified to see the doctor. A Free level of 10.1 is extremely low and would cause any man to have low testosterone symptoms. You could have Total levels of 800+ and still have every symptom of low levels due to a low Free number; in fact, I've seen 800+ Total numbers with single digit Free levels more than once.

    Regardless of who you go to for your low testosterone treatment, you want to find a doctor that considers both Free and Total levels. From there you want a doctor that understands the importance of balancing both Testosterone and estradiol. In many ways TRT is not difficult medicine but it can be very difficult to find a doctor that understands it.
    Thanks for explaining.

  12. #12
    Trevtrev's Avatar
    Trevtrev is offline Associate Member
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    Interesting. So is the idea to add test until the Free T is in the upper range, and then as long as Total T is around the 700's (closer to the upper part of the range) the person is usually gtg?

    Do Free t and total t usually track linearly?

    Curious because my Free T is 9.0

  13. #13
    system admin is offline Owner
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    A Free T level of 9 is horrible. You want to be within 20-30 and if you are below 15 you need some help. Your levels do NOT typically run linearly at all. You can have a Total of 900 and a FREE level of 9, your testosterone is bound and is not being used. Hope that helps... We are happy to help if you need us ;-) (+2 Shameful plug)


  14. #14
    Nofate is offline New Member
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    Thank you for the warm welcome everyone, very happy I found this forum. It really sets itself apart from the others with the knowledge and maturity its members have.

    Here is the update from meeting with the doctor for the first time today:

    I was stuck in a traffic and running a bit late but the office was more then accommodating and had no problem letting me see him a bit late. After filling out a few more forms the doc came and got me and I we got down to business.

    He went over my blood records in details, everything besides by balls deciding to take a vacation was on check. A bit high cholesterol but nothing to bad.

    He then proceeded to give me a full physical and after that we spoke for a good hour about my symptoms and treatment options. We settled on starting off easy, 100mg Test C a week. I mentioned that I would like to try HCG along with it and he said sure no problem and said to take 250iu a week to start off with. We both decided no AI right now but if I get any symptoms I can request it right away.

    I was completely cool with no AI unless I need it as I have a history with Arimidex : about 14 years ago in my mid 20's I tried the very first pro-hormone to hit the market Androstenedione and within a few days of taking that crap I had puffy nips and the start of gyno, I convinced my endo at the time to let me try a new drug (this was the late 90's mind you) called Arimidex. After arguing with him a bit he decided to let me use it. I took the full 1mg A DAY for the time there was little info on using it on males..needless to say I came to understand the true meaning of what it is to crash your estrogen. At the time though I just though it was the side effects from a chemo drug and just dealt with it. Fun times....

    So after all these years I am still a bit gun shy of jumping on the AI train but make to mistake if my nips start talking I will be back on it in a second, this time at a fraction of the dose of what I used before of course.

    Overall I was happy with the doctor, he was thorough, answered all of my questions, and dealt with helping me cool some of my concerns about starting trt.

    I will be starting within the next few days after I get everything in order and decide if I am going to to do IM or SC injections (leaning towards 2 x a week SC right now). Once I start, if I can afford it I will try to get blood work every other week to document and track my T and E levels and update it here.
    Last edited by Nofate; 10-01-2013 at 11:47 PM.

  15. #15
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    Glad to hear your visit went well.

    If you would like additional blood work let us know.

  16. #16
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Nofate, remember you can try to mitigate E sides with DIM and Zinc before you jump on adex. And your potential twice per week protocol will help as well. Less injected at one time = less spike in E!
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  17. #17
    64509chvl's Avatar
    64509chvl is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin View Post
    Well Said!

    BTW, the "normal range" of 300+ was a number given by the insurance companies to decide whether or not to pay for your treatment. That number is NOT the target for what deems who does or who does not need TRT. I think it is a very dangerous and irresponsible measure of when and when not to treat and with Obamacare taking hold today, do NOT expect that to change. If you have levels of 300 or above, 9 times out of 10, you are on your own. Thank goodness there are companies like out there to help. (+1 shameful plug) ;-)

    4 months ago my total T came back at 330 2 times within a couple weeks (eating at maintenance), free T at 10...My doc wouldn't do anything for me! A couple weeks ago we pulled blood again to rule anything out & total T was 247...I reminded my doc of all my symptoms & that something has to be done as we ruled everything out (including MRI & sleep apnea, Thyroid ect.). Doc says maybe you do have lowT...I was like, DUH! Lol!

    So now I'm thinking he's on my page & he says OK we'll check Free T, lol! So it comes back at 10 again & his whole attitude changed again...says I'm normal & won't do anything!

    I politely explained to him that I've had it & I'm gettin help even if I have to pay for it. I also told him that I just want him to know what I'm doing & just want his support as he is my PC! Funny thing is, he then mentioned that if something happens down the road & I can't afford the treatment any longer or whatever & I need to stop treatment that I'll be shut down & my levels will def be low enough for them to do something!

    I don't get it, but atleast I don't feel like I'm hiding something from him.

  18. #18
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Sad that there are still dinosaurs out there. You'd think that with all the publicity regarding LowT that they'd make an effort to become a bit more proactive toward self-education in that area.
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  19. #19
    system admin is offline Owner
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    If you have the medication for your treatment, you can easily be advised on how to use that medication to do a restart. (Physician Advised)

    I think your doc is completely in the dark on this issue and I highly recommend using a company that knows what the hell they are doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by 64509chvl View Post
    4 months ago my total T came back at 330 2 times within a couple weeks (eating at maintenance), free T at 10...My doc wouldn't do anything for me! A couple weeks ago we pulled blood again to rule anything out & total T was 247...I reminded my doc of all my symptoms & that something has to be done as we ruled everything out (including MRI & sleep apnea, Thyroid ect.). Doc says maybe you do have lowT...I was like, DUH! Lol!

    So now I'm thinking he's on my page & he says OK we'll check Free T, lol! So it comes back at 10 again & his whole attitude changed again...says I'm normal & won't do anything!

    I politely explained to him that I've had it & I'm gettin help even if I have to pay for it. I also told him that I just want him to know what I'm doing & just want his support as he is my PC! Funny thing is, he then mentioned that if something happens down the road & I can't afford the treatment any longer or whatever & I need to stop treatment that I'll be shut down & my levels will def be low enough for them to do something!

    I don't get it, but atleast I don't feel like I'm hiding something from him.

  20. #20
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Sad that there are still dinosaurs out there. You'd think that with all the publicity regarding LowT that they'd make an effort to become a bit more proactive toward self-education in that area.
    The dinosaur herd is still massive and the endocrinologist and urologist are the tyrannosaurus.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin View Post
    If you have the medication for your treatment, you can easily be advised on how to use that medication to do a restart. (Physician Advised)

    I think your doc is completely in the dark on this issue and I highly recommend using a company that knows what the hell they are doing.
    I'm back with have to meet the new physician in the Sacramento office (diferent doc since I backed out last time). Have an appointment for the 15th as we'll be on vacation for 10 days in Hawaii !

    I do still have my meds from 4 months ago (Test C & HCG ), but I'll just wait & see what the new LowT physician has to say before I start as her protocol may differ from the last physician.

    I completely agree my PC is in the dark...from lurking on this site I believe my basic understanding on this topic exceeds what little knowledge he has on it! I'm not saying I fully understand it...simply trying to get as educated as I can! Hopefully by keeping my PC updated with my progress, he'll start to wake up & maybe light a spark to want to learn more & maybe actually recognize these symptoms in the future!

    Long shot, I know, lol!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Sad that there are still dinosaurs out there. You'd think that with all the publicity regarding LowT that they'd make an effort to become a bit more proactive toward self-education in that area.
    My thoughts exactly! It's too bad that the dinosaurs will need to actually have lowT to actually take the plunge to further educate themselves.

  23. #23
    Nofate is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Low Testosterone View Post
    Glad to hear your visit went well.

    If you would like additional blood work let us know.
    Thanks LT, I will contact you guys shortly, I would really like to do a full T, E, and Shbg workup weekly for the first month or so. The more data points the better and it would be fascinating to see the rise in hormone levels each week as someone new starts TRT, and converted into a easy to read graph for all to see. I think this would be very beneficial to anyone new starting out and just from a data analysis to see what happens during the initial weeks of TRT. Especially since I am doing Sub-Q and there appears to be alot gray area on it. I drive by a labcorp everyday so I could hit them at the same time of the day and same time of the week every week to minimize variables. This data would help shed some light on what happens those first few weeks when someone starts and how the body adjusts.
    Last edited by Nofate; 10-03-2013 at 07:21 AM.

  24. #24
    Nofate is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Nofate, remember you can try to mitigate E sides with DIM and Zinc before you jump on adex. And your potential twice per week protocol will help as well. Less injected at one time = less spike in E!
    Thanks kelkel, I am going to pick some DIM up today and see how that works. Question on it though: Can DIM dry out your joints like pharmacy AI's can?

  25. #25
    Nofate is offline New Member
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    Update: took my first shot yesterday (80mg). I did it on my upper outer thigh. Its a little sore this morning though as I was pretty nervous and pinching the hell out of the skin and using a 5/8" 29ga needle so I think I might have actually gone past the SC layer (went straight in) and didn't realize I was pinching so hard and dancing the needle around so much until I was 3/4ths done. Quite a bit of blood came out. No lumps or anything. Going to switch to 1/2" 29ga and do the belly area at an angle for the next shot I think. I am sure I will get better as I get used to it.

    On a side note: I noticed not all syringes are created equal. The ones with the replaceable tips are very wasteful (got them at walmart....figures). There is almost .05ml that stays in that tip after injection. That winds up being .4ml (80mg) wasted each month if you are injecting twice a week using these type syringes! Waste of money and its like missing an entire shot a month at my dose level.

    I am never going to use those again. At these small dosages we use for TRT, .4ml over the course of a month is a big deal and over the course of the entire bottle, it literally is tossing 10% of your bottle down the drain.
    Last edited by Nofate; 10-03-2013 at 07:18 AM.

  26. #26
    Nofate is offline New Member
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    quick question, are and the same company? I get the impression that is owned and operated by a separate company looking at their site. I only bring this up as alot of people abbreviate and just say instead of and this might be inadvertently pointing people to another company and not the one I am using in this thread.

  27. #27
    64509chvl's Avatar
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    I just realized i kinda hijacked your thread ! Sorry bud, was honestly just relating to ya with starting experiences, lol! Have at it.

  28. #28
    wizarddeath is offline Junior Member
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    If I am having the same thoughts about a well advertised low T place in Dallas, and want to switch to lowTestosterone .com, how would this work? Is it possible? My treatment is still changing here, we have went from 110 - 120 to now 150 weekly.

    The reason why I'm considering switching is due to a some knowledge I was looking for from the Dr, and didn't get. I started on Clomid + test C and still having low sex drive, wanted to switch to HCG to hopefully help with this. The Dr was just like "well if you want to try it you can." I was just throwing out ideas and asked for his opinion and what I should be doing. I wasn't super comfy with his response.

    Also, I have always been interested in knowing exactly what is going on in my life. I am going out of the country for a week so I will miss a weekly shot. They advised they would just double the dose, but when I asked what they were giving me this morning I got "as close to double as we can" - and then advised to just skip my clomid next week......

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