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  1. #1
    Mickel is offline New Member
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    Sep 2013

    Help with Labs please

    A little history. I am 38yo male and been on HRT for 1 year. I have been taking 100mg test cyp. once a week for the entire year and labs have always been in the 900's. The first few months I felt great but the last 3-4 months I have started feeling like crap again. I have been trying since the beginning to get my E2 tested but my doctor and the endo both would not order it. Since I have been feeling bad again this time I demanded the lab which they ordered wrong and I received my total estrogen which was 111 and told me I was in the first 10 days of my menstrual cycle, LOL. I called back and complained since I asked for my E2 estradiol my doctor said he would not take part of treating my HRT anymore, that I would need to go back to the Endo and have them order test and dose me from then on. I called a Urologist that claims to specialize with HRT and asked for the test and an appointment post test. They ordered a standard estradiol test from Quest with a range of 20-47 and I came back <20. I told him that I didnt think that could be correct or maybe that was not the right test. He was a total jerk about it and said my test was to high and I would need to reduce my weekly dose to .75 and life would be all puppies and kittens again.

    I know Testosterone and Estrogen follow each other and am confused how my Estrogen can be that low without an AI with my test going from high 200's to 900's unless I have the wrong blood test or my body is just weird. I have seen three doctors, two Endocrinologists and a Urologist which all seemed very uneducated about HRT. If anyone knows a good HRT doctor in the Portland, Vancouver area I would love to have their name.

    Here are my most recent labs take in the middle of weekly dosing,

    Testosterone 968 range 300-1080
    Prolactin 3.0 range 2.0-13.0
    SHBG 39.9 range 11-80
    Alb 4.4 range 3.5-5.0
    TSH 3.714 range .4-4.6
    PSA .8 range 0.0-4.0
    Estradiol <20 range <20-47
    Total estrogen 111 range less then 200
    Glucose 86 range 70-99
    HDL cholesterol 52 range>39
    LDL cholesterol 121 range <100
    Cholesterol 186 range 50-200
    Trig for lipid pnl range 35-160
    TC/HDL ratio 3.6

    I have complete blood count with auto diff which all came back normal and is a lot of numbers.

    Thanks for your help

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Sorry to hear about your doctor struggles. You are not alone. You need to get an E2 Sensitive assay as you well know. What you had done really tells us nothing. Take a look at private md labs .com (broken apart due to site filter) and see if they are in your area. They are inexpensive and no script required. They also use Lab Corp. I can also provide you with the proper codes for Lab Corp's sensitive assay.

    If your doctor situation does not work for you consider in the future. Also if the problem is actually E2 related injecting half the amount twice per week would be beneficial for you.

    Question? What is your height, weight and estimated BF %?

    And welcome to the forum. Be sure to read the sticky threads at the top of the forum (they don't move.)
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  3. #3
    Mickel is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Thanks for the response, I will work on getting another lab from mdlabs and see what I win. I am 5'8", 175, 12-14%bf.

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