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  1. #1
    sjamal1023 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2012

    Lab results in. Please help.

    Hey guys labs just came in. These results came after I did a pct without using steroids for just over a year. I did this pct because I felt like shit for a year. I used tren , test, and anavar for about 8 weeks. My pct was nolva and HCG . Didn't help and I had the symptoms of being tired all the time, loss of focus, loss of sex drive, erectile dysfunction, gyno, fat in stomach area, and no motivation almost ever, not to mention getting emotional for no reason some times. Also I started feeling heart pains super high blood pressure so I haven't worked out in a while.
    So, about a year later I took a pct again. This is how it looked.
    Month 1: nolva 20mg ed, caber .25mg every three days.
    Month 2: nolva 20mg ed, caber .25 mg every third day, clomid 100mg ed, and aromasin 25 mg I think it was ed.

    While I was on this pct, I felt great. Lost fat even and ate mostly whatever I wanted and barely worked out. Heart issues and blood pressure completely subsided.

    Three weeks After stopping useage, the high blood pressure came back and it even scared the shit out of me one day while jogging with three painful heartbeats. I went running a few days ago and this didn't happen... Maybe my body got better and is trying to settle itself? Maybe that nolva causes a bit of an estrogen rebound? Because I'm started to feel less energy again and the loss of sex drive, but the heart issues are dying down. Take a look, any advice is welcomed. I just need to bring that estrodial down. These results came one month 2 months after stopping the pct I just described.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Lab results in. Please help.-image-1665187670.jpg  

  2. #2
    Xaxist's Avatar
    Xaxist is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Wow, I don't know where to start ...
    First of all, don't do HCG when you are not 'on', it will shut down your HPTA.
    Your lab report is too blurry for me to read, can you repost the results somehow?

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