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  1. #1
    titan2013 is offline New Member
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    Gynomastia Help just curious..

    Ok I know a lot of people in here probly know about this so lets just said I was born with gynomastia it wasn't prominent until about age 12 and I was picked on in the locker room and changing and always had a serious issue with it today im 29 and it's still really hard on me. My fiancée likes them and I don't she says whatever makes me happy do it. There not that bad and when my nipples are hard they look normal but it aggravates the hell out of me because when I wear a muscle shirt looks like I have tits so my question is this; I have read about creams pills and all this other BS does any of that crap actually work or is surgery the only way???

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    What's your body fat percentage?

    SERMs have been proven to work on pubertal gynecomastia .

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    titan2013 is offline New Member
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    FLOIRDA!!!!! I THINK???
    My Bf is about 10% I have a very big chest but freaking puffy nipples Austin what would you recommend ill take your advice because I have read a lot of stuff by you and I look up to your work. I really care about my body and try to take good care of it. I don't smoke drink or eat trash.

  4. #4
    titan2013 is offline New Member
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    FLOIRDA!!!!! I THINK???
    Also would you recommend Nolva or Clomid and if so which one and how big of a dosage? And do you think I could get my doctor to prescribe this to me if I explained the reason for wanting to use it?
    Last edited by titan2013; 10-12-2013 at 10:25 PM.

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
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    Go to the SERM section and repost. I thought this was leading to something TRT related. I'll follow up there.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  6. #6
    mockery's Avatar
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    one thing ill never agree with on this boards is trying to prevent gyno for those that have it, once teh breast tissue has formed, it doesn't go away, just get the tissue and glands removed and problem solved for life.

    taking nova and clomid can be far more dangerous then treating it properly and looking for a easy fix is not the way to go since at some point you will have to address it.

    too much false rehashed info on the internet

    and doctors cant prescribe meds like this to male patients.

  7. #7
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    one thing ill never agree with on this boards is trying to prevent gyno for those that have it, once teh breast tissue has formed, it doesn't go away, just get the tissue and glands removed and problem solved for life.

    taking nova and clomid can be far more dangerous then treating it properly and looking for a easy fix is not the way to go since at some point you will have to address it.

    too much false rehashed info on the internet

    and doctors cant prescribe meds like this to male patients.
    None of that is true, Mockery. Gynecomastia can most certainly develop after surgery.

    Studies are readily available for treating pubertal gynecomastia with SERMs. Nothing dangerous about it. Every single study cited no side effects whatsoever.

    And yes, doctors prescribe these drugs everyday....

    Gynomastia Help just curious..-evistae1.jpg

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  8. #8
    mockery's Avatar
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    show me a case with any body builder who has THE BREAST TISSUE totally REMOVED, NOT LYPO and it came back. lymphnod fat isnt gyno.

  9. #9
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    show me a case with any body builder who has THE BREAST TISSUE totally REMOVED, NOT LYPO and it came back. lymphnod fat isnt gyno.
    Relax. No need for caps. Search the forum here, several guys redeveloped after surgery.

    And regarding your first sentence in this thread, you can't prevent something that already exists. So I'm not sure what you meant by that anyway.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  10. #10
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    100's of threads on saying that you can reverse gyno once you have it, just like its only gyno if its behind your nipple. or you need soreness, tenderness/redness for it to be gyno.

    Ask a surgeon who does this for a living where you live, i have a hard time believing someone had proper surgery if they got gyno twice online, online stories tend to be just that , stories.

    IF glandular tissue was fully removed , it cant grow back

  11. #11
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    100's of threads on saying that you can reverse gyno once you have it, just like its only gyno if its behind your nipple. or you need soreness, tenderness/redness for it to be gyno.

    Ask a surgeon who does this for a living where you live, i have a hard time believing someone had proper surgery if they got gyno twice online, online stories tend to be just that , stories.

    IF glandular tissue was fully removed , it cant grow back
    Ok... no sense continuing this anyway. Agree to disagree, on everything.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  12. #12
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    Doctors can't remove all the gland or you will have a cratered chest. The little bit left can be stimulated to grow again. Everyman has glands. Once they become a certain size it can then be called Gynecomastia . It can return. I know people it has returned on.

    I had lipo and incision. I have a little gland left but it's there for contours. Looks great. My PS told me to get dialed in and if any of it returns hell do a free revision. So even he knows it can return.

  13. #13
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    lipo and gyno removal are two different things.

    clearly beating a dead horse here.

  14. #14
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    they go hand in hand when having surgery.

  15. #15
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    To help clear a few misconceptions up - yes, gynecomastia can certainly recur after surgery, despite complete removal of the gland. Austinite isn't spouting nonsense, despite the assertion of your doctor. Usually after the gynecomastia issue is addressed and surgically removed, the patient's hormone levels are better monitored and controlled by a medical professional (or the absence of AAS abuse ensues); thus, gynecomastia does not return. This doesn't mean it cannot.

    Though reformation of gynecomastia will not occur where it once was completely removed, the breast duct radiates as as cone, morphologically speaking, from the base at the chest wall -- the apex at the nipple -- and up through the armpit. The suspensory "Cooper's ligaments" are fibrous-tissue prolongations that radiate across the chest to the skin envelope. Any estrogen, prolactin, and/or progesterone imbalances can, indeed, proliferate the breast duct, despite the removal of previous gynecomastia. A surgeon cannot remove a breast duct if it has yet to develop.

    Regarding jay adams comment, complete removal of the gland is dependent on the surgeon's expertise and physique of the individual. For me, the entire gland could be easily removed without fear of "spooning" or "caving," largely dependent on body fat.

    For anecdotal evidence that gynecomastia CAN return: I'm scheduled for a third gynecomastia removal surgery, with breast tissue growth in completely three different and separate areas in the chest. All three different (plastic) surgeons well versed in gynecomastia removal have purported that breast tissue can and often does return when hormones are imbalanced.
    Last edited by phaedo; 10-14-2013 at 01:06 AM.

  16. #16
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    Wow phaedo. Third surgery. Sorry to hear that. Do you feel like you could've done anything different to help stop the recurrence? I'd hate to have to go under again.

    Thats strange that your PS removed all the gland. I've had Dr. Jacobs, Dr. Pope even Rick Silverman tell me they can't completely remove the gland. Im not saying you're wrong I've just been told that by those surgeons on Gynecomastia .com.

    When do you go in for the third operation? I'm very curious how the third one comes out. Best of luck.

  17. #17
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    the old method taught 20+ years ago was to scoop everything out and removing the fat behind the gland and the gland that's is behind teh nipple. New techniques require removal of teh gland cluster with minor lipo on teh top layer of the fat wall. if you can grab ur nipple and pull it from your gyno, then u dont have to worry about loose skin.

    i work with a leading PS in australia, gyno returns when you dont remove all the glands. Female Patience that have a breast removal dont grow back the glands, why would a male. The glands that attach to the nipple are all in one spot. Older PS and inexperienced ones leave some of teh gland behind for aesthetics purposes or fear of teh skin not being elastic enough to sit on teh pec wall properly post surgery.

    i am sorry, but if you are having multiple gyno surgery, your PS is bad, and you should have both glands removed on both sides even if there is no gyno on the opposite side.

    Seek out PS that uses the newer method of removal, and one that works with steroid abuse patience, regardless if this is your cause of your gyno.

    If you really believe that taking meds made for females that kill bone density in males, cause blindness among other side effects is a better option. be my guest.

  18. #18
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    Scare tactics, appropriate for halloween coming up I guess.

    Apparently Vitamin C causes cancer as well...

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  19. #19
    LowT Mike is offline HRT Specialist, P.A. -
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    In most gyno surgeries many general surgeons and cosmetic surgeons dont like to get the whole gland out because in some males it can create a concave look to the chest. This is why its better to go to a cosmetic surgeon who understands body sculpting and aesthetics. If you have gyno and your E2 has been normal for months and the gyno is still there. Surgery is your only option.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by LowT Mike View Post
    In most gyno surgeries many general surgeons and cosmetic surgeons dont like to get the whole gland out because in some males it can create a concave look to the chest. This is why its better to go to a cosmetic surgeon who understands body sculpting and aesthetics. If you have gyno and your E2 has been normal for months and the gyno is still there. Surgery is your only option.
    Guys, could you please help me out? Week 3 of TRT with lowT . com. Doing pretty good so far, in my opinion. One thing disconcerting to me is that I'm getting a really sore lump under my right nipple, not to mention that they're sensitive and puffy all the time now (erect, sounds silly). I'm not on an AI at this time. My protocol is 100mg split twice a week and 250iu hCH twice a week. I'm 40, 173lbs, 5'10" and pretty low body fat. I had a similar experience when I was 20 and they found the pituitary adenoma. I had the lump and it was because my prolactin was too high and the bromicriptine that I was prescribed took care of it. Jump to present day, the tumor is now a non-functioning tumor and no longer secreting prolactin and since I've started trt I've gotten this painful lump. My 6 wk bw is three weeks away, will it be too late to correct this by then?

  21. #21
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LFH40 View Post
    Guys, could you please help me out? Week 3 of TRT with lowT . com. Doing pretty good so far, in my opinion. One thing disconcerting to me is that I'm getting a really sore lump under my right nipple, not to mention that they're sensitive and puffy all the time now (erect, sounds silly). I'm not on an AI at this time. My protocol is 100mg split twice a week and 250iu hCH twice a week. I'm 40, 173lbs, 5'10" and pretty low body fat. I had a similar experience when I was 20 and they found the pituitary adenoma. I had the lump and it was because my prolactin was too high and the bromicriptine that I was prescribed took care of it. Jump to present day, the tumor is now a non-functioning tumor and no longer secreting prolactin and since I've started trt I've gotten this painful lump. My 6 wk bw is three weeks away, will it be too late to correct this by then?
    Best to start a new thread bud.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  22. #22
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    Same thing happened here. I had gyne removal a few months before starting therapy. Three days after starting therapy I felt the sensitive nips coming on. Scared the shnit out of me. Tell your low T doc your nips are hurting and swelling. He'll/she'll order you an ai right away. At least mine did "thank God".

    The side that had the most sensitivity still doesn't seem completely normal. It took about five days after contacting my doc to get my Anastrozole. Im also lucky cause my plastic surgeon will give me a revision if needed.

    Good luck.

  23. #23
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    the old method taught 20+ years ago was to scoop everything out and removing the fat behind the gland and the gland that's is behind teh nipple. New techniques require removal of teh gland cluster with minor lipo on teh top layer of the fat wall. if you can grab ur nipple and pull it from your gyno, then u dont have to worry about loose skin.

    i work with a leading PS in australia, gyno returns wheen you dont remove all the glands. Female Patience that have a breast removal dont grow back the glands, why would a male. The glands that attach to the nipple are all in one spot. Older PS and inexperienced ones leave some of teh gland behind for aesthetics purposes or fear of teh skin not being elastic enough to sit on teh pec wall properly post surgery.

    i am sorry, but if you are having multiple gyno surgery, your PS is bad, and you should have both glands removed on both sides even if there is no gyno on the opposite side.

    Seek out PS that uses the newer method of removal, and one that works with steroid abuse patience, regardless if this is your cause of your gyno.

    If you really believe that taking meds made for females that kill bone density in males, cause blindness among other side effects is a better option. be my guest.

    What AI causes blindness? Also your bone density is hindered only if continually crash your estrogen repeatedly or keep it low. If you run high estrogen get it into normal male range none of what said matters

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