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  1. #1
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Anyone experience this while lowT

    Guys on TRT or anyone who has experienced low T or hormonal issues. Low or high estrogen or whatever youve dealt with.

    Has anyone experienced a complete flat line of emotions. Inability to feel pleasure or joy in ANYTHING 24/7 and basically an unreactive emotionless mood? I have low T and E2, and Ive been trying to sort out what to do but Im wondering if others have experienced this or if I need to seek another direction for help besides hormones. Also if you have, did TRT bring emotions/vitality back?

    Been on a wild goose chase for 6 months trying to educate myself on hormones and trying to fix it by fixing that, but starting to dawn on me no one really describes low T or other hormone issues this way. If you do let me know!

    Last edited by PJS19; 10-31-2013 at 08:45 PM.

  2. #2
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    definitely, not sure if it was when I had low E, I think it was but I just don't GAF about anything. When my Low E is coupled with low T I was irritable as hell and wouldn't get sad or happy when I should, only angry, and just become a very negative person.
    Fixing these hormones definitely helped. For example, my T and E were low and I went through a break up and didn't care at all. I started TRT the same week and after getting my T and E up I realized that I actually really care about this woman and grew sad and realized what had happened.
    My point though, is yes getting hormones balanced helps a ton. Too much E though and I'm a cry baby, to little and I could give a shit if my parents died. It's about finding your own personal sweet spots, although you aren't on trt yet... people always say testosterone makes you agressive and roid rage but I disagree. Maybe for some who can't control their emotions, but for me when my T is low I'm an emotional wreck 24/7 which causes me to be an asshole. When my T is at a good place, I'm pretty dam happy, and very positive to boot
    Last edited by jomamma007; 10-31-2013 at 08:51 PM.

  3. #3
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for that response. Gives me hope that it is fixable. I really think my problem might be low E based. Even though my free T is low now (5.9) total 520)and e2 (7) I had a read a few months ago that had free T at 8.6 total 640 and E2 at 6 and felt the same as I do now. My libido is even lower now though and my joints hurt. I took clomid it shot my T up and my E as well but I didnt feel different at all. But i was told e2 teats arent accurate while on clomid so I dont know if that read was accurate at 76. This all started 7 months ago when I took a product containing epistane and a suicide inhibitor for only 10 days. Matbe I somehow whiped outt my bodys ability to aromatise and it hasnt figured it out yet. No reason why my e2 is still so low. Doctor didnt care because it was in the range which was <29

  4. #4
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    my e2 was 31 on clomid with 630 chances are 76 is not low even when clomid is inaccurate.

  5. #5
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Powerlifterty, I hope thats the case. It means I can still make e2, I just dont know why its so low still.

    Also, nothing changed on clomid, I didnt regain my emotions, despite both T and E rising. I know clomid doesnt seem to fix symptoms just numbers for most people. But it sucks if I basically did this to myself and now have no way out of it, despite only 10 days of the product I used.

    I have a doctor appointment today, I think the plan will be to try a clomid restart with 25 mg eod and not 50mg everyday like last time, and hopefully my system doesnt fall off again after stopping and I will recover after clomid.

  6. #6
    Lockout888 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jomamma007 View Post
    Too much E though and I'm a cry baby, to little and I could give a shit if my parents died.
    I like that analogy.

  7. #7
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    What would a restart do anyway? Why even touch chlomid? What were you using for 10 days? You can't put chlomid and testosterone in the same bracket for hrt. Chlomid is a notorious estrogen spiker. I can't believe how many people I know that take it and sag they cry like a baby or they are very emotional, no shit its your estrogen getting hi! Not saying you pj , just people I know. The funny thing about E is you don't need a lot of it to be optimal. I don't like using AI that straight kill estrogen. I try to use aromas or exestamane.

  8. #8
    sfw is offline New Member
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    balancing estrogen and testosterone is a tricky situation. Like others have said you either don't give a crap or you can be your girlfriend. I had to find the right balance and searched the internet for answers...damn you can get lost out there. Then I googled for doctors who made it there mission to help guys like us. I found Thomas O'connor, the metabolicdoc. I did a consult on the phone with my previous labs. He suggested some others and we got the big picture. Now I'm under his care for trt and never felt better! My energy is back, moods are great and not to mention the libido.

  9. #9
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dreadnok89 View Post
    What would a restart do anyway? Why even touch chlomid? What were you using for 10 days? You can't put chlomid and testosterone in the same bracket for hrt. Chlomid is a notorious estrogen spiker. I can't believe how many people I know that take it and sag they cry like a baby or they are very emotional, no shit its your estrogen getting hi! Not saying you pj , just people I know. The funny thing about E is you don't need a lot of it to be optimal. I don't like using AI that straight kill estrogen. I try to use aromas or exestamane.
    Well Im trying to restart my natural production. If it doesnt work, then Ill probably just have to go on TRT even though im 23. My T levels are back down in the 300s. And I'd give anything to be "very emotional" haha. I havent truely felt an emotion in 7 months and it is the worst thing imaginable. Im sure it isnt all hormone based at this point. And the product I was using was a prohormone called "arime stage 5 pct" had low dose epistane and an "suicidie inhibitor". Chances are this restart isnt going to work, but I need to try it before I commit to decades of TRT.

  10. #10
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    Dude, it has been night and day regarding emotions after going on TRT. I was a rollercoaster to a flatline and back before TRT. A year and a half later, I feel like a new man. It took about a year to really settle in with TRT (even being diligent with protocol), but it is one of the best decisions I've ever made. I was 36 YO when I started TRT.

  11. #11
    Carloscomacho is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZenFitness View Post
    Dude, it has been night and day regarding emotions after going on TRT. I was a rollercoaster to a flatline and back before TRT. A year and a half later, I feel like a new man. It took about a year to really settle in with TRT (even being diligent with protocol), but it is one of the best decisions I've ever made. I was 36 YO when I started TRT.
    What's your age now, and did you take clomid?

  12. #12
    trigger happy is offline Junior Member
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    I found my mood well being and so on much better everyone has even commented on how much better i am. Possibly a sign that i had low t before this cycle. Getting mid bloods done next week and then i will get them done again when i come off. I am 31 though bit older than 23 but still pretty young for low t

  13. #13
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carloscomacho View Post
    What's your age now, and did you take clomid?
    38 in a month. I did not take clomid.

  14. #14
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Zenfitness, did you have a "eureka" type moment where you were like wow I can feel again? What were your longest spells of experiencing a flat mood. Mines been 7 months so far man its beyond brutal, words cant describe the misery that being "emotionless" is.

  15. #15
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    I honestly can't tell you how long I felt terrible... it was a gradual thing, not all at once. Obsessive and numb, that's how I would describe it. Yes, I had felt better initially on TRT for a couple months then struggled again for a couple more, then felt great for about six, then off for about two, and now I've been good since May. I have a tendency towards low E2, and adding hCG into my protocol in May balanced things out quite a bit for me. In fact, since being on TRT the low E2 is what tends to trigger the low points. Crossing fingers, but I think I dialed it in.

    I did see a therapist early on in TRT for a couple of months, and that certainly helped.

  16. #16
    Tnatious's Avatar
    Tnatious is offline Associate Member
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    Hey PJS19

    I could not imagine how being emotionless for one day much less several months would be!
    I recently stopped my TRT after I received my 4 month BW and found out my TEST was lower than when I started (kid u not) and my estrogen was higher! Talking about messed up:/
    Oh I also recently (3weeks ago) discontinued an SSRI medication- Effexor. I have enough emotion for the both of us!!! Lol. Ex: I woke up Monday, went downstairs to shower before work and started balling crying like a baby!!! Oh and I was laughing at myself and kinda in shock I was doing that! Lol!
    Well I started injections today!!!! I was originally on the cream...and I've also purchased a few Amino Acids you may consider in order to get your head,emotions better?
    If this is way off task then please ignore but I started these amino s/herbs and I'm feeling much better/-) not good yet ... But better:-) its been almost 3 weeks since I stopped taking that EFEXOR! My endo has me taking 5-htp (for serotonin) , Phenylanlanine (not sure if spelled correct) but its a precursor to Adrenaline , L-Dopa (for dopamine)!
    I promise after about 2-3 days I can feel my emotions becoming stable again! Man it sucks thinking your going crazy! What I'm suggesting could ONLY help! May wanna grab those? They r the most expensive vitamins/amino acids I've ever purchased! Ex: L-Dopa $32!!!!!
    My mom has no emotional imbalances or needs anything BUT she agreed to start taki g them with me. .. And she said she loves them:-)

  17. #17
    Machdiesel's Avatar
    Machdiesel is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^ what doasgaes are You using. I use 200mg 5-htp before bed and it's amazing. I fall asleep quicker, deeper sleep, and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go. No more looking looking at the clock just wanting to stay in bed all day

  18. #18
    Machdiesel's Avatar
    Machdiesel is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^ I also read when using 5-htp you need to add tyrosine, is this true?

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