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  1. #1
    LFH40's Avatar
    LFH40 is offline Associate Member
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    Dietary Fat and TRT

    Hi guys,
    Rather odd question-
    Brief background: 40 years old, 5'10", 165 lbs pre-TRT. 433 total and 6 free test at initial labs. 10mm pituitary adenoma contributing to deadened pituitary function. Prior to inital labs by one month was tested at 192 total T.

    I exercise with weights and cardio eod. My diet was 50p/30c/20f macros for several months till I dropped body fat and then went to a 40/40/20 maintenance ratio.

    I am almost certain that my restricted calories and lack of enough dietary fat in my diet contributed directly to the 192 total test figure. After I received that result, I added in healthy dietary fats, e.g. coconut oil, avacado, natural peanut butter, grass fed butter, and 5000iu vitamin D3 daily. My low t labs from LabCorp again were at 433 (however free was still only 6.)

    QUESTION: Now that I'm actually on testosterone replacement , can I drop back down to the lower fat without my testosterone going down or will it affect it? My issue is that I'm recovering from a shoulder injury and I'm not working out as hard right now and I'm picking up weight and bodyfat. I'm hovering around 180 and 12-14% bodyfat. I was about 8% when I was cutting the body fat during the summer. Would the injections work the same if I cut down on the dietary fat? I don't mean cutting it out completely, but I added a whole lot into my diet pre-TRT in an attempt to raise my testosterone, which it DID, however it doesn't mean "diddly poo" (as Jim Mora would say) if my free T is still in the dumper. Just not liking this extra body fat I'm starting to carry.

    Sorry for the length of the post, but wanted to give the background before just asking away. Thanks!!

  2. #2
    LFH40's Avatar
    LFH40 is offline Associate Member
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    98 views and not one reply?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I am assuming you are on shots or gels...

    Since you are on TRT, your body is shut down. Your diet won't affect your testosterone production since your body isn't producing.

    Now if you are using hCG with your shots or gels, your body is still producing. However, the majority of your testosterone is coming from the shot or gels. A diet change may have a small impact on your testosterone production however the overall effect to your testosterone levels will be minor.

    Just my opinion.

  4. #4
    LFH40's Avatar
    LFH40 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    I am assuming you are on shots or gels...

    Since you are on TRT, your body is shut down. Your diet won't affect your testosterone production since your body isn't producing.

    Now if you are using hCG with your shots or gels, your body is still producing. However, the majority of your testosterone is coming from the shot or gels. A diet change may have a small impact on your testosterone production however the overall effect to your testosterone levels will be minor.

    Just my opinion.
    Sorry, yes, I'm on 100mg of Test Cyp per week and 250iu x2 per week hCG. Thank you for your input. I'm tweaking the diet again. I'm going to go back to a 50/30/20 split and drop my calories back down to around 2000cal per day. I need to drop some of this body fat that I've acquired over the last couple months. I was in a bulk when I found out I had low testosterone . I sort of felt sorry for myself and let the bulk turn into a junky bulk and I picked up some unwanted weight since August. I am not too far gone where I can't drop it back off again with some dilligence and a healthy diet. I think I overdid it on the healthy fats and the extra calories from the fat ended up working against me and now I'm stuck here almost not fitting into 32 waist jeans anymore after I worked so hard to get the gut gone.

    I just didn't want to cut the healthy fats out TOO much and have that mess up my TRT. So long as I know I can drop some of that and still keep my test levels up with TRT then I can go back to my 50/30/20 and drop calories for a bit.

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